Complex variables conformal mapping trig identity

In summary, the function \begin{equation}w = \Big(\frac{z-1}{z+1}\Big)^{2} \end{equation} can be mapped on a domain containing z=e^{i\theta}, where \theta is between 0 and \pi, by substituting z=e^{i\theta} and simplifying to a trigonometric function. Multiplying the fraction by e-iθ/2 can help in finding the correct function.
  • #1

Homework Statement

map the function [tex] \begin{equation}w = \Big(\frac{z-1}{z+1}\Big)^{2} \end{equation}[/tex]
on some domain which contains [tex]z=e^{i\theta}[/tex]. [tex]\theta[/tex] between 0 and [tex]\pi[/tex]
Hint: Map the semicircular arc bounding the top of the disc by putting [tex]$z=e^{i\theta}$[/tex] in the above formula. The resulting expression reduces to a simple trig function.

Homework Equations

I can get the map if I can figure out what function they're going for, but I have no idea what function this is.

The Attempt at a Solution

[tex]$$w = \Big(\frac{e^{i\theta}-1}{e^{i\theta}+1}\Big)^{2}$$[/tex]
Where the heck do I go from here?
Physics news on
  • #2
Welcome to PF!

Hi EnginerdRuns! Welcome to PF! :smile:

Multiply top and bottom of the fraction by e-iθ/2 :wink:
  • #3
Thanks bro. I'm running off of way too little sleep at this point.

FAQ: Complex variables conformal mapping trig identity

1. What are complex variables?

Complex variables are numbers that have both real and imaginary components. They are represented in the form a + bi, where a is the real part and bi is the imaginary part.

2. What is conformal mapping?

Conformal mapping is a type of transformation that preserves angles between curves. In other words, it maintains the shape of a figure while changing its size and orientation.

3. How are complex variables used in conformal mapping?

Complex variables are used in conformal mapping to transform a complex plane into another complex plane. This allows for the visualization and analysis of complex functions.

4. What are trigonometric identities?

Trigonometric identities are equations that involve trigonometric functions and hold true for all values of the variables in the equation. They are used to simplify and solve trigonometric equations.

5. How are trigonometric identities used in complex variables conformal mapping?

Trigonometric identities are used in complex variables conformal mapping to simplify complex functions and facilitate the transformation of the complex plane. They are also used to solve integrals and differential equations.
