Complex variables, De moivres formula

In summary, the homework statement states that z is a complex number different from 1 and n >= 1 is an integer. The attempt at a solution states that first I I am both sides and De Moivres formula. Next, Im( 1 + r e^{ \theta} + ... + r^n e^{ \theta}) is equal to sin( \theta) + ... sin( n \theta). The right side is Im( \frac{ r^{n+1} e^{ (n+1) \theta} -1}{r e^{ \theta} -1}) which is equal to \frac{ r^n \sin((n+1) \theta
  • #1

Homework Statement

z is a complex number different from 1 and n >= 1 is an integer

[tex] 1 + z + z^2+ ... + z^n = \frac{z^{n+1} - 1}{z-1} [/tex]

show that:
[tex] \sin(\theta) + \sin(2 \theta)+ ... \sin(n \theta) = \frac{ \sin(n \theta/2) \sin((n+1) \theta / 2)}{\sin(\theta / 2)}[/tex]

The Attempt at a Solution

First I I am both sides and De Moivres formula

[tex] Im( 1 + z + z^2+ ... + z^n) = r \sin( \theta) + r^2 \sin(2 \theta) + ... r^n \sin(n \theta) [/tex]

[tex] Im( \frac{z^{n+1} - 1}{z-1} ) = \frac{r^n \sin((n+1) \theta)}{\sin(\theta)} [/tex]

Homework Statement

Can anyone give me a hint from here or tell me if I am on the wrong track
Physics news on
  • #2
Almost, use [tex]z=re^{i\theta}[/tex] in your complex geometric progression and use De Morevre's theorem and take the imaginary part to obtain the solution.
  • #3
Thanks, I get the left side, but how do I simplefy the right side?
Left side

[tex] Im( 1 + r e^{ \theta} + ... + r^n e^{ \theta}) [/tex]
[tex] = sin( \theta) + ... sin( n \theta) [/tex]

right side

[tex] Im( \frac{ r^{n+1} e^{(n+1) \theta} -1}{r e^{ \theta} -1}) [/tex]
How do I take the imaginary part from this?
  • #4
The RHS side should be (from your LaTeX)
Multiply by the complex conjugate of the denominator and take the imaginary part.
  • #5
Choose r=1.

  • #6
Thanks, but not sure if I understand
[tex] Im( \frac{ r^{n+1} e^{ i (n+1) \theta} -1}{r e^{i \theta} -1}) [/tex]

The complex conjugate [tex] r e ^{i (- \theta)} [/tex]

[tex] Im( \frac{ r^{n+2} e^{ i n \theta} - r e^{i (- \theta)}{r^2 -r e^{i (- \theta)}}) [/tex]

Something wrong with my Latex, but what I have done i multiplied the denominator and the numerator with [tex] r e ^{i (-\theta} [/tex] and I still have a complet denominator.
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  • #7
What we're saying is that:
\frac{e^{i(n+1)\theta}-1}{e^{i\theta}-1}=\frac{e^{i(n+1)\theta}-1}{e^{i\theta}-1}\cdot (e^{-i\theta}-1)/(e^{-i\theta}-1})
The denominator should now be a real number and you are free to choose the imaginary part at your leisure.
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  • #8
I can't get the Latex to work but the fraction should read as:
  • #9
Thanks^for all the help, I get it now.
[tex] (e^{i \theta} -1)(e^{- i \theta} -1) [/tex]
[tex]= (1 - e^{i \theta} -e^{- i \theta} +1) [/tex]
[tex]= 1 - cos( \theta) - i sin( \theta) - cos( - \theta) - i sin( - \theta) +1 [/tex]
[tex]= 2 - 2cos(\theta) [/tex]

[tex] cos( \theta) = cos( - \theta) [/tex]
[tex] sin(- \theta) = - sin( \theta) [/tex]

FAQ: Complex variables, De moivres formula

1. What are complex variables?

Complex variables are quantities that have both a real component and an imaginary component. They are often represented as z = x + iy, where x is the real component and iy is the imaginary component.

2. What is De Moivre's formula?

De Moivre's formula is a mathematical formula used to raise a complex number to a power. It states that (cos θ + i sin θ)^n = cos(nθ) + i sin(nθ), where n is any integer.

3. What is the significance of De Moivre's formula?

De Moivre's formula is significant because it allows for easier calculations involving complex numbers raised to a power. It also helps in understanding the properties and behavior of complex numbers.

4. How is De Moivre's formula used in trigonometry?

De Moivre's formula is used in trigonometry to find the nth roots of a complex number. It also helps in expressing the trigonometric functions of multiple angles in terms of a single angle.

5. Can De Moivre's formula be applied to any complex number?

Yes, De Moivre's formula can be applied to any complex number, including those with non-integer powers. It is a general formula that works for all complex numbers.
