Concentric conducting spherical shells

In summary, the conversation discusses the conditions for Laplace to work and the boundary conditions for the electric field. It also shows that the potential is of the form ø = A + (B/r) and uses the superposition principle to find the potential and electric field at different radii. The charge density and electrostatic energy are also calculated at the inner and outer shells.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Consider three concentric conducting shells, with potentials [tex] 0, ø_0, 0 [/tex] and radius [tex] a, b ,c [/tex] where [tex]a < b < c[/tex].

(a)State conditions for Laplace to work and boundary conditions for E

(b)Show ø is of the form:

(c) Find ø and E everywhere.

(d) Find the charge density and electrostatic energy.


Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

Part (a)

Condition for laplace: Potential at surface of shells must be constant
Boundary Conditions for E: As [tex] r → \infty |\vec {E}| → 0 [/tex]

Part (b)

Consider [tex] r → \infty , V → const.[/tex]

[tex] \sum_{l=0}^{\infty} (A_l r^l)P_{l cosθ} → const. [/tex]

This implies that [tex] l = 0 [/tex] is the only solution.

Thus, general solution for ø:
[tex]ø = A + \frac {B}{r} [/tex]

Part (c)
1. ø must be continuous at r= a, so [tex]ø_{in} = ø_{out} [/tex] at r=a.
2. Potential at r = a is 0.
We obtain two simultaneous equations:
[tex] A = \frac {B}{a} [/tex]
[tex] 0 = A + \frac {B}{a} [/tex]
So this implies [tex] A = B = 0 [/tex] for the first shell.

Middle shell
At r = b, [tex] ø_0 = A + \frac {B}{a}[/tex]
Continuity: [tex]ø_{in} = ø_{out}
so [tex]Ab = B [/tex]
Solving, we get [tex]ø_{in} = \frac {ø_0}{2}, ø_{out} = \frac{bø_0}{2r} [/tex]

Outermost Shell
Does nothing, as shown above.

Using superposition principle, so far we have:
[tex] ø = \frac {ø_0}{2} (0 < r <b) [/tex]
[tex] ø = \frac {ø_0b}{2r} (r > b) [/tex]

Using [tex] E = - \nabla ø [/tex]

[tex] E = 0 (0 < r < b) [/tex]
[tex] E = \frac {bø_0}{2r^2} (r > b)[/tex]



At [tex] r = b, \vec{E} = -\nabla V [/tex]
[tex] (\frac {\partial {V_{out}}}{\partial {r}} - \frac{\partial {V_{in}}}{\partial {r}}) = -\frac {σ_b}{ε_0} [/tex]
[tex] (\frac {-bø_0}{2b^2}) = -\frac {σ}{ε_0} [/tex]
[tex] σ_b = \frac {ø_0ε_0}{2b} [/tex]

For r = a,
[tex] (\frac {\partial {V_{a,out}+V_{b,in}}}{\partial r} - \frac {\partial {V_{a,out}+V_{b,in}}}{\partial r}) = 0 [/tex]
So [tex] σ_a = 0 [/tex]

[tex] Energy = \frac{1}{2} ε_0 \int_{a}^{c} E^2 dV = \frac {1}{2} ε_0 \int_b^c \frac {bø_0}{2r^2} dr = \frac {1}{4}ε_0bø_0(\frac {c-b}{bc}) [/tex]
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FAQ: Concentric conducting spherical shells

What are concentric conducting spherical shells?

Concentric conducting spherical shells refer to a set of conductive spheres that are nested within each other, with their centers all located at the same point. This creates a series of concentric spheres with increasing radii and can be used in various electrical and physical experiments.

How are concentric conducting spherical shells used in experiments?

These shells are often used in experiments to simulate and study the behavior of electric fields and potential inside a spherical conductor. They can also be used to demonstrate the principles of capacitance and the effects of charge distribution on the surface of a conductor.

What is the significance of using concentric conducting spherical shells?

Using these shells allows for a simplified and controlled environment to study the behavior of electric fields and potential. The symmetry of the nested spheres allows for easier calculations and predictions of the electric field and potential at different points within the system.

What is the equation for electric potential in concentric conducting spherical shells?

The equation for electric potential in these shells is V = kQ/r, where V is the electric potential, k is the Coulomb constant, Q is the charge enclosed by the shell, and r is the distance from the center of the shell.

Can concentric conducting spherical shells be used in real-world applications?

Yes, these shells have real-world applications in technologies such as capacitors and particle accelerators. They are also used in medical imaging techniques such as MRI machines to create a uniform magnetic field.
