Complex variables: Logarithm function.

In summary: If you take the real part of that, you get r*(-1)+i*(-1)+2*n*(-1). So all of those terms are zero when r=0.
  • #1
I'm taking a complex variables course, and I'm really stuck at it, I've never felt this way in any math course before :S, I'm starting to get angry. Anyway here is the problem, I hope someone can give me a hand. I believe this is a basic and simple problem in the subject...

Homework Statement

Let D be the domain obtained by deleting the ray {x:x[tex]\leq[/tex]0} from the plane, and let G(z) be a branch of log z on D. Show that G maps D onto a horizontal strip of width of 2[tex]pi[/tex]
{x+iy: -[tex]\infty[/tex]<x<[tex]\infty[/tex], co<y<co+2[tex]pi[/tex]},
and that the mapping is one-to-one on D.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Ok so first off I'm trying to actually understand the problem. Where it says deleting the ray {x:x[tex]\leq[/tex]0} I don't know exactly what it means. I mean, in my mind there is an infinite number of rays that satisfy those conditions (all the rays going from the imaginary axis and going left all the way to infinity, parallel to the x axis). I think I'm way off here, but believe me, I've read the textbook and it just isn't clear to me this all thing about rays and branches. Plus, I can't picture the branch of log z if I can't picture D in the first place! Could somebody help me with understanding this please?

Thanks a lot.

NOTE: The infinities are not supposed to be exponentials, I don't know why they appeared that way.
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  • #2
"Deleting the ray" just means don't define the log on it and don't expect the definition to be continuous when you cross that ray. The point to 'defining a branch' is to make the definition of the function continuous in the part of the domain that wasn't removed. Do you see why there would be a problem defining a single valued log if the domain contained a circle around zero?
  • #3
Oooh, I think I know where you're getting. So if we have a complete circle around zero then the domain would be continuous and would go round and round... so, you'd get different values for G(z) as we added 2pi to z. Great great, I think I'm getting somewhere. I still have this question though: Particularly speaking about this problem now, what ray exactly is deleted with the ray {x:x[tex]\leq[/tex]0} ? Is it the negative x axis? I mean by saying x is less than or equal to 0, it does not necessarily mean the negative x axis, it could be any ray going parallel to the x-axis (beginning at 0 and going to negative infinity). So which of all this infinite amount of rays does the problem mean? ... Or what am I missing here?

Also, how could I actually start showing that G maps D onto a horizontal strip of width 2pi. I mean I think I can picture it and understand why it is so, but I can't think of a way of doing it using mathematical language.
  • #4
Yes, in this problem they are deleting the negative real axis. You could 'delete' in any number of different ways, as long as you can't circle around 0 without passing through the deleted part. Any ray starting at 0 will work. You seem to be confusing 0 (the point 0+0i) and the y-axis (x=0) when you are talking about 'rays parallel to the x-axis'. There aren't an infinite number that pass through 0. Think about writing the complex numbers in polar form, r*exp(i*theta) and you can choose -pi<theta<pi. The log of that is log(|r|)+i*theta+2*n*pi*i.

FAQ: Complex variables: Logarithm function.

1. What is the definition of a complex logarithm function?

A complex logarithm function is a mathematical function that maps a complex number to another complex number. It is defined as the inverse of the complex exponential function, which means that if we take the logarithm of a complex number and then raise e to that power, we will get back the original complex number.

2. How is a complex logarithm function different from a real logarithm function?

A complex logarithm function is different from a real logarithm function in that it can take in complex numbers as input and output complex numbers, while a real logarithm function can only take in positive real numbers as input and output real numbers.

3. What are the properties of a complex logarithm function?

The main properties of a complex logarithm function include:

  • The domain of the function is the set of all non-zero complex numbers.
  • The range of the function is the set of all complex numbers.
  • The function is not defined for the complex number 0.
  • The function is one-to-one, meaning that each input has a unique output.
  • The function is continuous and differentiable in its domain.

4. What are the common applications of complex logarithm functions?

Complex logarithm functions have many applications in mathematics, physics, and engineering. Some common applications include:

  • Complex analysis, where logarithm functions are used to solve complex integrals and differential equations.
  • Signal processing, where logarithm functions are used to analyze and manipulate complex signals.
  • Electrical engineering, where logarithm functions are used in circuit analysis and design.
  • Quantum mechanics, where complex logarithm functions are used to describe the behaviour of quantum systems.

5. Are there any special cases or exceptions for complex logarithm functions?

One special case for complex logarithm functions is when the input is a negative real number. In this case, the output will be a complex number with an imaginary part equal to π. Another exception is when the input is a positive real number, in which case the output will be a real number. Additionally, the principal branch of the complex logarithm function is defined with a branch cut along the negative real axis, which means that the function is discontinuous along this line.

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