Complex Analysis pole-order problem - did I do it correctly?

In summary, Dick thinks that the fastest way to determine if a function is analytic is by trying to find its expansion in a book.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Determine the location of the singularities, including those at infinity. For poles also sate the order.
[tex] f(z) = \frac{1}{(z+2i)^2}-\frac{z}{z-i}+\frac{z+i}{(z-i)^2} [/tex]

Homework Equations

Theorem: If a function ##f(z)## has a zero of nth order at ##z_0##, then the function ##h(z)/f(z)## has a pole of order ##n## at ##z_0##, provided h(z) is analytic at ##z_0##.

The Attempt at a Solution

Singularities exist at z=-2i and z=i, obviously.

To find the pole order, I split up f(z) into 3 functions a(z),b(z) and c(z). One function for each fraction in f(z). Then I use the theorem above to find that a(z) has a pole at -2i of order 2, b(z) has a pole of order 1 at z=i, and c(z) has a pole of order 2 at z=i.

So I figured f(z) has a pole of order 2 at -2i, and one of order 2 at i. I mean, if I were to add the expansions of functions a, b and c around z=-2i, I would get a total laurent series of order 2. If I did the same around z=i, I would get a laurent series of order 2. Did I do it correctly? I'm a bit shaky on this stuff.

Oh, and what are the quickest ways to know that a function ##h(z)## is analytic? Cauchy Riemann conditions? Memorization?
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  • #2
Nikitin said:

Homework Statement

Determine the location of the singularities, including those at infinity. For poles also sate the order.
[tex] f(z) = \frac{1}{(z+2i)^2}-\frac{z}{z-i}+\frac{z+i}{(z-i)^2} [/tex]

Homework Equations

Theorem: If a function ##f(z)## has a zero of nth order at ##z_0##, then the function ##h(z)/f(z)## has a pole of order ##n## at ##z_0##, provided h(z) is analytic at ##z_0##.

The Attempt at a Solution

Singularities exist at z=-2i and z=i, obviously.

To find the pole order, I split up f(z) into 3 functions a(z),b(z) and c(z). One function for each fraction in f(z). Then I use the theorem above to find that a(z) has a pole at -2i of order 2, b(z) has a pole of order 1 at z=i, and c(z) has a pole of order 2 at z=i.

So I figured f(z) has a pole of order 2 at -2i, and one of order 2 at i. I mean, if I were to add the expansions of functions a, b and c around z=-2i, I would get a total laurent series of order 2. If I did the same around z=i, I would get a laurent series of order 1.

Did I do it correctly? I'm a bit shaky on this stuff.

Oh, and what are the quickest ways to know that a function ##h(z)## is analytic? Cauchy Riemann conditions? Memorization?

Yes, that sounds right. You recognize functions to be analytic mostly because they are combinations (sums, products, quotients, compositions etc) of simpler functions that you already know are analytic.
  • #3
You could also have added the fractions. You will obviously get some polynomial over [itex](z+ 2i)^2(z- i)^2[/itex]. Since, as you say "If a function f(z) has a zero of nth order at z0 , then the function h(z)/f(z) has a pole of order n at z0 , provided h(z) is analytic at z0. f will have poles of order 2 at both -2i and i.

However, your statement is not quite correct. If h also has a zero at z0 that will decrease the order of the pole- if the order of the zero in the numerator equals the order of the zero in the denominator, that can even change the pole to a "removable discontinuity".

Here, however, when you add the fractions, your numerator is i(z- 1) which has a 0 at z= 1 but no zero at i or -2i.
  • #4
Hallsofivy: yes, I forgot if h(z_0) is zero the theorem doesn't hold. thanks. But why and how is the order of the pole decreased by the presence of that zero? Also,

You could also have added the fractions. You will obviously get some polynomial over [itex](z+ 2i)^2(z- i)^2[/itex].
How do you know the rational function over ##(z+ 2i)^2## and ##(z- i)^2## are analytic at z=-2i and z=i, respectively? Is it because a rational function can always be regarded as a series expansion (of only 1 term), always?

