Computing vacuum expectation values

In summary, the second term in the second line of 210 comes from the chain rule and the product rule.
  • #1
I have small question computing vacuum expectation values here" from Mark Srednicki.

My problem is with equation 210 on the pdf page 69. In the second line of 210, where does the second term come from?

Z(J) and W(J) are defined one page 62-63 with equations 196 and 197, and the computation for the vacuum expectation value of a single field is given in 198, which makes sense to me.

But not the second term in the second line of 210!

thank you
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  • #2

it's just the chain rule and the product rule. treat [itex]\delta_i[/itex] as an ordinary derivative and work it out.

There is one small typo: in the first line there should be a 1/Z[J=0]. This then cancels when you write it in terms of W.
  • #3

Thanks Blechman!
  • #4

Ok, bit ashamed to come back, but ..

So I want to compute (d/dJ_1)(d/dJ_2)exp(iW(J(1,2))

(d/dJ_1)(d/dJ_2)exp(iW(J(1,2)) = (d/dJ_1)((d/dJ_2)iW(J(1,2)exp(iW(J(1,2)) (chain rule)

since at the end we set J=0 and W(0)=0 defined, exp(iW(J(0))=1, exp(iW(J(1,2)) drops out

so I got (d/dJ_1)((d/dJ_2)iW(J(1,2)

now I should apply the product rule to get to the second line of 210, but sadly I can't see how
  • #5

kexue said:
Ok, bit ashamed to come back, but ..

So I want to compute (d/dJ_1)(d/dJ_2)exp(iW(J(1,2))

(d/dJ_1)(d/dJ_2)exp(iW(J(1,2)) = (d/dJ_1)((d/dJ_2)iW(J(1,2)exp(iW(J(1,2)) (chain rule)

since at the end we set J=0 and W(0)=0 defined, exp(iW(J(0))=1, exp(iW(J(1,2)) drops out
You may only do that at the very end of the calculation (after having applied all derivatives). Apply the derivative wrt J_1 on everything and *then* set J=0. You will get his expression.
  • #6

Now got it!

Thanks nrqed, thanks blechman!

FAQ: Computing vacuum expectation values

1. What is a "computing vacuum expectation value"?

A computing vacuum expectation value is a calculation in quantum mechanics that represents the average value of an operator in a quantum state.

2. What is the significance of computing vacuum expectation values?

Computing vacuum expectation values allows us to make predictions about the behavior of quantum systems and understand the properties of quantum states.

3. How is a vacuum expectation value calculated?

A vacuum expectation value is calculated by taking the inner product of the quantum state with the operator and then taking the square root of that value. This is represented mathematically as \langle\psi|\hat{O}|\psi\rangle.

4. Can computing vacuum expectation values be applied to any quantum system?

Yes, computing vacuum expectation values can be applied to any quantum system, whether it is a single particle or a complex system of multiple particles.

5. What kind of information can be obtained from computing vacuum expectation values?

Computing vacuum expectation values can provide information about the energy, position, momentum, and other properties of a quantum system. It can also be used to predict the outcome of measurements in a quantum system.
