Complex Variables Homework Solutions

In summary, complex variables are mathematical objects that consist of a real part and an imaginary part, typically represented as complex numbers. The study of complex variables is important in various fields of science and engineering, providing a powerful tool for solving problems involving multiple dimensions and complex behavior. Some common applications of complex variables include analyzing circuits, studying fluid dynamics and electromagnetism, and in signal processing, control theory, and quantum mechanics. Common techniques for solving problems with complex variables include the Cauchy-Riemann equations, contour integration, and the residue theorem. Real-life examples that can be explained using complex variables include the flow of air around an airplane wing, behavior of electronic circuits, and the study of fluids and electromagnetic waves.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

For queation 1, I've found
w = u + jv = sinxcoshy + jcosxsinhy
u= sinxcoshy v=cosxsinhy
Then I put the 4 boundary line into sin(z),
I get
y=0 ==> w=sinx
x=pi/2 ==> w=coshy
y=4==> u=sinxcosh4 v=cosxsinh4
Consider y=a, where a is a constant,
u^2 = (cosh^2 a) - v^2(cosh^2 a)/(sinh^2 a)
Hence, for y=4, u^2 = (cosh^2 4) - v^2(cosh^2 4)/(sinh^2 4)
but the problem is: I don't know how to sketch the curve of y=4

For question 5 and 6, I have no clue of how to get the Laurent expansions into the Region.
I just need some advice on how to do this type of question.(Any example of this type of question is appreicated)

For question 9iii), I actually got the answer, but the answer is rather long. I think there might be some better way to solve the problem.

I consider the integration of 1/2 z(e^jaz) / (z^4+b^4) from -finity to +infinity

In order to use 2(pi)j (Sum of Res z=zi f(z)), I again consider z^4 + b^4 = 0

and I've found the four roots(Let them be c,d,e,f, c and d are located on the upper half plane)


the integration of 1/2 z(e^jaz) / (z^4+b^4) from -finity to +infinity

= (pi)j (lim z-->c ze^jaz/(z-d)(z-e)(z-f) + lim z-->d ze^jaz/(z-c)(z-e)(z-f) )

Then i put the actual value of c,d,e,f into it, however, the final answer i got is really long.
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  • #2

My advice would be to try breaking down the problem into smaller parts and tackling them one at a time. For question 1, it looks like you have a good start by finding the boundary lines and their corresponding values for w. To sketch the curve of y=4, you can use the values you already found for u and v and plot them on a graph. Then connect the points to create the curve. For questions 5 and 6, it might help to review the definition and properties of Laurent series, and then try to apply them to the given functions. As for question 9iii), it sounds like you have the right idea by finding the roots and using the Residue Theorem, but it may be helpful to double check your calculations and see if there are any simplifications or shortcuts you can make. Additionally, it might be useful to look for similar examples or practice problems to get a better understanding of the concept. Overall, breaking down the problems and seeking out additional resources or examples can help you better understand and solve them.

FAQ: Complex Variables Homework Solutions

What are complex variables?

Complex variables are mathematical objects that consist of a real part and an imaginary part. They are typically represented in the form of a complex number, which is a combination of a real number and an imaginary number.

What is the purpose of studying complex variables?

The study of complex variables is important in many areas of science and engineering, including physics, mathematics, and electrical engineering. It provides a powerful tool for solving problems involving multiple dimensions and helps to understand the behavior of systems with complex behavior.

What are some common applications of complex variables?

Complex variables have many practical applications, such as in electrical engineering for analyzing circuits and in physics for studying fluid dynamics and electromagnetism. They are also used in signal processing, control theory, and quantum mechanics.

What are some common techniques for solving problems involving complex variables?

Some common techniques for solving problems involving complex variables include the Cauchy-Riemann equations, contour integration, and the residue theorem. These methods are used to evaluate integrals, find solutions to differential equations, and analyze the behavior of functions.

Are there any real-life examples that can be explained using complex variables?

Yes, there are many real-life examples that can be explained using complex variables. For instance, the flow of air around an airplane wing can be modeled using complex variables, and the behavior of electronic circuits can be analyzed using complex functions. Additionally, complex variables can also be used to study the behavior of fluids in pipes and the propagation of electromagnetic waves.

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