Computing sig8 for correction in non-linear regime

In summary, the conversation discusses the need to apply a correction to the cosmological parameter ##\sigma_{8}## and compute its value from the power spectrum ##P_{k}## using a specific formula involving a tophat filter. The parameter is mostly determined by the power spectrum within a certain range of ##k## values and any differences in the values of other cosmological parameters may influence the estimate. There is also a discussion about the correct value for ##R_{8}## and the possibility of using CAMB to directly output ##\sigma_{8}##.
  • #1
TL;DR Summary
In the context of the sudy of C_l's stability for Fisher formalism, I need to apply, with CAMB code, a correction on 𝜎8 between linear and non-linear regime to keep it fixed (I make change the values of cosmological parameters at each iteration).
I need to apply, with CAMB code, a correction on ##\sigma_{8}## between linear and non-linear regime to keep it fixed (I make change the values of cosmological parameters at each iteration). I have to compute ##\sigma_{8}## from the ##P_{k}## and found the following relation (I put also the text for clarify the context) :
Part of this Klein Onderzoek is aimed at finding an estimate of the cosmological parameter ##\sigma_{8}## from peculiar verlocity data only. ##\sigma_{8}## is defined as the r.m.s. density variation when smoothed with a tophat-filter of radius of ##8 \mathrm{h}^{-1} \mathrm{Mpc} .[9]## The definition of ##\sigma_{8}## in formula-form is given by:

##\sigma_{8}^{2}=\frac{1}{2 \pi^{2}} \int W_{s}^{2} k^{2} P(k) d k##

where ##W_{s}## is tophat filter function in Fourier space:

##W_{s}=\frac{3 j_{1}\left(k R_{8}\right)}{k R_{8}}##

where ##j_{1}## is the first-order spherical Bessel function. The parameter ##\sigma_{8}## is mainly sensitive to the power spectrum in a certain range of ##k## -values. For large ##k,## the filter function will become negligible and the integral will go to zero. For small ##k,## the factor ##k^{2}## in combination with the power spectrum factor ##k^{-3}## will make sure that the integral is negligible.

In other words, ##\sigma_{8}## is mostly determined by the power spectrum within the approximate range ##0.1 \leq k \leq 2 .## since ##\sigma_{8}## is only sensitive to a certain range of ##k,## any difference in the values of the Hubble uncertaintenty, the baryonic matter density and the total matter density will influence the found estimate.
Question 1) What numerical value have I got to take for ##R_{8}## in my code : for the instant, I put ##R_{8}= 8.0/0.67=11.94## : is this correct ?Question 2) The other issue is, for each correction on ##A_{s}##, that I find with this expression a value roughly around : ##\sigma_{8} = 0.8411 ...## instead of standard (fiducial) value ##\sigma_{8} = 0.8155 ...## : there is a 4 percent of difference between both values : is the expression above right ?Could anyone tell me a good way to compute ##\sigma_{8}## from ##P_{k}## generated by CAMB-1.0.12 ? Thanks in advanceRegards
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  • #3
Thanks, isn't there a way to do it with a semi-analytical method since I am using mostly the Fortran90 source files ?

FAQ: Computing sig8 for correction in non-linear regime

What is "Computing sig8 for correction in non-linear regime"?

"Computing sig8 for correction in non-linear regime" refers to a method used in cosmology to calculate the power spectrum of matter fluctuations in the universe. This calculation takes into account the effects of non-linear gravitational interactions, which become important on small scales.

Why is it important to compute sig8 for correction in non-linear regime?

It is important to compute sig8 for correction in non-linear regime because it allows for a more accurate understanding of the large-scale structure of the universe. Non-linear effects can significantly alter the power spectrum of matter fluctuations, and this correction is necessary for precise cosmological measurements and predictions.

How is sig8 calculated?

Sig8 is calculated by measuring the amplitude of matter fluctuations on a scale of 8 megaparsecs (Mpc) in the universe. This measurement is then compared to the expected amplitude based on theoretical predictions and the difference is used to determine the correction factor for non-linear effects.

What is the significance of sig8 in cosmology?

Sig8 is significant in cosmology because it is a key parameter in determining the overall matter density of the universe. It is also used to constrain the values of other important cosmological parameters, such as the dark energy density and the rate of expansion of the universe.

How does computing sig8 for correction in non-linear regime impact our understanding of the universe?

Computing sig8 for correction in non-linear regime allows for a more precise and accurate understanding of the large-scale structure of the universe. This information is crucial for testing and refining cosmological models and theories, and for gaining insights into the fundamental properties of the universe, such as its age and composition.

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