Compton scattering in relativistic flow

In summary: This phenomenon is known as the Compton effect and has been extensively studied in the field of astrophysics. In summary, the Doppler factor plays a crucial role in determining the mean free path of a photon in an electron flow, with a longer mean free path when traveling in the same direction and a shorter mean free path when traveling against the flow. This is due to the Doppler effect increasing or decreasing the photon's energy and interaction cross-section accordingly.
  • #1
For reference:"

The paper linked above notes in the introduction:
...a photon is more likely to suffer a scat-
tering from an electron that is moving toward it, rather
than away from it (the probability of scattering is propor-
tional to the Doppler factor 1 − cos θ v/c, where v is the
electron velocity and θ is the angle at which the photon
and electron encounter).

The authors are performing this calculation for an isotropic electron distribution. However, for my work, I am considering an electron population with a relativistic macroscopic bulk flow. That is, the electrons are considered to be isotropic in their frame, but they are all moving in a (generally) single direction in the lab frame.

It seems intuitive to me that the Doppler factor, as above, would modify the mean free path of a photon in the electron flow. So, if a photon is traveling in the same direction as the electrons, it would have a longer mean free path, whereas if the photon is traveling against the electron bulk flow, it would have a shorter mean free path and scatter sooner.

Please correct me if I'm wrong (or confirm this if I'm right) and explain your reasoning. Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
You are correct. The Doppler factor does modify the mean free path of a photon in an electron flow. When the photon is traveling in the same direction as the electrons, the Doppler effect increases the energy of the photon and thus its interaction cross-section and mean free path. Conversely, when the photon is traveling against the electron bulk flow, the Doppler effect decreases the energy of the photon and thus its interaction cross-section and mean free path.

FAQ: Compton scattering in relativistic flow

1. What is Compton scattering in relativistic flow?

Compton scattering in relativistic flow is a phenomenon in which a high-energy photon interacts with a free electron and transfers some of its energy to the electron. This results in a change in the wavelength of the photon, known as the Compton shift.

2. How does relativistic flow affect Compton scattering?

Relativistic flow refers to the motion of particles at speeds close to the speed of light. In this scenario, the effects of special relativity, such as time dilation and length contraction, become significant. This can lead to a significant increase in the energy of the scattered photon and a larger Compton shift.

3. What are the applications of Compton scattering in relativistic flow?

Compton scattering in relativistic flow has several applications in astrophysics, nuclear physics, and medical imaging. It is used to study high-energy processes in astrophysical objects such as pulsars and quasars. In nuclear physics, it is used to measure the properties of atomic nuclei. In medical imaging, it is used to create images of the internal structures of the human body.

4. How is Compton scattering in relativistic flow different from non-relativistic Compton scattering?

In non-relativistic Compton scattering, the energy of the electron is much smaller than the energy of the incident photon. As a result, the electron can be treated as a stationary target. In relativistic flow, however, the energy of the electron is comparable to that of the photon, and the electron must be treated as a moving target. This leads to differences in the calculations of the Compton shift and the scattering cross-section.

5. Can Compton scattering in relativistic flow be used to probe the properties of particles?

Yes, Compton scattering in relativistic flow can be used as a tool to study the properties of particles, such as their mass and charge. By measuring the energy and angle of the scattered photon, the properties of the target particle can be inferred. This technique is commonly used in high-energy physics experiments to study the properties of subatomic particles.

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