Complex scalar field -- Quantum Field Theory -- Ladder operators

In summary, the given statement shows that the Hamiltonian operator for a quantum system can be expressed as an integral involving creation and annihilation operators. The only non-vanishing commutation relations for these operators are also given. The question then asks for a calculation of the energy of a normalized eigenstate of the Hamiltonian, and it is noted that the operators may correspond to either fermions or bosons. An attempt is made to use the given commutation relations to derive a formula for the energy, but it is unclear whether the method used is correct.
  • #1

Homework Statement

##\hat{H}=\int \frac{d^3k}{(2\pi)^2}w_k(\hat{a^+(k)}\hat{a(k)} + \hat{b^{+}(k)}\hat{b(k)})##
where ##w_k=\sqrt{{k}.{k}+m^2}##

The only non vanishing commutation relations of the creation and annihilation operators are:
## [\alpha(k),\alpha^{+}(p)] =(2\pi)^3 \delta^3(k-p)=[b(k),b^{+}(p)] ##
(I have dropped hats on the alpha here and have done for the rest of the problem)

By calculating an expression for ##<\psi|H|\psi>## where ##|\psi>## is a normalised eigenstate of the Hamiltonian, show tht the energy is non-negative?

see above.
To be honest I really have no idea where to start.
Many books I've seen define the vacuum state and then compute states and the eigenvalues from there using the ladder operators and the commutation relationships, so I really do not no where to get started.

I think I may need some explicit form of ##|\psi>## to work with - do I first of all write down some general form of the eigenstate with ladder operators and then I can proceed as usual using the commutator relationships? Not sure how to do this though?

Many thanks in advance.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Physics news on
  • #2

##\hat{H}=\int \frac{d^3k}{(2\pi)^2}w_k(\hat{a^+(k)}\hat{a(k)} + \hat{b^{+}(k)}\hat{b(k)})##
where ## w_k=\sqrt{{k}.{k}+m^2} ##

The only non vanishing commutation relations of the creation and annihilation operators are:
## [\alpha(k),\alpha^{+}(p)] =(2\pi)^3 \delta^3(k-p)=[b(k),b^{+}(p)] ##
(I have dropped hats on the alpha here and have done for the rest of the problem)


Assuming that for any state ##<\psi|\psi>=0 \iff |\psi>=0## (1) show that for all ##k##, ##a(k)## and ##b(k)## annihilate the state ##|0>## which is defined as a normalized zero energy eigenstate.

see above.

To set ##|\psi>=H|0>=0|0>## and then use the (1) this gives ##<\psi|\psi>=0##:

##<0|\int \frac{d^3k}{(2\pi)^3}w_k(a^{+}(k)a(k)+b^{+}(k)b(k)) \int \frac{d^3 p}{(2\pi)^3} w_p (a^{+}(p)a(p)+b^{+}(p)b(p)|0>##

I'm not sure whether this is the right thing to do, the double intergral looks a bit messy and I'm unsure what to do now...

Many thanks in advance.
  • #3
In the derivation of your final formula you have use that ##<\psi|=(|\psi>)^\dagger)##, or in other words
##<\psi|\psi>=<0|H^\dagger H|0>##. It is also a bit unclear if your creation operators correspond to fermions or bosons. In the first case you don't have commutators but anti-commutators.
  • #4
eys_physics said:
In the derivation of your final formula you have use that ##<\psi|=(|\psi>)^\dagger)##, or in other words
##<\psi|\psi>=<0|H^\dagger H|0>##. It is also a bit unclear if your creation operators correspond to fermions or bosons. In the first case you don't have commutators but anti-commutators.

The commutator relation was given and stated in the question, we can just take it and use it without needing to know what it corressponds to.

I don't understand what you are ssaying sorry.. ##H^\dagger = H##, I have used this.
  • #5
binbagsss said:
The commutator relation was given and stated in the question, we can just take it and use it without needing to know what it corressponds to.

I don't understand what you are ssaying sorry.. ##H^\dagger = H##, I have used this.

##<\psi|=|\psi>^*=<0|H^{\dagger}## is this not correct?

FAQ: Complex scalar field -- Quantum Field Theory -- Ladder operators

1. What is a complex scalar field in quantum field theory?

A complex scalar field is a type of field in quantum field theory that is described by a complex-valued function. It represents a quantum particle with spin 0 and is used to describe phenomena such as the Higgs boson and the Higgs field.

2. What are ladder operators in quantum field theory?

Ladder operators are mathematical operators used in quantum field theory to manipulate the energy and momentum states of quantum particles. They are used to create and annihilate particles and are important in understanding the behavior of quantum systems.

3. How do ladder operators relate to the quantization of a complex scalar field?

In the quantization of a complex scalar field, ladder operators are used to create and destroy particles. They are used to construct the Hamiltonian, which is the operator that describes the energy of a quantum system, and are essential in calculating the dynamics of the field.

4. Can ladder operators be used to describe interactions between particles in a complex scalar field?

Yes, ladder operators can be used to describe interactions between particles in a complex scalar field. These interactions can be represented by terms in the Hamiltonian that involve the creation and annihilation of particles by the ladder operators.

5. How are ladder operators related to the symmetry of a complex scalar field?

Ladder operators are related to the symmetry of a complex scalar field through the concept of symmetry breaking. In quantum field theory, symmetries refer to certain transformations that leave the equations of motion unchanged. The presence or absence of certain symmetries can affect the behavior of the field and can be represented by the behavior of the ladder operators.
