Compress Magnetic Field: What Happens When Spun at High RPM?

In summary: Two magnets will attract each other to create a stronger field. If you put them close to each other, the field will be too strong and they will have to be separated.
  • #1
I was wondering what would happen if you were to have two really strong repelling magnets that were being forced together by a sphere of let's say solid copper mesh and then spun the magnets or sphere or both at a really high rpm. Or just a really strong compressed magnetic field however the strongest way of making that is and the strongest way of compressing a magetic field (if you can enlighten me on those it would be appreciated). I've been reading up a little bit on eddy currents and am basically wondering what would happen if you were to trap these currents and create an extremely intense magnetic flux? How and would these effect gravity?
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  • #2
The second magnet makes the field weaker. You have to arrange them to attract each other to make the field stronger.
Rotating the setup will lead to relativistic corrections at purely hypothetical speeds - so what? There are better ways to generate strong fields.
This has nothing to do with gravity or eddy currents.
  • #3
MagMad said:
what would happen if you were to trap these currents and create an extremely intense magnetic flux?
The flux density ( the B-field ) will not be extremely. The flux will seep through the sides of the magnets, when they are closed up. The flux will find a path with less counter mmf. Say you sketch the field lines of the two magnets, they can never cross each other or even close up. If so, Amperes law would not apply.
  • #5
To produce a strong B-field, you could make a solenoid with a core with high permeability, then sharpen the one end. Then the B-field will be narrowed at this end, but will not be stronger than a field that the core material can conduct.

FAQ: Compress Magnetic Field: What Happens When Spun at High RPM?

1. What is a magnetic field and how is it created?

A magnetic field is a region in space in which a magnetic force can be detected. It is created by moving electrically charged particles, such as electrons, or by the intrinsic magnetic properties of certain materials.

2. What happens to a magnetic field when it is compressed?

When a magnetic field is compressed, the strength of the field increases. This is because the same amount of magnetic flux is being contained in a smaller area, resulting in a higher flux density.

3. How does spinning at high RPM affect the compression of a magnetic field?

Spinning an object at high RPM causes it to experience a centrifugal force, which can compress the magnetic field within the object. This results in an increase in the strength of the magnetic field.

4. Can compressing a magnetic field at high RPM have any practical applications?

Yes, compressing magnetic fields at high RPM can have various practical applications. For example, it is used in particle accelerators to increase the strength of magnetic fields and in magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) machines to create stronger and more focused magnetic fields for medical imaging.

5. Are there any potential dangers associated with compressing magnetic fields at high RPM?

Yes, there can be potential dangers when compressing magnetic fields at high RPM. The intense magnetic forces can cause objects to become magnetized, which can interfere with electronic devices. Additionally, the high centrifugal forces can cause objects to break or shatter, posing a risk to nearby individuals.
