Complex and Real Representations, their differences by decomposition

In summary: However, the overall process of finding invariant subspaces remains the same. The only difference is that the irreps for \mathbb{R}^{5} will all be real-valued, whereas the irreps for \mathbb{C}^{5} can be complex-valued. This means that the complex irreps can have more complex structure and can have imaginary components, while the real irreps are more restricted in their form.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Decompose \mathbb{C}^{5}, the 5 dimensional complex Euclidean space) into invariant subspaces irreducible with respect to the group C_{5} \cong \mathbb{Z}_{5} of cyclic permutations of the basis vectors e_{1} through e_{5}.

Hint: The group is Abelian, so all the irreps are one-dimensional. Therefore, you can use the simplified form of the projection operators, with characters.

Further, try to do the same for \mathbb{R}^{5}, insisting that the basis vectors can only be combined with real coefficients. What is the difference between real and complex reps?

Homework Equations

This may be the right projection operator, unsure:
P^{\alpha}=d_{\alpha}\|G| \sum_{g} \chi^{(\alpha)}(g)*O_{g}

The Attempt at a Solution

I am confused by the term decompose, so my attempts have been floundering. I tried to write out the character table for \mathbb{Z}_{5} and I think I succeeded in that, but am unsure if it is needed. The hint about the projection operators served to confuse me more, although I readily understand the part about 1D irreps and Abelian. Is this asking me to construct reps (matrices) using cyclic permutations of C_{5}? If so, how am I supposed to use projection operators in this case to get them; This seems right however.

Any help would be wonderful.
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  • #2

Decomposing a vector space means breaking it down into smaller, simpler subspaces. In this case, we are looking for invariant subspaces, which are subspaces that are preserved by the group action. In this problem, the group C_{5} is acting on the vector space \mathbb{C}^{5} by permuting the basis vectors. Invariant subspaces are subspaces that remain unchanged under this action, so they are spanned by vectors that are fixed by the group action.

To find these invariant subspaces, we can use the projection operators, as suggested in the hint. These operators can be written as P^{\alpha}=\frac{1}{|G|} \sum_{g} \chi^{(\alpha)}(g)*O_{g}, where \alpha is the irrep label, |G| is the order of the group, \chi^{(\alpha)}(g) is the character of the irrep \alpha at the element g, and O_{g} is the operator that corresponds to the group element g. In this case, since the group is Abelian, the irreps are one-dimensional and the characters are simply +1 or -1, depending on whether the group element fixes the vector or not. We can use these projection operators to find the invariant subspaces of \mathbb{C}^{5} by projecting onto the eigenvectors of the group elements.

For example, for the first basis vector e_{1}, the projection operator would be P^{(1)}=\frac{1}{5} \left( 1+1+1+1+1 \right)=\frac{5}{5}=1. This means that the subspace spanned by e_{1} is invariant under the group action, and thus is an invariant subspace. Similarly, for the second basis vector e_{2}, the projection operator would be P^{(1)}=\frac{1}{5} \left( 1-1+1-1+1 \right)=0, which means that the subspace spanned by e_{2} is not invariant and can be decomposed into smaller invariant subspaces.

To find the difference between real and complex irreps, we can repeat this process for the vector space \mathbb{R}^{5}. In this case, since the basis vectors can only be combined with real coefficients, the projection

FAQ: Complex and Real Representations, their differences by decomposition

What are complex representations?

Complex representations are mathematical representations of complex numbers, which contain a real part and an imaginary part. They are often used to describe physical phenomena that involve oscillations or rotations.

What are real representations?

Real representations are mathematical representations of real numbers, which only contain a single real value. They are often used to describe physical phenomena that involve linear motions or static quantities.

What is the difference between complex and real representations?

The main difference between complex and real representations is the number of dimensions they have. Complex representations have two dimensions, while real representations have only one. This means that complex representations can describe more complex and dynamic phenomena, while real representations are better suited for simpler and more static phenomena.

What is decomposition in the context of complex and real representations?

Decomposition in the context of complex and real representations refers to breaking down a complex representation into its real and imaginary parts. This allows for a better understanding and analysis of the representation and its corresponding physical phenomenon.

Why is it important to understand the differences between complex and real representations?

It is important to understand the differences between complex and real representations because they have different applications and uses in the scientific world. Understanding their differences can help scientists choose the most appropriate representation for their specific research or experiment. Additionally, it can also aid in the interpretation and analysis of data and results.

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