Complex Analysis: Maximum Modulus Principle

In summary: Keep up the great work!In summary, the minimum modulus principle states that the modulus of an analytic function reaches its minimum value on the boundary of a region, not the function itself. It is possible for both u(x,y) and v(x,y) to reach their minimum values on the boundary of R. Further explanation and justification are needed for the assumptions made in the attempt at a solution. A more relevant counterexample should be provided to support the argument.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let f(z) = u(x,y) + iv(x,y) be a continuous, non-constant function that is analytic on some closed bounded region R. Prove that the component function u(x,y) reaches a minimum value on the boundary of R.

The Attempt at a Solution

By the minimum modulus principle, f(z) reaches its minimum value on the boundary of R. => u(x,y) reaches its minimum value on the boundary of R or v(x,y) reaches its minimum value on the boundary of R (or both). Assume that v(x,y) reaches its minimum value on the boundary of R (and that u(x,y) does not). Then u(x,y) is constant throughout R (since f(z) is bounded on R and hence u(x,y) is bounded on R. I have shown in another problem that if this case arises that u(x,y) is constant). Consider the function exp(z). If u(x,y) is constant then |exp(z)| is constant and hence a contradiction is reached.
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  • #2

Thank you for your post. I would like to provide some feedback and suggestions on your solution.

Firstly, your statement that "f(z) reaches its minimum value on the boundary of R" is not entirely accurate. The minimum modulus principle states that the modulus of an analytic function reaches its minimum value on the boundary of a region, not the function itself. In other words, |f(z)| reaches its minimum value on the boundary, not f(z) itself.

Secondly, your assumption that v(x,y) reaches its minimum value on the boundary of R (and u(x,y) does not) is not justified. It is possible for both u(x,y) and v(x,y) to reach their minimum values on the boundary of R. In fact, this is the case for most analytic functions.

Thirdly, your reasoning for why u(x,y) must be constant if v(x,y) reaches its minimum value on the boundary is not clear. It would be helpful to provide a more detailed explanation or proof for this statement.

Lastly, your example of the function exp(z) does not directly relate to the problem at hand and may be confusing for readers. It would be better to provide a specific counterexample that shows why the assumption that v(x,y) reaches its minimum value on the boundary leads to a contradiction.

Overall, your solution shows potential but could benefit from some clarification and further explanation. I hope my feedback has been helpful and I encourage you to continue exploring and learning about analytic functions.

Related to Complex Analysis: Maximum Modulus Principle

1. What is the maximum modulus principle in complex analysis?

The maximum modulus principle is a fundamental theorem in complex analysis that states that the maximum value of a complex-valued analytic function in a closed and bounded region is attained on the boundary of that region.

2. How is the maximum modulus principle useful in complex analysis?

The maximum modulus principle is useful in proving the existence of solutions to certain boundary value problems and in determining the behavior of analytic functions near singularities. It also helps to establish the uniqueness of analytic functions.

3. Can the maximum modulus principle be extended to functions with multiple variables?

Yes, the maximum modulus principle can be extended to functions with multiple variables. It is known as the maximum modulus theorem and states that the maximum value of a holomorphic function in a compact set is attained at the boundary of that set.

4. What are some applications of the maximum modulus principle?

The maximum modulus principle has various applications in physics, engineering, and other areas of mathematics. It is used in the study of complex dynamical systems, harmonic functions, and potential theory. It also has applications in the design of electrical circuits and control systems.

5. Is the maximum modulus principle a consequence of Cauchy's integral formula?

No, the maximum modulus principle is a consequence of the Cauchy-Riemann equations, which are the necessary and sufficient conditions for a function to be analytic. Cauchy's integral formula is derived from these equations and is not directly related to the maximum modulus principle.

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