Complex scalar field - commutation relations

In summary: Once you have these, you can then obtain the commutators for the complex fields and their conjugate momenta by linear combinations of these (this is what I meant by "method you put in post #3").Also, don't worry about the complexity of the commutators - they are what they are, and there's no way to avoid this.
  • #1
I find it difficult to believe that the canonical commutation relations for a complex scalar field are of the form


This seems to imply that the two scalar fields ##\phi## and ##\phi^{*}## are somehow coupled, even though they are not.

Can you explain this?
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  • #2
Where did you get these commutation relations from? The notes that I have seem to suggest otherwise.
  • #3
I assumed that these are the fundamental commutation relations for complex scalar field and using the commutation relations


and the expansion of the field ##\phi## as

##\phi=\int \frac{d^{3}p}{(2\pi)^{3}}\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\omega_{\bf{p}}}}(a_{\bf{p}}e^{i{\bf{p}}\cdot{\bf{x}}}+b_{\bf{p}}^{\dagger}e^{-i{\bf{p}}\cdot{\bf{x}}})##

I showed that the commutation relations in my first post hold true.

What commutation relations do you have? Can you post them?

I need to check my calculations using both mine and yours commutation realtions?
  • #4
Did you perhaps forget that [itex]\pi (x) = \dot{\phi^{*}}(x)[/itex] and not [itex]\dot{\phi}(x)[/itex] ?

I have the commutation relations:

from the same starting point as you have for the creation/annihilation operators
  • #5
I do have ##\pi=\dot{\phi}^{*}##.
  • #6
Hmm...might you have forgotten to take the Hermitian conjugate of the creation/annihilation operators when obtaining ##\phi^{*}##? Otherwise I think I will need to see the explicit expressions for your fields and conjugate momenta to figure out where you went wrong.
  • #7
I started with the two commutation relations ##[\phi^{i}(\vec{x}),\pi_{i}(\vec{y})]=i\delta^{3}(\vec{x}-\vec{y})## for the free real scalar fields ##\phi^{1}## and ##\phi^{2}##

and plugged ##\phi = \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}}(\phi^{1}+i\phi^{2})## and the corresponding derivative into the two commutation relations to obtain a set of two equations in terms of ##\phi##, ##\phi^{\dagger}##, ##\pi## and ##\pi^{\dagger}##.

I added these two equations and also subtracted the same two equations to obtain a new set of two equations as follows:



It's obvious now that your commutation relations are a possible solution to these equations, but I want to be sure that yours is the only solution.

With that in mind, let me proceed.


##\implies [\phi(\vec{x}),\pi(\vec{y})]-[\phi(\vec{x}),\pi(\vec{y})]^{\dagger}=2i\delta^{3}(\vec{x}-\vec{y})##

I'm now only slightly away from proving that ##[\phi(\vec{x}),\pi(\vec{y})]=i\delta^{3}(\vec{x}-\vec{y})##.

How do I show that ##-[\phi(\vec{x}),\pi(\vec{y})]^{\dagger}=[\phi(\vec{x}),\pi(\vec{y})]##?
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  • #8
This is a strange way to proceed; usually its done by the method you put in post #3 - starting from the expression of ##\phi##, generate ##\phi^{*}## and their conjugate momenta, and use the commutation relations of the creation and annihilation operators to simplify the integrals to get the desired results.

Your alternative method still works, but why not consider ##[\phi(x), \pi(y)]## directly? That, for example, immediately yields
[tex][\phi(x), \pi(y)] = \left[\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left(\phi_{1}(x) + i \phi_{2}(x)\right) , \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left(\pi_{1}(y) - i \phi_{2} (y)\right) \right] = \frac{1}{2} \left(
\left[\phi_{1}(x),\pi_{1}(y) \right] + \left[\phi_{2}(x),\pi_{2}(y) \right]
\right) = i \delta^{(3)} (x-y)[/tex]
  • #9
Fightfish said:
This is a strange way to proceed; usually its done by the method you put in post #3 - starting from the expression of ##\phi##, generate ##\phi^{*}## and their conjugate momenta, and use the commutation relations of the creation and annihilation operators to simplify the integrals to get the desired results.

This method requires that I guess an expansion for ##\pi## in terms of the creation and annihilation operators and then check that it satisfies the commutation relations for ##\phi## with ##\pi## as well as for ##\phi^{*}## with ##\pi^{*}##.

I was wanting to avoid this guesswork, so ...

