Complex wavefunctions and probability

In summary, the conversation is about the confusion surrounding the concept of wavefunctions as the square root of probability functions and the existence of complex wavefunctions involving the value i, the square root of minus one. The speaker raises the question of how complex wavefunctions can represent probabilities and what they represent in the real world. The other person in the conversation explains the concept of absolute squares and provides a helpful resource for further understanding.
  • #1
Hi Everyone

I am a bit confused about something. I have been taught that wavefunctions are basicaly the square root of probability functions. I have also read that some wavefunctions are complex which means that they involve the value i which is the square root of minus one. These two things together do not make sense to me for the following reason:

The way I see it, the output value of a probability function can only be a real number between zero and one inclusive with zero representing "impossible" and one representing "certain". If the output value of a complex wavefunction is x + iy then the square of this is x2 + ixy - y2. For this to equal any real number between zero and one inclusive (or any other positive real number), y must be equal to zero which means that the wavefunction cannot not be complex.

What exactly do complex wavefunctions represent if not the square root of probability functions? Do complex wavefunctions represent anything meaningful and fully comprehendable in the "real" world that we perceive?

Thank you very much.

Kind regards

Physics news on
  • #2
tim1608 said:
If the output value of a complex wavefunction is x + iy then the square of this is x2 + ixy - y2.
You have to take the absolute square.

tim1608 said:
What exactly do complex wavefunctions represent if not the square root of probability functions? Do complex wavefunctions represent anything meaningful and fully comprehendable in the "real" world that we perceive?
Maybe this is helpful to you:
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  • #3
Hi Kith

Thank you very much for your reply. It now makes complete sense to me. I did not know about absolute squares beforehand.

Thank you also very much for the Scott Aaronson link. I have only read a bit of the article so far but once I have read it all, I think it might help me to understand QM.

Kind regards

  • #4
You're welcome ;-)

FAQ: Complex wavefunctions and probability

1. What is a complex wavefunction?

A complex wavefunction is a mathematical representation of a quantum system, which describes the probability of finding a particle at a certain position in space. It is a complex-valued function that contains both real and imaginary components.

2. How is probability related to complex wavefunctions?

The probability of finding a particle in a specific location is given by the square magnitude of the complex wavefunction at that position. This is known as the Born rule in quantum mechanics.

3. What is the significance of the imaginary component in complex wavefunctions?

The imaginary component in complex wavefunctions represents the phase of the wavefunction, which affects the interference patterns and probability distribution of the particle. It is a crucial aspect in understanding the behavior of quantum systems.

4. Can complex wavefunctions be used to describe classical systems?

No, complex wavefunctions are specific to quantum systems and cannot be used to describe classical systems. Classical systems follow the laws of classical mechanics, while quantum systems follow the laws of quantum mechanics.

5. How do complex wavefunctions evolve over time?

The time evolution of complex wavefunctions is described by the Schrödinger equation, which determines how the wavefunction changes with time. This equation takes into account the potential energy of the system and any external forces acting on it.

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