Complex integration on a given path

In summary: I got when I did the integral on the straight line path. So the path does matter.In summary, the conversation discusses the topic of calculating integrals on different paths and how the choice of path can affect the results. Different parametrizations and integration limits are used for the upper half of a unit circle and a line segment from -1 to 1. The correct parametrization and integration limits are discussed, and it is concluded that the path does matter in the calculation of integrals.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Calculate the following integrals on the given paths. Why does the choice of path change/not change each of the results?

(a) f(z) = exp(z) on
i. the upper half of the unit circle.
ii. the line segment from − 1 to 1.

Homework Equations

γf(z) = ∫f(γ(t))γ'(t)dt, with the limits being the limits of the parametrization.

The Attempt at a Solution

i) γ(t) = eit, t ∈ [0, π]

Integral = ∫ez dz = ∫eeitieitdt

u substitution: u = eit, du = ieit

=> Integral =∫eudu, I leave the lower bound at 0 and upper bound at π because I'm going to substitute for u at the end.

Integral = eu]0π

= eeit]0π

= ee - ee0

= ee - e1 = ee - eii)
γ(t) = t, t ∈ [-1, 1]

Integral = ∫e2 (1) dt, with lower bound = -1, upper bound = 1.

= et ]-11

= e1 - e-1

= e - 1/e

So the path does matter because two different paths gave two different answers.

Whats wrong with my answer?
Physics news on
  • #2
Do you know the value of e?
  • #3
FactChecker said:
Do you know the value of e?
I used it because that would be the unit circle in the complex plane, and then i restricted it to [0, pi].

im not that the wrong parametrization?
  • #4
in addition to what FactChecker pointed out, observe that the integration limits are the wrong way around in the following:
fishturtle1 said:
Integral = eu]0π
The integral is from -1 to 1, which is from ##e^\pi## to ##e^0##.
  • #5
andrewkirk said:
in addition to what FactChecker pointed out, observe that the integration limits are the wrong way around in the following:

The integral is from -1 to 1, which is from ##e^\pi## to ##e^0##.
I'm sorry i don't understand.

I thought for that integral we have to use the boundaries of the upper half of a unit circle.
My parametrization was eit, where t is the angle. So then why would I not use 0 and π
  • #6
fishturtle1 said:
I'm sorry i don't understand.

I thought for that integral we have to use the boundaries of the upper half of a unit circle.
My parametrization was eit, where t is the angle. So then why would I not use 0 and π
You should use them, but with reversed order. The path has to have the same start and end points as the straight line. Since the straight line goes from the point -1+0i to +1+0i, the semi-circle must do that too - ie it must be traversed in the clockwise direction. Your limits make the traversal happen anti-clockwise. Swap the order.

PS can you answer FactChecker's question? What is ##e^{i\pi}##? Think about how ##e^{it}## can be expressed in terms of trig functions.
  • #7
andrewkirk said:
You should use them, but with reversed order. The path has to have the same start and end points as the straight line. Since the straight line goes from the point -1+0i to +1+0i, the semi-circle must do that too - ie it must be traversed in the clockwise direction. Your limits make the traversal happen anti-clockwise. Swap the order.

PS can you answer FactChecker's question? What is ##e^{i\pi}##? Think about how ##e^{it}## can be expressed in terms of trig functions.
to FactChecker's response:

ee = ecos(π) + isin(π) = e1 + 0i = e

dang it seems so simple now..thanks for the hints

to andrewkirk:

I switched the integral's upper and lower limit like you said,

and got this I = e]π0 = e - e = 0
  • #8
cos(π) = -1

Related to Complex integration on a given path

1. What is complex integration on a given path?

Complex integration on a given path is a mathematical concept that involves calculating the total change of a complex-valued function along a specific path in the complex plane. It is used to find the area under a curve in the complex plane and is an essential tool in complex analysis.

2. How is complex integration on a given path different from regular integration?

The main difference between complex integration on a given path and regular integration is that in complex integration, the path of integration is taken into account in addition to the function being integrated. This path can greatly affect the result of the integration and requires a different set of techniques and formulas.

3. What are some common paths used in complex integration?

Some common paths used in complex integration include straight lines, circles, and more complex curves such as ellipses or spirals. The choice of path depends on the function being integrated and the desired result.

4. What is the Cauchy Integral Theorem and how is it related to complex integration on a given path?

The Cauchy Integral Theorem states that if a function is analytic (differentiable) in a closed region, then the integral of that function along any closed path in that region is equal to zero. This theorem is directly related to complex integration on a given path as it provides a powerful tool for evaluating complex integrals.

5. How is complex integration on a given path used in real-world applications?

Complex integration on a given path has many real-world applications, especially in physics and engineering. It is used to calculate work done in electric and magnetic fields, fluid flow, and quantum mechanics. It is also essential in signal processing and image analysis, among other fields.

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