Complex Number Sine Wave Problem

In summary, the two waveforms are created from the two voltages given by: V1= 12 sin 200pi t V2= 18 sin 200pi t + pi/3
  • #1

Homework Statement

Two alternating voltages are given by:

V1= 12 sin 200pi t
V2= 18 sin 200pi t + pi / 3

i) Plot each wave form on the same axis for one complete cycle
ii) Add both together and plot the resultant waveform on the same axis
iii) Using complex numbers, confirm ii) graphical answer

Homework Equations

2pi f t ( to work out frequency)

Cycle time = 1/f

The Attempt at a Solution


Any help would be greatly appreciated

Sorry I am unsure how to type the correct symbols hopefully you can understand what I mean easily enough.

So far I have completed questions 1 and 2 but its the final questions I am stuck on.

For question 1 I have:

Created a table with the following columns and done all the calculations needed.


t (time)
200pi t
sin (200pi t) Using radians for this calculation
12 sin (200pi t)


t (time)
200pi t
sin(200pi t + pi/3) Using radians for this calculation
18 sin(200pi t +pi/3)

Using the completed tables I then plotted the two waves on the same graph.

For questions 2 I have:

Added the two graphs together by simply adding the final columns ( 12 sin(200pi t) + 18 sin(200pi t + pi/3) and plotted these on the same graph.

So I now have 3 graphs on the same axis and that's where I am stuck. I don't understand what it means by confirming graphical answer using complex numbers.

I know that V1 and V2 can be converted into complex number form but I don't understand how this can be used to prove the graphical answer?? A push in the right direction would be great.

V1 = 12 < 0 = 12 + 0j
V2 = 18< 60 = 9 + 15.58j

Please ask if you need any more information or don't understand anything.


Any help would be great.
Physics news on
  • #2
I presume that you have learned that
[tex]e^{i\theta}= cos(\theta)+ i sin(\theta)[/tex]
and from that
[tex]sin(ax)= \frac{e^{ix}- e^{-ix}}{2i}[/tex]

so that
[tex]V1= 12\frac{e^{200\pi i t}- e^{-200\pi i t}}{2i}= -6i\left(e^{200\pi i t}- e^{-200\pi i t}\right)[/tex]
[tex]V2= 18\frac{e^{200\pi i t+ i\pi/3}- e^{-200\pi i t+ i\pi/3}}{2i}[/tex]
[tex]= -9ie^{i\pi/3}\left(e^{200i\pi t}- e^{-200i\pi t}\right)[/tex]

And, of course,
[tex]e^{i\pi/3}= cos(\pi/3)+ i sin(\pi/3)= \frac{1}{2}+ i\frac{\sqrt{3}}{2}[/tex]

Add those.
  • #3
Thanks for the reply.

Sorry no doesn't look familiar. Have looked through my notes nothing either. I can kind of follow what you have done so I will give it a go and see how I get on.


FAQ: Complex Number Sine Wave Problem

1. What is a complex number sine wave problem?

A complex number sine wave problem involves finding the sine wave of a complex number, which is a number that contains both a real and imaginary component. The sine wave is a mathematical function that describes a smooth repetitive oscillation. In this problem, we are finding the sine wave of a complex number, which involves taking the sine of both the real and imaginary parts of the number and combining them to create a complex sine wave.

2. What is the purpose of solving a complex number sine wave problem?

The purpose of solving a complex number sine wave problem is to better understand the properties and behavior of complex numbers. Complex numbers are used in many fields of science and engineering, and understanding their sine waves can help in solving various problems and equations. It also allows us to visualize the behavior of complex numbers in a graphical form.

3. What are the steps to solve a complex number sine wave problem?

The steps to solve a complex number sine wave problem are as follows:

1. Write the complex number in the form a + bi, where a is the real part and bi is the imaginary part.

2. Find the sine of the real part (a) using a calculator or mathematical table.

3. Find the sine of the imaginary part (bi) by multiplying it by i (the imaginary unit) and taking the sine of the resulting number.

4. Combine the results of steps 2 and 3 to get the complex number sine wave.

4. What are some applications of complex number sine waves?

Complex number sine waves have many applications in science and engineering, including:

- Analyzing electrical circuits, where the current and voltage can be represented by complex numbers and their sine waves.

- Studying the behavior of waves in physics, such as electromagnetic waves or sound waves.

- Analyzing the stability of systems in control theory, where complex numbers and their sine waves are used to represent the behavior of the system.

- In signal processing, where complex number sine waves are used to analyze and filter signals.

5. Are there any limitations to using complex number sine waves?

One limitation of using complex number sine waves is that they can only represent periodic functions. This means that they cannot accurately represent non-periodic functions, such as a sharp pulse or a discontinuous function. Additionally, complex number sine waves are not always intuitive to visualize, especially when dealing with high-dimensional complex numbers. However, they are still a powerful tool for understanding and analyzing the behavior of complex numbers in various applications.

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