Concavity, Inflection Points, and Intervals of Increase and Decrease

In summary, the person is trying to find the intervals of concave up and concave down, but is having trouble with the second derivative. They say that by using the product rule and the chain rule, they were able to find the roots and determine that the function is concave up from (-\infty,-1) to (-1/√5,1/√5). They also found the points of inflection and concluded that the function is concave down from (-1,-1/√5) to (1,\infty).
  • #1
Hey guys,

Need some more help again. I'll keep it brief.

This thread is only for question one. Please ignore 2ab.


I started off by computing f'(x) via the product rule and calculating the zeros, at which point I got:
x= 1/√ 5 and x=√(3)

However, I'm at a loss as to what I should do next. Taking the derivative of f'(x) =4x(10x^2 - 8) , which means that the inflection points are found at x=0, and x=√ 4/√ 5

Am I on the right track, or did I make a clerical error up to this point?

What I don't fully grasp is whether I should be confirming my answers with the derivative test or if stating them is sufficient.
Thanks in advance.
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  • #2
Okay, we are given:

\(\displaystyle f(x)=\left(x^2-1\right)^3\)

To find the intervals of increase/decrease, we will need to analyze the first derivative. To differentiate $f$, we will need to use the power rule along with the chain rule:

\(\displaystyle f^{\prime}(x)=3\left(x^2-1\right)^2(2x)=6x\left(x^2-1\right)^2\)

Now, we can easily see that the roots of $f^{\prime}$ are:

\(\displaystyle x\in\{-1,0,1\}\)

Now, if we observe that the non-zero roots are of multiplicity 2, then we know the sign of $f^{\prime}$ will not change across these roots. And since the root $x=0$ is of multiplicity 1, we know the sign will change across this root.

So, we need only text one sub-interval, and so let's pick a value for $x$ from $\left(-\infty,-1\right)$, say $-2$ and see what the sign of $f^{\prime}$ is:

\(\displaystyle f^{\prime}(-2)=6(-2)\left((-2)^2-1\right)^2<0\)

Thus we may then conclude:

$\left(-\infty,-1\right)$: $f$ is decreasing.

$\left(-1,0\right)$: $f$ is decreasing.

$\left(0,1\right)$: $f$ is increasing.

$\left(1,\infty\right)$: $f$ is increasing.

Now, to find the intervals of concave up and concave down, we need to perform a similar analysis on the second derivative. This time you will want to use the product rule...give it a try and I will be glad to look over your work. :D
  • #3
MarkFL said:
Okay, we are given:

\(\displaystyle f(x)=\left(x^2-1\right)^3\)

To find the intervals of increase/decrease, we will need to analyze the first derivative. To differentiate $f$, we will need to use the power rule along with the chain rule:

\(\displaystyle f^{\prime}(x)=3\left(x^2-1\right)^2(2x)=6x\left(x^2-1\right)^2\)

Now, we can easily see that the roots of $f^{\prime}$ are:

\(\displaystyle x\in\{-1,0,1\}\)

Now, if we observe that the non-zero roots are of multiplicity 2, then we know the sign of $f^{\prime}$ will not change across these roots. And since the root $x=0$ is of multiplicity 1, we know the sign will change across this root.

So, we need only text one sub-interval, and so let's pick a value for $x$ from $\left(-\infty,-1\right)$, say $-2$ and see what the sign of $f^{\prime}$ is:

\(\displaystyle f^{\prime}(-2)=6(-2)\left((-2)^2-1\right)^2<0\)

Thus we may then conclude:

$\left(-\infty,-1\right)$: $f$ is decreasing.

$\left(-1,0\right)$: $f$ is decreasing.

$\left(0,1\right)$: $f$ is increasing.

$\left(1,\infty\right)$: $f$ is increasing.

Now, to find the intervals of concave up and concave down, we need to perform a similar analysis on the second derivative. This time you will want to use the product rule...give it a try and I will be glad to look over your work. :D

Alright. This took me quite a while, but I'm pretty sure I computed the correct answer(s).

I performed the second derivative test for:

f''(x) = 6(x^2 -1)(5x^2 -1)

And computed:

x$\in$ {-1, -1/√5 ,1/√5 ,1}

As the roots. Therefore, I performed the second derivative test with arbitrary points between the roots. If it matters, I used -2, -1/2, 1/10, 1/2, and 2 as the x values to test with f''.

Furthermore, I concluded that f is concave up from:

\(\displaystyle (-\infty,-1)u(-1/√5,1/√5)u(1,\infty) \)

Moreover, f is concave down from: \(\displaystyle (-1,-1/√5)u(1/√5,1) \)

As for inflection points, I computed:

f(1/√5)= -64/125
f(-1/√5)= -64/125

Am I on the right track? Thank you so much for typing out that well-thought-out response.
  • #4
Yes, you computed the second derivative correctly, correctly identified the intervals of concave up/down, and found the points of inflection.

Observing that the second derivative had only roots of multiplicity 1 would have allowed you to test only 1 interval, and then let the sign of the second derivative alternate across the intervals. Also, if you notice that the original function is even, you then know all behaviors are reflected across the $y$ axis. Little tricks like this can cut down on the amount of grunt work you have to do. :D

FAQ: Concavity, Inflection Points, and Intervals of Increase and Decrease

1. What is the definition of concavity?

Concavity refers to the curvature of a function. A function is considered concave if it curves downward, or opens downward, like a frown. It is considered convex if it curves upward, or opens upward, like a smile.

2. How do you find the inflection points of a function?

An inflection point is a point on a function where the concavity changes. To find the inflection points of a function, you can take the second derivative of the function and set it equal to zero. Solve for the x-values that satisfy this equation, and those will be the inflection points.

3. What is an interval of increase or decrease?

An interval of increase or decrease refers to a range of x-values where a function is either increasing or decreasing. If the function has a positive slope, it is increasing on that interval. If the function has a negative slope, it is decreasing on that interval.

4. How can you determine the concavity of a function?

To determine the concavity of a function, you can take the second derivative of the function. If the second derivative is positive, the function is concave up (convex). If the second derivative is negative, the function is concave down (concave). You can also plot points on the graph and visually determine the concavity.

5. Why are concavity, inflection points, and intervals of increase and decrease important in calculus?

These concepts are important because they give us information about the behavior of a function. They help us understand how the graph of a function is changing and can assist in finding the maximum and minimum values of a function. They also play a role in optimization problems, where we are trying to find the highest or lowest point of a function.
