Compressor Simulation: Calculating Outlet Temperature & Mass Flow Rate

In summary, the conversation revolves around the simulation of a compressor process. The equation used to calculate compressor outlet temperature and mass flow rate is discussed, as well as the relationship between mass flow rate and compressor map. The issue of high discharge temperature and pressure when the guide van is opened is brought up, and the conversation concludes with a request for additional information for simulation.
  • #1
Hallo friends,
I am doing simulation of compressor process. I have used the following equation to calculate compressor outlet Temperature and mass flow rate.

mass flow rate (m) : flow from compressor map(m3/h)*compressor pressure/(R*Inlet temp*z)

T_outlet :T1+ (head*(kappa-1)/ (R*z*Kappa*efficiency))
and I am getting the value of volumetric flow form compressor map.flow form compressor map is :f(head,inlet guide van position).

As per the compressor map at start up guide vane is at zero position and this stage inlet pressure and discharge pressure is almost same .but when guide van opens (40%)the discharge temperature becomes high and pressure goes up to 18 bara. But compressor map shows that it delivers maximum up to 5 bara when guide van is fully open (100%).

Inlet pressure is 1 bara .

My process consists of the following process modules.
1.Pipe-M (Because I have assumed 1 bara so need to find only mass flow)
3.Compressor module
4.Discharge Pipe(pipe-pm)
5.Discharge control valve

This is my basic modules .

Please reply me .if you want to simulate the process I can give you also equations of the pipe and compressor map data.

can anybody tell me where is the problem to calculate discharge pressure and temperature?

Thanks a lot in advance.

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  • #2
Dear Jack,

I am to simulate a compressor to simulate a process control quantitatively, so we need the Laplas equations and any suplimentary equations needed for simulation. Can you please provide me with some information?

Thank you in advance

FAQ: Compressor Simulation: Calculating Outlet Temperature & Mass Flow Rate

1. How do you calculate the outlet temperature of a compressor?

The outlet temperature of a compressor can be calculated using the following formula: Tout = Tin + (Q/mCp), where Tout is the outlet temperature, Tin is the inlet temperature, Q is the heat added to the gas, m is the mass flow rate, and Cp is the specific heat at constant pressure.

2. What factors affect the outlet temperature of a compressor?

The outlet temperature of a compressor can be affected by several factors, including the inlet temperature, the heat added to the gas, the mass flow rate, and the specific heat at constant pressure. Additionally, the type of compressor and its operating conditions can also impact the outlet temperature.

3. How is the mass flow rate of a compressor calculated?

The mass flow rate of a compressor can be calculated using the following formula: m = ρAV, where m is the mass flow rate, ρ is the density of the gas, A is the cross-sectional area of the compressor, and V is the velocity of the gas.

4. How does compressor simulation help in designing efficient systems?

Compressor simulation allows for the calculation and analysis of important parameters such as outlet temperature and mass flow rate, which are crucial in designing efficient systems. By simulating different operating conditions and compressor configurations, engineers can optimize the design to achieve the desired performance and efficiency.

5. What are the limitations of compressor simulation?

Compressor simulation has some limitations, such as the accuracy of the input data and assumptions made in the simulation. Additionally, the simulation may not take into account all the real-world factors that can affect the performance of a compressor, such as mechanical losses and turbulence. Therefore, it is important to validate the simulation results with experimental data.

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