Fightfish said:
Your alternative method still works, but why not consider ##[\phi(x), \pi(y)]## directly? That, for example, immediately yields
[tex][\phi(x), \pi(y)] = \left[\frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left(\phi_{1}(x) + i \phi_{2}(x)\right) , \frac{1}{\sqrt{2}} \left(\pi_{1}(y) - i \phi_{2} (y)\right) \right] = \frac{1}{2} \left(
\left[\phi_{1}(x),\pi_{1}(y) \right] + \left[\phi_{2}(x),\pi_{2}(y) \right]
\right) = i \delta^{(3)} (x-y)[/tex]

This is a better approach, and I will use it now. But, the commutators for real ##\phi^{i}## with real ##\pi_{i}## directly yield the non-zero commutators. If I start with the commutators for complex ##\phi## and ##\pi##, I have to check all the commutators one by one to find the non-zero ones.
  • #10
If you start with an expression for ##\phi## already, there's no need for guesswork - ##\phi^{*}## and the corresponding conjugate momenta can be obtained from it.
  • #11
It's all clearly defined. The (free) charged Klein-Gordon field has the Lagrangian (east-coast convention)
$$\mathcal{L}=(\partial_{\mu} \phi^*)(\partial^{\mu} \phi)-m^2 \phi^* \phi.$$
The canonical field momenta for the independent field degrees of freedom ##\phi## and ##\phi^*## (you can as well rewrite everything in terms of two real KG fields of course) are
$$\Pi=\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial \dot{\phi}}=\dot{\phi}^*, \quad \Pi^*=\frac{\partial \mathcal{L}}{\partial \dot{\phi}^*}=\dot{\phi},$$
and the equal-time commutator relations are
$$[\phi(t,\vec{x}),\Pi(t,\vec{y})]=\mathrm{i} \delta^{(3)}(x-y), \quad [\phi^{\dagger}(t,\vec{x}),\Pi^{\dagger}(t,\vec{y})]=\mathrm{i} \delta^{(3)}(x-y).$$
  • #12
Fightfish said:
If you start with an expression for ##\phi## already, there's no need for guesswork - ##\phi^{*}## and the corresponding conjugate momenta can be obtained from it.

I know how to obtain ##\phi^{*}## from ##\phi##, but I'm not sure how to obtain ##\pi=\dot{\phi}^{*}## from ##\dot{\phi}^{*}##, since

##\displaystyle{\pi=\dot{\phi}^{*}=\int\ \frac{d^{3}p}{(2\pi)^{3}}\frac{1}{\sqrt{2\omega_{{\bf{p}}}}}\Big(\dot{b}_{\vec{p}}\ e^{i\ \vec{p}\cdot{\vec{x}}} + \dot{a}_{\vec{p}}^{\dagger}\ e^{-i\ \vec{p}\cdot{\vec{x}}} \Big)}##.

But what do you do next to obtain an expansion for ##\pi##?
  • #13
Don't forget the Heisenberg-picture equations of motion. The time dependence is ##\hat{a}_{\vec{p}}(t) = \hat{a}_{\vec{p}} \exp(-\mathrm{i} E_{\vec{p}} t)## and ##\hat{b}_{\vec{p}}(t) = \hat{b}_{\vec{p}} \exp(-\mathrm{i} E_{\vec{p}} t)##.
  • #14
vanhees71 said:
Don't forget the Heisenberg-picture equations of motion. The time dependence is ##\hat{a}_{\vec{p}}(t) = \hat{a}_{\vec{p}} \exp(-\mathrm{i} E_{\vec{p}} t)## and ##\hat{b}_{\vec{p}}(t) = \hat{b}_{\vec{p}} \exp(-\mathrm{i} E_{\vec{p}} t)##.

I knew that this was exactly what I was supposed to do, but for some reason, I did not attempt it.


FAQ: Complex scalar field - commutation relations

1. What is a complex scalar field?

A complex scalar field is a mathematical concept used in theoretical physics to describe a physical field that is complex-valued at each point in space and time. It is a type of quantum field, which means it obeys the rules of quantum mechanics and can be described as a collection of particles or excitations.

2. What are commutation relations in the context of complex scalar fields?

Commutation relations are mathematical equations that describe how operators representing different physical quantities, such as position and momentum, interact with each other. In the context of complex scalar fields, commutation relations are used to describe the relationship between different field operators, such as the creation and annihilation operators, which create and destroy particles in the field.

3. How are commutation relations used in quantum field theory?

In quantum field theory, commutation relations are used to calculate the properties of physical systems described by complex scalar fields. They are used to determine the energy and momentum of particles, as well as the probability of different particle interactions. Commutation relations are also used to derive the equations of motion for the field and to study the behavior of the field under different conditions.

4. Can commutation relations be visualized or represented graphically?

Commutation relations are mathematical equations and cannot be directly visualized or represented graphically. However, the concepts they describe, such as the creation and annihilation of particles in a field, can be represented graphically using diagrams and Feynman diagrams, which are helpful tools for understanding and calculating complex scalar field interactions.

5. Are there any practical applications of complex scalar fields and commutation relations?

Complex scalar fields and commutation relations have many practical applications in theoretical physics, particularly in the study of quantum systems and high-energy particle interactions. They are used to describe a wide range of physical phenomena, from the behavior of subatomic particles to the properties of materials and the structure of the universe. They are also used in the development of advanced technologies, such as quantum computers and high-energy particle accelerators.

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