Completeness Property (and Monotone Sequence)

In summary, the book covers the following topics: -An ordered field is said to be complete if it obeys the monotone sequence property-There is a unique complete ordered field called the real number system-Monotone sequence has a definition of an increasing sequence which is bounded above.
  • #1
I am studying Classical Analysis with Marsden book.
At very first chapter it covers sequence, field, etc...

The book has theorems
1."Let F be an ordered field. We say that the monotone sequence property if every monotone increasing sequence bounded above converges."

2."An ordered field is said to be complete if it obeys the monotone sequence property"

3."There is a unique complete ordered field called the real number system."

so I wonder

for 1. as I know monotone increasing sequence has a definition of
A sequence (an) is monotonic increasing if an+1≥ an for all nN

then what about e.g (an) = n , a1=1 a2=2 a3=3 ... ? this sequence is monotonic increasing but not bounded.
contradicts to 1.

In the same reason, according to 2 and 3. Any sequences in real number system has to obey monotone sequence property and it means it has to be bounded. But I can come up with lots of sequence which has real numbers as it's element that explodes.
like (an) = 2n , or Harmonic sequence.

I am pretty sure I have a critical misconception. but don't know what it is. help me please.
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  • #2
KT KIM said:
then what about e.g (an) = n , a1=1 a2=2 a3=3 ... ? this sequence is monotonic increasing but not bounded.
contradicts to 1.
You cannot contradict a definition.
"every monotone increasing sequence bounded above converges."
Your sequence is not bounded, so this sequence is irrelevant for that statement.

"If it rains, the street gets wet" doesn't make any statement about days where it does not rain.
KT KIM said:
Any sequences in real number system has to obey monotone sequence property and it means it has to be bounded.
No. It means "if it is bounded, then it converges".
  • #3
I finally found out that actually I misread it!, Haha sorry, English is not my primary language. I did read like "sequence 'bounded' above converges." , have thought converges is just a noun.
Anyway I really appreciate your help.
Thank you
  • #4
There is another possible trap around.
"... then it converges" should better be read as
"... then it converges and this implies that the limit exists within F".

Otherwise you could find an example of a sequence which is bounded, but does not converge.
E.g. if F = ##\mathbb{Q} ## then ##a_n = \frac{1}{1^2}+\frac{1}{2^2}+\frac{1}{3^2}+ \dots +\frac{1}{n^2}## is bounded, e.g. by ##2##, but it does not converge, because its limit ##\frac{\pi^2}{6}## does not exist in ##\mathbb{Q} ##. However, it exists in ## \mathbb{R}##. Therefore ##\mathbb{R}## is complete, whereas ##\mathbb{Q} ## is not.
  • #5
fresh_42 said:

E.g. if F = ##\mathbb{Q} ## then ##a_n = \frac{1}{1^2}+\frac{1}{2^2}+\frac{1}{3^2}+ \dots +\frac{1}{n^2}## is bounded, e.g. by ##2##, but it does not converge, because its limit ##\frac{\pi^2}{6}## does not exist in ##\mathbb{Q} ##. However, it exists in ## \mathbb{R}##. Therefore ##\mathbb{R}## is complete, whereas ##\mathbb{Q} ## is not.
Really good one it is, Thank you.

FAQ: Completeness Property (and Monotone Sequence)

1. What is the Completeness Property?

The Completeness Property is a fundamental property of the real numbers, which states that every non-empty set of real numbers that is bounded above has a least upper bound (also known as a supremum). In other words, if a set of real numbers has a maximum value, then it is also guaranteed to have a least upper bound.

2. How does the Completeness Property relate to Monotone Sequences?

The Completeness Property is closely related to Monotone Sequences, which are sequences of numbers that either always increase or always decrease. This is because the Completeness Property ensures that any bounded Monotone Sequence must converge to a limit, which is the supremum of the sequence.

3. Can you give an example of a Monotone Sequence and its limit?

One example of a Monotone Sequence is the sequence {1, 1/2, 1/3, 1/4, ...}. This sequence is always decreasing, and its limit is 0, which is also the supremum of the sequence. This means that as we continue to add more terms to the sequence, it will get closer and closer to 0.

4. Is the Completeness Property unique to the real numbers?

Yes, the Completeness Property is unique to the real numbers. This property does not hold for other number systems, such as the rational numbers. For example, the set of all rational numbers that are less than √2 has no least upper bound in the rational numbers, but it does have one in the real numbers (which is √2 itself).

5. How is the Completeness Property used in mathematical proofs?

The Completeness Property is often used in mathematical proofs to show that a sequence or set of numbers has a limit or an upper bound. It is also used to prove the existence of real numbers, such as irrational numbers, which cannot be represented as a ratio of two integers. Additionally, it is a key property in the Intermediate Value Theorem, which states that any continuous function that takes on two different values at two different points must also take on every value in between those two points.
