Complete metric space can't have a countably infinite perfect space

In summary: Therefore, $P$ cannot be countably infinite.In summary, the proof shows that if a subset P of a complete metric space (X,d) is perfect, then P cannot be countably infinite. This is proven by assuming P is countably infinite and constructing a closed subset of X that contains an element of P, which contradicts the fact that P is infinite and perfect.
  • #1
1. Homework Statement .

Let ##(X,d)## be a complete metric space. Prove that if ##P \subset X## is perfect, then P is not countably infinite.

3. The Attempt at a Solution .

Well, I couldn't think of a direct proof, I thought that in this case it may be easier to assume is countably infinite and arrive at an absurd conclusion but I have "technical"problems with my proof.

So, suppose P is countably infinite. Let's take an arbitrary ##x \in P## and denote it by ##x_1##. Let ##ε_1>0## and consider the ball ##B_1(x_1, ε_1)##. Now, P is perfect, so there must be at least one (in fact, infinite) ##x_2≠x_1## such that ##x_2## is in ##B_1##. Let r be the distance between ##x_1## and ##x_2## and consider the ball centered at ##x_2## of radius ##ε_2=r/2## and denoted by ##B_2##. Again, I can pick another element ##x_3## from ##B_2## because none of the elements of P are isolated. I take ##ε_3## to be r'/2 where r' is the distance between ##x_2## and ##x_3## and take the ball centered at ##x_3## of radius ##ε_3##. Keeping in this way, I construct the ball ##B_n## centered at ##x_n##, of radius ##ε_n=(d(x_{n-1}, x_n))/2##.
Observe that P is a closed metric space in X, so P is also complete. The balls ##B_n## satisfy that ##B_{n+1}## ##\subset B_n##; to see this, take x in ##B_{n+1}## , then, ##d(x,x_n)≤d(x,x_{n+1}+d(x_{n+1},x_n)##... Well, in this part, I got totally stuck, I draw the picture of the balls and it is obvious that the ball B_n is contained in all the previous balls, but I don't know how to prove it formally. So, suppose I could prove that part, then we also have that the diameters of the balls ##δ(B_n)=2ε_n<2ε_1/2^{n-1}##, which tends to 0 when n→∞. Then I am under the hypothesis of Cantor's theorem, which says that given this conditions, there is an ##x \in## X such that for all ##ε>0## ##B_n(x_n,ε_n) \cap B(x,ε)≠0## ##\forall n##. Moreover, the exists ##n_0(ε)## such that ##B_n \subset B(x,ε)##. We can see that this means x must be in an accumulation point of P. Since P is perfect, x has to be in P.

I would love to say that x can't be in P by the way I constructed the balls but I'm not at all sure this is true. I think that I'm not going in the right way doing all these, but were the only ideas I got. Another idea I have is trying to construct a Cauchy sequence in P such that the limit of the sequence is not in P, but again, how can I construct the wanted sequence? Another thing I noticed is that in my previous attempt of a proof I really didn't use the fact that P is countably infinite, I just used the fact that P is infinite and perfect.

Can someone explain me another way of proving the statement or how could I improve this attempt of a proof?
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  • #2
A:Let $x_1,x_2,\ldots$ be a countable infinite subset of $P$. Then $$X\setminus\bigcup_{n=1}^{\infty}B\left(x_n,\frac{1}{n}\right)$$ is a closed subset of $X$, and it must contain an element of $P$ (why?). This contradicts the fact that $x_n\in P$ for all $n$.

Related to Complete metric space can't have a countably infinite perfect space

1. Why can't a complete metric space have a countably infinite perfect space?

A perfect space is a topological space where every point is a limit point of the space. In a countably infinite perfect space, there are infinitely many points that are limit points. However, in a complete metric space, every Cauchy sequence converges to a point in the space. Since there are infinitely many points in a countably infinite perfect space that are limit points, there must be infinitely many Cauchy sequences that converge to different points. This contradicts the definition of a complete metric space, where every Cauchy sequence must converge to the same point. Thus, a complete metric space cannot have a countably infinite perfect space.

2. Can a complete metric space have an uncountably infinite perfect space?

Yes, a complete metric space can have an uncountably infinite perfect space. In this case, there are infinitely many points in the space that are limit points, but since the space is uncountable, there are also infinitely many points that are not limit points. This does not contradict the definition of a complete metric space, as there can still be infinitely many Cauchy sequences that converge to the same point.

3. How does the concept of completeness relate to the existence of a perfect space?

The concept of completeness is closely related to the existence of a perfect space. A complete metric space is one where every Cauchy sequence converges to a point in the space. This means that every point in the space is a limit point, and therefore, the space is perfect. On the other hand, if a space is not complete, there will be Cauchy sequences that do not converge to a point in the space, and thus, the space cannot be perfect.

4. Are there any examples of complete metric spaces that do not have a perfect space?

Yes, there are examples of complete metric spaces that do not have a perfect space. One example is the set of rational numbers with the usual metric. This space is complete, as every Cauchy sequence of rational numbers converges to a rational number. However, it is not perfect, as there are irrational numbers that are limit points, but not in the space itself.

5. Can a countably infinite perfect space be a complete metric space in a different metric?

Yes, a countably infinite perfect space can be a complete metric space in a different metric. The completeness of a metric space depends on the metric chosen, and different metrics can lead to different notions of completeness. For example, the set of real numbers with the discrete metric is a countably infinite perfect space that is also complete in this metric.

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