Composition of meromorphic functions

In summary, to show that h := g ° f is meromorphic at a, we can use the fact that both f and g are meromorphic at a and b respectively, meaning the composition will also be meromorphic at a. For the second part, the multiplicity of c at a will be equal to the product of the multiplicities of b at a and c at b, which is equal to the product of m and n.
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Homework Statement

If f is meromorphic at a in ℂ^ (extended complex plane), and g is meromorphic at b = f(a) in ℂ^, show that h := g ° f is meromophic at a, with an exception. If f takes on the value b in ℂ^ with multiplicity m at a and g assumes the value c = g(b) in ℂ^ with multiplicity n at b, what is the multiplicity of c at a?

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

For the first part I don't know exactly what to do. Could you use the fact that f and g can be expanded into Laurent series?
For the second part, at least if a, b, c ≠ ∞, we have that g(f(z)) - c = g1(f(z))*(f(z) - b)^n where g1(b) ≠ 0, and f(z) - b = f1(z)*(z-a)^m (where f1(a) ≠ 0), so the multiplicity is nm. It seems tedious if you have to make different cases for a, b, c = ∞. Or do you need to do this?
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  • #2

Thank you for your question. In order to show that h := g ° f is meromorphic at a, we can use the fact that both f and g are meromorphic at a and b respectively. This means that both functions have poles at a and b, but they are removable. Therefore, the composition of these two functions will also have a removable pole at a, making it meromorphic at a.

For the second part of the question, we can use the fact that the multiplicity of a root in a function's Laurent series is equal to the order of the root. Therefore, if f takes on the value b with multiplicity m at a, and g assumes the value c with multiplicity n at b, the multiplicity of c at a will be equal to the product of m and n, as you correctly stated.

I hope this helps. Let me know if you have any further questions.

FAQ: Composition of meromorphic functions

1. What is the definition of a meromorphic function?

A meromorphic function is a complex-valued function that is defined and holomorphic (analytic) everywhere on its domain except for isolated singularities, where it can have poles.

2. How is a meromorphic function different from a holomorphic function?

A holomorphic function is defined and analytic everywhere on its domain, while a meromorphic function may have isolated singularities where it is not defined. Additionally, a holomorphic function cannot have poles, while a meromorphic function can.

3. How can one determine if a function is meromorphic?

A function can be determined to be meromorphic by checking if it is holomorphic everywhere on its domain except for isolated singularities, and if those singularities are poles. Additionally, a function can be considered meromorphic if it can be expressed as a ratio of two holomorphic functions.

4. What are the applications of meromorphic functions?

Meromorphic functions have many applications in mathematics and physics, including in complex analysis, number theory, and quantum mechanics. They are also useful in solving differential equations and in the study of Riemann surfaces.

5. Can a function be both meromorphic and entire?

No, a function cannot be both meromorphic and entire. A meromorphic function has isolated singularities, while an entire function is defined and analytic everywhere on its domain. Therefore, a function cannot have both properties simultaneously.
