Compton Effect with the electron initially moving

In summary: Yes, but we need to see your calculations for the energy, wavelength and scattering angle in that frame.
  • #1
Homework Statement
A photon with wavelength (lambda) moves towards a free electron which moves with speed u in the direction of the incident photon (see figure). if the photon disperses at angle theta, show that the wavelength of the dispersed photon is: (see picture below)
Relevant Equations
Relativity Formulas, Doppler Effect, etc
Hello! I do not understand how to prove the exercise. I have searched all over but I have found no hints on how to get started. Can anybody help me?


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  • #2
What about transforming to and from the rest frame of the electron?
  • #3
How about starting by writing something down? What two equations do you need and what form do they take?
  • #4
PeroK said:
What about transforming to and from the rest frame of the electron?
that’s what i don’t get. transform what? the frequencies or the velocities?
  • #5
kuruman said:
How about starting by writing something down? What two equations do you need and what form do they take?
I’m not sure what equations I need. I am conflicted between needing the doppler effect formulas (fobs=sqrt((1-u/c)/(1+u/c))fsource) and the compton scattering formula
  • #6
Start with the standard energy and momentum conservation equations. You asked in #4 what to transform, frequencies or velocities? The answer is both are different in the two frames excepting, of course, the speed of light.
  • #7
sciencec said:
that’s what i don’t get. transform what? the frequencies or the velocities?
Everything! That's what you normally do when you change frames.
  • #8
PeroK said:
Everything! That's what you normally do when you change frames.
So I started with setting the frame S’ as the frame where the electron is at rest and the dispersion angle is theta’. So the velocities in the S’ frame would be: Ux’=Ux-v/1-(Ux(V))/c^2 and so the cos(theta’)=Ux’/c. I then substituted that cos(theta’) into the compton scattering equation. is that correct so far?
  • #9
sciencec said:
So I started with setting the frame S’ as the frame where the electron is at rest and the dispersion angle is theta’. So the velocities in the S’ frame would be: Ux’=Ux-v/1-(Ux(V))/c^2 and so the cos(theta’)=Ux’/c. I then substituted that cos(theta’) into the compton scattering equation. is that correct so far?
Without calculation the velocity of the electron is zero in its rest frame.
  • #10
PeroK said:
Without calculation the velocity of the electron is zero in its rest frame.
I’m still very clueless as to what to do. The teacher has never explained this topic and to add to that, english isn’t even my first language. Could you give me some more hints? This exercise has truly taken too much of my time. I would be very greatful
  • #11
sciencec said:
I’m still very clueless as to what to do. The teacher has never explained this topic and to add to that, english isn’t even my first language. Could you give me some more hints? This exercise has truly taken too much of my time. I would be very greatful
By the way, I greatly appreciate the help and am not looking to have the answer given to me. I want to learn, but sometimes it’s very stressful when there is a due date and the teacher hates helping the students.
  • #12
sciencec said:
I’m still very clueless as to what to do. The teacher has never explained this topic and to add to that, english isn’t even my first language. Could you give me some more hints? This exercise has truly taken too much of my time. I would be very greatful
The first step is to transform the data to the electron rest frame. You must be able to do that as a first step. If you are not able yet to do that then there's not a lot we can do to help.
  • #13
PeroK said:
The first step is to transform the data to the electron rest frame. You must be able to do that as a first step. If you are not able yet to do that then there's not a lot we can do to help.
In the electron rest frame its velocity would be cero and the compton formula would apply as it applies in the case of the electron being at rest
  • #14
sciencec said:
In the electron rest frame its velocity would be cero and the compton formula would apply as it applies in the case of the electron being at rest
Yes, but we need to see your calculations for the energy, wavelength and scattering angle in that frame.

This is an advanced problem, so you need to show some understanding of material at this level.

Related to Compton Effect with the electron initially moving

1. What is the Compton Effect with the electron initially moving?

The Compton Effect with the electron initially moving is a phenomenon in which an incident photon collides with a free electron, resulting in a change in the wavelength and energy of the photon. This effect was discovered by Arthur Compton in 1923 and is a crucial concept in understanding the dual nature of light as both a wave and a particle.

2. How does the Compton Effect with the electron initially moving occur?

When a photon collides with a free electron, it transfers some of its energy to the electron, causing it to recoil. This results in a decrease in the energy and an increase in the wavelength of the scattered photon, as compared to the incident photon. This change in energy and wavelength is known as the Compton shift.

3. What factors affect the magnitude of the Compton shift in the Compton Effect with the electron initially moving?

The magnitude of the Compton shift depends on the angle of scattering, the energy of the incident photon, and the mass of the electron. As the angle of scattering increases, the Compton shift also increases. Similarly, a higher energy of the incident photon and a lower mass of the electron result in a larger Compton shift.

4. What are the applications of the Compton Effect with the electron initially moving?

The Compton Effect has various applications in fields such as nuclear medicine, X-ray imaging, and astronomy. In nuclear medicine, it is used to produce images of the internal structures of the human body. In X-ray imaging, the Compton Effect is utilized to differentiate between different types of tissues. In astronomy, it is used to measure the energy and direction of high-energy photons from celestial objects.

5. How does the Compton Effect with the electron initially moving support the wave-particle duality of light?

The Compton Effect is a crucial experiment that provides evidence for the wave-particle duality of light. The change in wavelength of the scattered photon can only be explained by considering the photon as a particle with energy and momentum. However, the diffraction and interference patterns observed in the double-slit experiment support the wave nature of light. This phenomenon highlights the dual nature of light as both a particle and a wave.

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