Component derivative of a tensor

In summary: The derivative of a matrix function Y by a scalar x is known as the tangent matrix and is given (in numerator layout notation) by{\displaystyle {\frac {\partial \mathbf {Y} }{\partial x}}={\begin{bmatrix}{\frac {\partial y_{11}}{\partial x}}&{\frac {\partial y_{12}}{\partial x}}&\cdots &{\frac {\partial y_{1n}}{\partial x}}\\{\frac {\partial y_{21}}{\partial x}}&{\frac {\partial y_{22}}{\partial x
  • #1
This is a simple and maybe stupid question. Can you take a derivative of a vector component with respect to a vector? Or even more generally,can you take the derivative of a component of a tensor with respect to the whole tensor? For instance in the cauchy tensor could you take the xx component of the tensor and compare it to the rest of the components of the tensor by taking the derivative of xx component with respect to the rest of the tensor. I know you can take deriviatives of tensors, but can you take derivatives of components treating the rest of the components like dependent variables?
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  • #2
Yes you can, but it might not be meaningful. Given a point P on a differentiable manifold, a vector V in the tangent space at P, and a tensor field T and coordinate system C on a neighbourhood N of P, each of the components of T in coordinate system C is a scalar field on N. Each of those scalar fields has a directional derivative at P in direction V.

However the directional derivative will not itself be a component of a proper tensor field because it is dependent on the coordinates used, and ignores Christoffel symbols.

A tensor field also has a coordinate-independent directional derivative, which is a proper tensor field. In general the components of that will not be the same as what one gets when one simply differentiates the component field in a particular coordinate system.
  • #3
andrewkirk said:
Yes you can, but it might not be meaningful. Given a point P on a differentiable manifold, a vector V in the tangent space at P, and a tensor field T and coordinate system C on a neighbourhood N of P, each of the components of T in coordinate system C is a scalar field on N. Each of those scalar fields has a directional derivative at P in direction V.

However the directional derivative will not itself be a component of a proper tensor field because it is dependent on the coordinates used, and ignores Christoffel symbols.

A tensor field also has a coordinate-independent directional derivative, which is a proper tensor field. In general the components of that will not be the same as what one gets when one simply differentiates the component field in a particular coordinate system.
So using the coordinate-independent directional derivative one could proceed with taking non-trivial derivatives of the directional derivative with respect to the original tensor?
  • #4
You do not take derivatives with respect to tensors.
  • #5
Orodruin said:
You do not take derivatives with respect to tensors.
Why not? Using the appropriate directional derivatives you can take a derivative of a scalar with respect to a vector why not a derivative of a scalar with respect to a 2nd rank tensor.
  • #6
dsaun777 said:
Why not? Using the appropriate directional derivatives you can take a derivative of a scalar with respect to a vector why not a derivative of a scalar with respect to a 2nd rank tensor.
Because derivatives are based on changes from one point to a nearby point (defined by some connection). This is inherently described by a displacement, which is described by a vector in the tangent space, not a tensor.
  • #7
Orodruin said:
Because derivatives are based on changes from one point to a nearby point (defined by some connection). This is inherently described by a displacement, which is described by a vector in the tangent space, not a tensor.
You can't take a derivative of a scalar field with respect to a tensor field?
  • #8
  • #9
Orodruin said:
Orodruin said:
Orodruin said:
Orodruin said:
The derivative of a matrix function Y by a scalar x is known as the tangent matrix and is given (in numerator layout notation) by

{\displaystyle {\frac {\partial \mathbf {Y} }{\partial x}}={\begin{bmatrix}{\frac {\partial y_{11}}{\partial x}}&{\frac {\partial y_{12}}{\partial x}}&\cdots &{\frac {\partial y_{1n}}{\partial x}}\\{\frac {\partial y_{21}}{\partial x}}&{\frac {\partial y_{22}}{\partial x}}&\cdots &{\frac {\partial y_{2n}}{\partial x}}\\\vdots &\vdots &\ddots &\vdots \\{\frac {\partial y_{m1}}{\partial x}}&{\frac {\partial y_{m2}}{\partial x}}&\cdots &{\frac {\partial y_{mn}}{\partial x}}\\\end{bmatrix}}.}
The derivative of a scalar y function of a p×q matrix X of independent variables, with respect to the matrix X, is given (in numerator layout notation) by