Dick: Hmm.. That's a good argument. So the expansions of non-analytic functions are combinations of functions which are not analytic? Or non-existent even?Is this the fastest way to find out if a function is analytic - try to find its expansion in a book ?
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  • #5
Nikitin said:
Dick: Hmm.. That's a good argument. So the expansions of non-analytic functions are combinations of functions which are not analytic? Or non-existent even?Is this the fastest way to find out if a function is analytic - try to find its expansion in a book ?

What I mean is that I know sin(3*z^2) is analytic because I know f(z)=z is analytic, so z^2 is analytic because it's the product f(z)f(z) of two analytic functions. Same for 3z^2 because the constant 3 is analytic, so h(z)=3z^2 is analytic. And finally g(z)=sin(z) is analytic, so g(h(z))=sin(3z^2) is analytic because it's the composition of analytic functions. I don't have to try to find its expansion.

What kind of functions are you talking about?
  • #6
So multiplications of analytic functions with each other produce an analytic function? How about dividing? 1/z is not an analytic function on the whole complex plane, yet both 1 and z are.

But how do you know sin(f(z)) or e^f(z) is analytic just because f(z) is? Is it because sin and exp are "analytic" operations or something?

I would appreciate if you could link me to somewhere where this "an analytic function is a composition of other analytic ones" stuff is explained?
  • #7
Nikitin said:
So multiplications of analytic functions with each other produce an analytic function? How about dividing? 1/z is not an analytic function on the whole complex plane, yet both 1 and z are.

But how do you know sin(f(z)) or e^f(z) is analytic just because f(z) is? Is it because sin and exp are "analytic" operations or something?

I would appreciate if you could link me to somewhere where this "an analytic function is a composition of other analytic ones" stuff is explained?

It's just like the 1/z example. If f(z) and g(z) are analytic then f(z)/g(z) is analytic except where g(z) is zero. And all you need to know about compositions is that f(g(z)) is also analytic. So if f(z)=e^z (which I know is an analytic function), then f(g(z))=e^g(z) is also analytic if g(z) is.
  • #8
So you're telling me an arbitrary analytic function f(g) will ALWAYS produce an analytic function when g(z) is also analytic? Do you have some kind of intuitive proof of this?

Could you provide examples of functions which are non-analytic?
  • #9
Nikitin said:
So you're telling me an arbitrary analytic function f(g) will ALWAYS produce an analytic function when g(z) is also analytic? Do you have some kind of intuitive proof of this?

Could you provide examples of functions which are non-analytic?

It's pretty easy to understand. If f(z) is analytic (say at z=0) then you can write it as a convergent power series f(z)=a0+a1*z+a2*z^2+..., then f(g(z))=a0+a1*g(z)+a2*g(z)^2+... and all of the terms in that series are analytic, since products and sums are analytic. The most famous nonanalytic function is complex conjugation. If z=a+bi then f(z)=a-bi is NOT analytic.
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FAQ: Complex Analysis pole-order problem - did I do it correctly?

1. What is the pole-order problem in complex analysis?

The pole-order problem in complex analysis refers to determining the order of a singularity (also known as a pole) of a complex-valued function. A singularity is a point at which a function is not defined or is undefined. The order of a pole indicates how quickly the function approaches infinity at that point.

2. Why is the pole-order problem important in complex analysis?

The pole-order problem is important in complex analysis because it helps us understand the behavior of a function near a singularity. It also allows us to classify singularities and determine if they can be removed through analytic continuation.

3. How do you determine the order of a pole in complex analysis?

The order of a pole can be determined by calculating the Laurent series expansion of the function around the singularity. The order of the pole is equal to the highest power of (z - z0) in the expansion, where z0 is the location of the pole.

4. What are some common mistakes when solving the pole-order problem in complex analysis?

Some common mistakes when solving the pole-order problem include forgetting to check for removable singularities, incorrectly calculating the Laurent series expansion, and not considering the limit of the function as it approaches the singularity. It is also important to be careful with algebraic manipulations when dealing with complex numbers.

5. How can I check if I have correctly solved the pole-order problem in complex analysis?

To check if you have correctly solved the pole-order problem, you can compare your results with known properties of the function and its singularities. You can also plug in different values of z and check if the function behaves as expected near the singularity. If you are unsure, it is always helpful to double-check your calculations and seek guidance from a more experienced mathematician or analyst.

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