Components of the trace operation

In summary: I've come across the trace but I'm not sure how to calculate it.In summary, the author is asking how to find the components of the trace of an n x n matrix, and provides an example using a trace on a vector in a space of matrices. He provides two possible solutions, but notes that the first one is easiest to apply. The author then provides a step-by-step guide on how to find the dual basis for a vector space, using the orthogonality relationship between vectors. He notes that the second solution is more difficult, but provides a method for doing so.
  • #1
I'm currently reading "Introduction to tensors and Group Theory for Physicists". I'm stuck on a question posed on dual spaces.

The author gives the trace as an example of a linear functional on the vector space M_n(ℝ) (n x n matrices with real entries) and then asks how one would find the components of the element of the dual space that takes an n x n matrix to a real number-the trace.

I have no idea how to solve this problem, any help would be much appreciated.
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  • #2
Start with an arbitrary member of V* acting on an arbitrary member of V, in whatever notation you prefer, e.g. ρ(x). Then try two different ideas: 1. Expand x in a basis. 2. Expand x in a basis, and ρ in the dual basis of that first basis. Then compare the results. This will give you the formula for components of dual vectors.

Then choose a basis for the vector space of matrices, and use the formula with the trace and the dual basis. Note that the components of a linear functional are always component with respect to some basis, so it's impossible to do it without choosing a basis.
  • #3
Thanks a lot for your reply. I'm pretty new to this mathematics so I follow what your saying (sort of) but not sure I could carry out the steps you've outlined.

A few questions:

1). I would probably choose the basis E_ij which represents the matrix with 1 in the ijth position and zero's everywhere else but I wasn't sure what you meant by "and use the formula with the trace and the dual basis".

2). I know that to find the dual basis I use [F E]_ij = δ_ij where F are the bases of the dual space, so I've written ƩFikEkj = δij but I'm not really sure where to go from here to find the dual basis.

  • #4
fa2209 said:
1). I would probably choose the basis E_ij which represents the matrix with 1 in the ijth position and zero's everywhere else but I wasn't sure what you meant by "and use the formula with the trace and the dual basis".
That looks like a good choice. I meant that you should use the formula for the ith component of ρ in the dual basis of {ei}, that you will find if you do what I suggested first. Of course when you apply it to your problem, you should either replace i by ij, or keep the i and let it take values from 1 to n2 instead.

Edit: You're new here, so you might not understand why I don't just tell you the answer. It's the forum's policy on textbook-style questions. We're required to treat them all as homework, and only give hints, not complete answers. I think I gave you 95% of it though. :smile:

fa2209 said:
2). I know that to find the dual basis I use [F E]_ij = δ_ij where F are the bases of the dual space, so I've written ƩFikEkj = δij but I'm not really sure where to go from here to find the dual basis.
The dual basis of {ei} is defined by [itex]e^i e_j =\delta^i_j[/itex]. Once you have written that dow, there's nothing to find. Recall that the dual basis is a basis for V* (assuming that {ei} is a basis for V). The members of V* are linear functions from V into ℝ. Two functions are equal if they have the same domain and the same value at each point in the domain. So if you know the result of [itex]e^i[/itex] acting on an arbitrary [itex]v\in V[/itex], then you know [itex]e^i[/itex]. And if you know the result of [itex]e^i[/itex] acting on a basis vector, then you know the result of [itex]e^i[/itex] acting on an arbitrary [itex]v\in V[/itex], because [itex]e^i[/itex] is linear.
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  • #5
Haha, thanks but I'm struggling with the next 5% because I've only been doing this kind of mathematics for about 2 days.

What I'm not sure about is how I can extend this to matrices to answer my problem.

I understand how to use the orthogonality relationship with vectors but I'm not really sure about how to use it with matrices. What I mean is that if I use the fact that eieiij then I can instantly see that the dual basis vector can be written explicitly as a row vector (assuming I write ei as a column vector) with a 1 in the same column as the 1 in the row of the vector in V and zero's elsewhere. So how do I extend this to matrices?

I think I also confused myself a bit with my choice of notation, normally if I write Eij I mean the ijth component of a matrix but here it actually represents the entire matrix not just one component.

Finally, I'm trying to find something that maps an n x n matrix to a real number so don't I need a (1 x n) times the original n x n and then multiply on the right by an n x 1 matrix?

Sorry for the ramble but writing down my thinking might help you see where I'm going wrong (apart from being a terrible mathematician).
  • #6
I think you need to start by doing what I described in the first paragraph of post #2. If you think you can't, I think you're really just assuming that it will be hard, when in fact it's very easy. I've done that myself a bunch of times. One time it took me more than an hour to prove that if a Banach algebra has an identity element, it must be unique. Banach algebras sounded scary, so I expected it to be hard. I felt really stupid when I realized that the proof looks like this: 1=1·1'=1'.
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FAQ: Components of the trace operation

What is the purpose of the trace operation?

The trace operation is used to record the execution of a program or function. It allows scientists to track the flow of data and identify any errors or issues that may occur during the execution of the code.

What are the components of the trace operation?

The components of the trace operation include the trace function, which is used to start and stop the tracing process, the trace data, which is the information recorded during the execution of the code, and the trace viewer, which is used to analyze and interpret the trace data.

How does the trace function work?

The trace function works by inserting code into the program or function being traced. This code records information such as the time and location of each step in the execution, as well as any variables or parameters being used.

What types of data can be recorded with the trace operation?

The trace operation can record various types of data, including function calls, variable values, and execution times. It can also be customized to record specific types of data based on the needs of the scientist.

What are the benefits of using the trace operation?

The trace operation can provide valuable insights into the execution of a program or function, allowing scientists to identify and troubleshoot any issues that may arise. It can also help with performance optimization and debugging of complex code.