{\displaystyle {\frac {\partial y}{\partial \mathbf {X} }}={\begin{bmatrix}{\frac {\partial y}{\partial x_{11}}}&{\frac {\partial y}{\partial x_{21}}}&\cdots &{\frac {\partial y}{\partial x_{p1}}}\\{\frac {\partial y}{\partial x_{12}}}&{\frac {\partial y}{\partial x_{22}}}&\cdots &{\frac {\partial y}{\partial x_{p2}}}\\\vdots &\vdots &\ddots &\vdots \\{\frac {\partial y}{\partial x_{1q}}}&{\frac {\partial y}{\partial x_{2q}}}&\cdots &{\frac {\partial y}{\partial x_{pq}}}\\\end{bmatrix}}.}
Important examples of scalar functions of matrices include the trace of a matrix and the determinant.

In analog with vector calculus this derivative is often written as the following.

{\displaystyle \nabla _{\mathbf {X} }y(\mathbf {X} )={\frac {\partial y(\mathbf {X} )}{\partial \mathbf {X} }}}
Also in analog with vector calculus, the directional derivative of a scalar f(X) of a matrix X in the direction of matrix Y is given by

{\displaystyle \nabla _{\mathbf {Y} }f=\operatorname {tr} \left({\frac {\partial f}{\partial \mathbf {X} }}\mathbf {Y} \right).}

It is the gradient matrix, in particular, that finds many uses in minimization problems in estimation theory, particularly in the derivation of the Kalman filter algorithm, which is of great importance in the field.
  • #10
That has nothing to do with ”differentiate with respect to a tensor”.

Edit: To clarify that. Of course you can differentiate a function with respect to the components of a tensor or a vector. That is just usual differentiation. However, this has nothing to do with directional derivatives in the direction of a vector. For example, the directional derivative of ##\phi## in the direction ##V## is given by
\nabla_V \phi = V^a \partial_a \phi
and is a scalar whereas the derivative of ##\phi## with respect to the components of ##V## are given by
\frac{\partial \phi}{\partial V^a},
which is not.

Also, just inserting Wikipedia text without giving any source is presenting it as your own work. This is completely unacceptable. The proper way of doing it is to give a reference. I also note that you have not written a single word yourself in your post. That's just not constructive.
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  • #11
Orodruin said:
That has nothing to do with ”differentiate with respect to a tensor”.

Edit: To clarify that. Of course you can differentiate a function with respect to the components of a tensor or a vector. That is just usual differentiation. However, this has nothing to do with directional derivatives in the direction of a vector. For example, the directional derivative of ##\phi## in the direction ##V## is given by
\nabla_V \phi = V^a \partial_a \phi
and is a scalar whereas the derivative of ##\phi## with respect to the components of ##V## are given by
\frac{\partial \phi}{\partial V^a},
which is not.

Also, just inserting Wikipedia text without giving any source is presenting it as your own work. This is completely unacceptable. The proper way of doing it is to give a reference. I also note that you have not written a single word yourself in your post. That's just not constructive.
I'm not writing a dissertation I'm just looking for truth concisely. I appreciate your response. My question should have been clarified more, I meant taking derivative of a scalar with respect to every tensor component sorry.

FAQ: Component derivative of a tensor

1. What is a component derivative of a tensor?

A component derivative of a tensor is a mathematical operation that calculates the rate of change of a tensor's components with respect to a particular variable or coordinate system. It is used to measure how the tensor changes in response to changes in its underlying parameters.

2. How is a component derivative of a tensor calculated?

A component derivative of a tensor is calculated by taking the partial derivative of each component of the tensor with respect to the variable or coordinate system of interest. This results in a new tensor with the same number of components as the original, but with each component representing the rate of change of the corresponding component in the original tensor.

3. What are the applications of component derivative of a tensor?

The component derivative of a tensor has various applications in physics, engineering, and other fields that deal with complex systems. It is used to study the behavior of physical systems, analyze data, and make predictions about how a system will respond to changes in its parameters.

4. Are there any limitations to using component derivative of a tensor?

One limitation of using component derivative of a tensor is that it can only be applied to differentiable tensors, meaning that the tensor's components must be continuous and have well-defined derivatives. Additionally, the calculation of component derivatives can become complex and computationally intensive for higher-order tensors.

5. How does the component derivative of a tensor differ from the total derivative?

The component derivative of a tensor only considers the rate of change of each component of the tensor, while the total derivative takes into account the overall change of the tensor as a whole. The total derivative also considers the effect of changes in all variables or coordinate systems, while the component derivative only focuses on one specific variable or coordinate system.

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