Comprehending stated logical progression in thermodynamics

In summary, the equation for the work done in creating an elementary dipole within a magnetized body within a solenoid can be expressed as dW=d[1/8π∫H2dV] + ∫(H⋅dJ)dV, where J is the intensity of magnetization.
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Homework Statement

The idea is to describe work with a magnetized body within a solenoid. You have the equation of energy with field H by 1/8π∫H2dV where H=hi and h is a vector function of position.

Then you have if the work is changed dW/dt=d/dt[1/8π∫H2dV]

Then there is work in the creation of an elementary dipole within the body dm. the dipole has electron loop with current i' and area a, and the solenoid produces field h at the loop. If i' changes, the e.m.f. generated in solenoid is (h⋅a)di'/dt, so the battery must work at rate i(h⋅a)di'/dt.

Since solenoid field at loop is hi and by Ampere's theorem ai' is the magnetic moment:

Now here is where I start to get lost, but it kind of holds a little.
removing time derivatives and integrating over all space:
dW=d[1/8π∫H2dV] + ∫(H⋅dJ)dV

and here is where I get REALLY lost: where J is the intensity of magnetization (the magnetic moment dm of an element dV is JdV)

Can someone please explain that last step to me?
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Homework Equations 1/8π∫H2dVdW/dt=d/dt[1/8π∫H2dV]dW/dt=H⋅dm/dtdW=d[1/8π∫H2dV] + ∫(H⋅dJ)dVThe Attempt at a Solution The last equation is suggesting that the work done in creating an elementary dipole within the body (dm) can be expressed as the integral of the product of the magnetic field (H) and the intensity of magnetization (J). This is because the magnetic moment of an element (dV) is JdV. Intuitively, this makes sense since the work done in creating an elementary dipole must be related to the product of the magnetic field and the magnetic moment of the dipole.

FAQ: Comprehending stated logical progression in thermodynamics

1. What is thermodynamics and why is it important?

Thermodynamics is the branch of physics that deals with the relationships between heat, energy, and work. It is important because it helps us understand how energy is transferred and transformed between different forms, and how it affects the behavior of matter.

2. What is stated logical progression in thermodynamics?

Stated logical progression in thermodynamics refers to the systematic and step-by-step process of analyzing and understanding the behavior of thermodynamic systems. It involves using fundamental principles and laws to explain and predict changes in energy, temperature, and other properties of a system.

3. How can one comprehend stated logical progression in thermodynamics?

To comprehend stated logical progression in thermodynamics, one must have a solid understanding of the fundamental principles and laws of thermodynamics, including the laws of thermodynamics, heat transfer mechanisms, and thermodynamic processes. It also involves being able to analyze and interpret data and use mathematical equations to solve problems.

4. What are some real-world applications of comprehending stated logical progression in thermodynamics?

Comprehending stated logical progression in thermodynamics has many real-world applications, such as designing more efficient engines and power plants, understanding the behavior of materials at extreme temperatures, and developing sustainable energy sources. It also plays a crucial role in fields such as chemical engineering, meteorology, and environmental science.

5. What are some common misconceptions about thermodynamics?

One common misconception about thermodynamics is that it only applies to large-scale systems, when in fact it also applies to microscopic systems such as atoms and molecules. Another misconception is that energy can be created or destroyed, when in reality it can only be converted from one form to another. Additionally, some may mistakenly believe that thermodynamics only deals with heat and temperature, when it also encompasses other forms of energy such as work and potential energy.
