Completely not understanding moments help

  • Thread starter physicsneek
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In summary, the conversation discusses two questions: one involving a suspended rod and the other involving a plank with two bodies on it. The solutions for the first question are 30.6N and 28.2N, and the solutions for the second question are 417N and 368N. The key to solving these problems is understanding how to draw a free-body diagram and applying the principles of equilibrium. Moments and torque concepts are also important to grasp. The main challenge for the individual is understanding what the questions are asking.
  • #1
there are 2 questions which are driving me insane because I jus don't understand what to do!
I hope that if someone could go through the questions in detail then I'll finally understand how to go about answering.

5. A rod AB of mass 6kg and length 3m has its centre of mass 1.2m from A. It is suspended horizontally from the ceiling by two vertical strings one attached at A and the other at point C where AC is 2.5m. Find the magnitude of the tensions in the strings.

7. A uniform plank AB is 6m long and is resting in a horizontal posotion on two supports at A and B. The mass of the plank is 20kg. A body of mass 30kg is placed on the plank 1m from A and a second body of mass 30kg is placed on the plank 4.5m from A. Calculate the reaction at A and B.

the answers for 5 are 30.6N, 28.2N
the answers for 7 are 417N , 368N

thank you!
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  • #2
The first important step is knowing how to draw a free-body diagram correctly. How are you doing with that?

After the FBD, you just need to apply the principles of equilibrium to generate algebraic equations containing your unknowns, and solve those equations. The equilibrium statements are fantastically powerful tools: you often have three of them available (sum of the forces in the x-direction is zero, sum of the forces in the y-direction is zero, and sum of the moments is zero), and you can apply them in any location of your structure. Part of statics is learning to spot where to apply them most effectively.

Moments take some getting used to, to be sure. The moment is the dot product of the force and the distance vectors, or the product of the force magnitude and the perpendicular distance to the line of force. A torque is just added to the sum of the moments. A sign convention (e.g., clockwise is positive) keeps the sign straight.

Are you up to speed on all of the above?
  • #3
I think my FBF diagrams are correct for the questions, I can usually do those adequately.
I think the main problem is that I have no idea what the questiona are asking me!
  • #4
The tension and reaction values are unknown forces applied to the system.

FAQ: Completely not understanding moments help

What does it mean to "completely not understand moments?"

Moments in science refer to the turning effect of a force, also known as torque. To "completely not understand moments" means to have a lack of understanding of how forces create rotational motion.

Why is understanding moments important in science?

Moments are important in science because they explain how objects rotate, which is crucial in many fields such as physics, engineering, and biomechanics. Understanding moments can help us predict the behavior of objects and design structures that can withstand external forces.

What are the key factors that affect moments?

The key factors that affect moments include the magnitude of the force, the distance from the pivot point, and the direction of the force relative to the pivot point. These factors determine the amount of torque or turning effect created by the force.

How can I improve my understanding of moments?

To improve your understanding of moments, it is helpful to practice solving problems involving forces and moments. You can also visualize moments by using diagrams and real-life examples. Additionally, seeking guidance from a teacher or tutor can also be beneficial.

How are moments used in real-world applications?

Moments have many real-world applications, such as in designing bridges and buildings, analyzing the stability of structures, and understanding the mechanics of human movement. They are also used in the development of tools and machines that rely on rotational motion, such as gears and pulleys.

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