Complementarity with single slit diffraction

In summary, the conversation discusses the concept of complementarity in quantum mechanics, where it is not possible to measure both wave and particle properties of a particle at the same time. However, in a standard double slit experiment, the detector measures both particle and wave properties simultaneously. This is also true for a single slit experiment. The theory that explains this is Quantum Mechanics. Despite being referred to as "dustbin of history," QM is able to explain the behavior of particles as both waves and particles. The detector only detects the particle at a specific position, but this position is influenced by the wave. It is not possible to measure the wave property of a particle without also detecting the particle itself.
  • #1
Sometimes I see complementarity explained as being not able to measure any wave and particle property at the same time. But it looks like in a standard double slit experiment the detector measures both particles as the interference, so the wave. The same with a single slit. If a photon is detected outside the centre of the detector, this can only be explained by both particle and wave (diffraction) properties. Of course it is not possible to measure all properties of wave and particle at the same time, but it seems to be possible for some.
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  • #2
The theory that explains both is - wait for it - its a biggie - Quantum Mechanics.

This wave particle stuff, ever since Dirac came up with his transformation theory, which is generally what goes by the name of Quantum Mechanics today, about 1927, has been consigned to the dustbin of history.

It not a particle, it's not a wave, its quantum stuff that obeys the laws of QM.

Exactly how does QM explain it - check out:

  • #3
I know, but my question is: does the detector show (some) wave and particle properties at the same time?
  • #4
DParlevliet said:
I know, but my question is: does the detector show (some) wave and particle properties at the same time?

No. The detector picks up just a point of detection: so it looks like a particle at the detector.

But at the slits it acts like a wave.

PS: I don't care for the "dustbin of history" characterization given above. At the experimental level things appear as particles or waves in their interactions. When I carry out my electron diffraction experiments the electrons operate as waves while passing through the crystal, and as particles when absorbed by the detector. The same with the photons from my laser.
  • #5
But the detector does not only detect the particle, it also detects it at a certain position. This position is determined by the wave. It measures not the whole wave, but the effect of the wave. So anyway shows the presence of the wave (property).
  • #6
Or another question: is it possible to measure the wave (property) of a photon without the particle?

FAQ: Complementarity with single slit diffraction

1. What is Complementarity with single slit diffraction?

Complementarity with single slit diffraction refers to the phenomenon where a single slit is used to diffract light, and the resulting diffraction pattern is complementary to the pattern produced by a double slit interference. This means that the bright and dark fringes in the diffraction pattern correspond to the dark and bright fringes in the interference pattern, respectively.

2. How does complementarity with single slit diffraction occur?

Complementarity with single slit diffraction occurs because the single slit acts as a source of coherent light waves, just like a double slit. The waves diffracted through the single slit interfere with each other to produce a diffraction pattern, but they also interfere with the waves from the other slit to produce an interference pattern. The two patterns are complementary because the interference pattern is a result of the superposition of two waves, while the diffraction pattern is a result of the single slit acting as a source of coherent waves.

3. What is the relationship between the width of the slit and the diffraction pattern in complementarity with single slit diffraction?

The width of the slit directly affects the diffraction pattern in complementarity with single slit diffraction. A wider slit will produce a narrower diffraction pattern, while a narrower slit will produce a wider diffraction pattern. This is because the narrower the slit, the more diffraction occurs, resulting in a wider pattern.

4. Can complementarity with single slit diffraction be observed with different types of waves?

Yes, complementarity with single slit diffraction can be observed with different types of waves, including light waves, sound waves, and water waves. As long as the waves are coherent and can diffract through a single slit, the phenomenon of complementarity will occur.

5. What practical applications does complementarity with single slit diffraction have?

Complementarity with single slit diffraction has various practical applications, such as in optical devices like diffraction gratings and spectrometers. It is also used in experimental setups to demonstrate the wave nature of light and other types of waves. In addition, the phenomenon is important in understanding and analyzing diffraction patterns in different fields of science and engineering.
