Compiling ./reconfig-all ./config-C

  • Thread starter jelanier
  • Start date
In summary, the conversation discusses the process of compiling an app from source and whether it is necessary to run the ./reconfig-all script every time a change is made. It is mentioned that the package gb.jit is disabled and that the problem may be found in log files. It is also advised to inspect the ./reconfig-all script and only call the necessary commands.
  • #1
I am compiling an app from source and have a question. I first run ./reconfig-all (takes 1.5 hours) then I run ./configure -C. After this I see one of the packages is disabled. If I find the problem, do I have to go through this reconfig-all every time I try something new?

(In this example the package that is disabled is gb.jit. The requirement for this is llvm-3.1. It is installed.)

Where will I find hints of the problem? log files? BTW the package is Gambas3.3.4


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  • #2
Hi jelanier! :smile:

The short anwer is: probably not.

The purpose of a ./reconfig-all script is usually to generate a ./configure script.
The purpose of the configure script is to prepare your project for a platform-dependent build, and also to specify which options you want to have.
After that you usually have to run "make all".
If you want to verify the build, you can usually use "make check" or "make test".
And finally, you can use "make install" to install it (usually needs root privilege).

To enable a package, you probably won't have to run ./reconfig-all.
But you will need to rerun ./configure with some option to enable the package.
Try ./configure --help or ./configure -h to find out what you should do.
And after that rerun "make all".

But... if it does not work for some reason, you will need "rm -rf" and redo everything. ;)
(Read the error messages carefully before you do.)

Hint: inspect the ./reconfig-all script.
Usually it contains only a couple of lines.
If it contains a line with a call to automake, it may suffice if you only call that one again.

FAQ: Compiling ./reconfig-all ./config-C

1. What does "compiling ./reconfig-all ./config-C" mean?

The command "compiling ./reconfig-all ./config-C" is used to compile a set of source code files in order to create a new executable program. The "./reconfig-all" indicates the name of the script or program used to configure the compilation process, while "./config-C" specifies the name of the configuration file to be used.

2. How do I use the "compiling" command?

To use the "compiling" command, you will need to have a set of source code files that you want to compile. You will also need to have a compiler installed on your computer, such as GCC or Clang. Once you have the necessary files and compiler, you can use the "compiling" command to create an executable program from your source code.

3. What is the purpose of "./reconfig-all" in the "compiling" command?

The "./reconfig-all" component of the "compiling" command is used to configure the compilation process. This may include specifying compiler options, linking external libraries, or setting other variables that are necessary for the compilation to be successful.

4. Can I use the "compiling" command on any type of source code?

The "compiling" command can be used on a variety of source code, including C, C++, Java, and more. However, the specific commands and steps may vary depending on the programming language and compiler being used. It is important to consult the documentation for your specific compiler to ensure that you are using the correct commands and options for your source code.

5. Can the "compiling" process fail?

Yes, the "compiling" process can fail if there are errors in the source code or if the compiler is unable to properly interpret the commands and options given. It is important to carefully review any error messages and consult the documentation for your specific compiler to troubleshoot and resolve any issues that may arise during the compilation process.
