Complete Hill Sphere Derivation: Learn the Equation and its Derivation Process

In summary: The Lagrange point formulas are available on the website linked in the summary, and the Hamiltonian is demonstrated by computing it for a restricted 3 body problem. The first link in the summary also has a discussion of the Hill sphere.The Hill sphere is a model of the Solar System that was proposed by John Hill in 1845. It is used to explain the distribution of mass in the Solar System, and to predict the location of the Lagrange points.Chaos theory is a branch of mathematics that deals with the behaviour of systems that are far from equilibrium. It has applications to physics and chemistry, and is used to study the behavior of systems that are not in equilibrium.The Hill sphere is related to
  • #1
I've been really looking but can't seem to find a complete derivation of the Hill/Roche Sphere equation: r[h] = a(m/3M)^(1/3)" and I havn't been able to find another across the entire internet (aside from one on's "See what's inside" book feature which wasn't finished).

I would really appreciate it if anyone could explain how it's derived or point me to a place that might do so.
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Astronomy news on
  • #2
Hill's Equations and Hill Sphere

See Section 3.13 of Carl D. Murray and Stanley F. Dermott, Solar System Dynamics, Cambridge University Press, 1999.
  • #3
Yes, thank you. However, that is the one I was talking about from's "See what's inside" feature. It shows me a derivation but does so while referring to equations found elsewhere in the book that arn't visible without me buying it.

If there is another place you could refer me to (especially one that doesn't require money) I would greatly appreciate it.
  • #4
Can't you get it from your local university library?

BTW, this shows why anyone mentioning a book should take the time to say which book :rolleyes:
  • #5
I'm sorry, my University's library system does not have it (thanks for the idea though, I just checked). There isn't another library system I can easily access at the moment. If you could suggest another option that would be great, especially one that doesn't require buying or obtaining a particular textbook.

I'm suprised it's not somewhere on the internet, I was hoping there was some place I hadn't checked, or that it would be simple enough for someone to just put the derivation up here. Heck, I'll add it to wikipedia if someone could help me out with this.
  • #6
Tefeari said:
I've been really looking but can't seem to find a complete derivation of the Hill/Roche Sphere equation: r[h] = a(m/3M)^(1/3)" and I havn't been able to find another across the entire internet (aside from one on's "See what's inside" book feature which wasn't finished).

I would really appreciate it if anyone could explain how it's derived or point me to a place that might do so.

Edit: Let me put this one first, it's probably the closest to what you want:

There's some interesting an insightful stuff on the "Interplanetary superhighway" (IPS) (in spite of the dippy sounding name) that takes the chaos theory POV, see for instance This is more advanced than just the Hill sphere, but if you understand all (or most) of it, you'll understand the Hill sphere too.

Now for the rest of what I said:

If you happen to already know that the radius of the Hill sphere is given by the location of the Lagrange points, you can find the Lagrange point formulas at

If you don't know this, you need to know that the Jacobi integral is a constant of motion for the restricted 3 body problem. If you want to demonstrate this, compute the Hamiltonian of the restricted 3-body problem (assuming you know what one is and how to compute it - don't want to be insulting but I don't know your background). See also the first link on the IPS.

Knowing that the Jacobi integral function is a constant of motion, if you pick a specific mass ratio and do some plots like those at, you can demonstrate for specific mass ratio that there is a closed zero velocity surface that does not permit escape for sufficiently high values of J (low values of H, which is a negative number).

Note the similarity of these plots to those on pg 4 of the IPS paper. If you've got a good plotting program, you might want to generate plots like these for yourself.

A more general proof would require some insight into chaos theory. Unstable equilbrium points are the key here, just as they are for the classic inverted pendulum. And L1 and L2 are unstable equilbrium points.You might also want to look at the following PF threads:

(the discussion of the Hill sphere starts about post 16 in the second thread).

None of these is really a complete demonstration, but they might give you some insight.
The Interplanetary superhighway is a more advanced concept that's related to the original Hill sphere idea, basically the idea is that the unstable world tubes of bodies escaping from the Lagrange points can intersect. The abstract even mentions the Hill sphere.
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FAQ: Complete Hill Sphere Derivation: Learn the Equation and its Derivation Process

1. What is the Hill Sphere?

The Hill Sphere, also known as the Roche Sphere, is the region around a celestial body where its gravity dominates over the gravity of any other nearby object.

2. How is the Hill Sphere calculated?

The Hill Sphere can be calculated using the formula: R = a(1-e)(m/3M)^1/3, where R is the radius of the Hill Sphere, a is the semi-major axis of the celestial body's orbit, e is the eccentricity of the orbit, m is the mass of the celestial body, and M is the mass of the object it is orbiting around.

3. What is the significance of the Hill Sphere?

The Hill Sphere is significant because it determines the boundaries of a celestial body's gravitational influence. Any object within the Hill Sphere will be gravitationally bound to the celestial body, while objects outside of it can be influenced by other nearby objects.

4. How does the Hill Sphere affect satellites and spacecraft?

For satellites and spacecraft orbiting a celestial body, the Hill Sphere determines the maximum distance they can maintain a stable orbit without being affected by the gravity of other objects. It also helps determine the minimum altitude for orbiting bodies to avoid atmospheric drag.

5. Can the Hill Sphere change over time?

Yes, the Hill Sphere can change over time due to factors such as changes in the mass or orbit of the celestial body, or the presence of other nearby objects. This can affect the stability of orbits and the potential for collisions between objects within the Hill Sphere.
