Conceptional Space/Matter Cosmology,PART2

  • Thread starter Poorichard2
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In summary: ReplyIn summary, your model Space and Matter do not exist as separate absolute entities, the complexity of space/time/matter in scientific understanding reaches far beyond singular absolute conceptions. What I am constructing in this model a hypothetical point in time in order to visualize space and matter seperately, and in doing so an understanding of what is possible and what is not possible emerges. What is absolute solid, what is absolute space, can such conditions exist and under what conditions? We may find such thinking ludicrous,waste of time and so on.So to continue with
  • #1
In my model Space and Matter do not exist as separate absolute
entities. The complexity of space/time/matter in scientific
understanding reaches far beyond singular absolute conceptions.
What I am constructing in this model a hypothetical point in
time in order to visualize space and matter seperately, and in
doing so an understanding of what is possible and what is not
possible emerges. What is absolute solid, what is absolute space,
can such conditions exist and under what conditions?
We may find such thinking ludicrous,waste of time and so on.

So to continue with my model,lets go another step further and
see where this will take us.

Our model consist of space and matter as both existing together
of which if one condition was non-existent then space and
matter will also be non-existent, both occuping one existence.
Next we will add to our hypotheical model another condition in
order for our model to animate or evolve, otherwise we have a
dead model so to speak. So I will add ,"Motion" how will affect
the model? which condition will motion affect first? space?
matter? since at the beginning I said space and matter exist
together as one then I would say more then likely motion would
affect space and matter simultaneously. In this concept one
could say that since both conditions have been given the
properties of motion that motion in matter is motion in space
and that motion in space is motion in matter? Motion here,
motion there, matter here, matter there, space here,space there.
In this model we now have, Space,matter and motion, but still
incomplete. In part three we will take up the next construction.
Astronomy news on
  • #2
So you are saying that we should consider the universe in these 3 terms of space matter and motion, but does the motion of matter give the matter it's properties? Should one assume that space is empty by definition or would it be better to choose that "space" be considered empty with the implicit understanding that there could always be more to it?
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  • #3

Thank you for your response. Most of your question is already
in Part #3. In this model I am taking small steps so to speak advancing further into a conceptional cosmology as we proceed.
  • #4
when you say "space", what do you mean?
pure vacuum, with no structure?
or do you give it some "properties?
  • #5
to Wolram

Fair enough. In this conceptional model the term space and
matter are used as a point of reference,the final structure
is in the developing. (under construction) :wink:
  • #6
Even a pure vacuum has geometric structure. But if we were to claim matter and vacuum are both aspects of the same thing, we still have to explain how they are at least slightly different. Obviously, regions of space that appear to have matter in them behave very different than regions of empty space.

This goes back to the old problem of what the illusive property of "solidity" actually is. Netwon at one time believed that the universe was fundementally just a vacuum, with matter being regions of empty space that had somehow obtained this undefinable property of solidity. But if everything is really a uniform thing, be it a vacuum or some ether, how is the concept of motion even valid?

There appears to be a geometric solution. If we think of space not as a big continuous blob, but as a collection of grid lines, we can picture how things are different one region to the next. Start with a vacuum, which is just 3 sets of flat grid lines. Now add matter, and the lines become curved. For every physical event we can imagine, such as an asteroid colliding with the earth, we can also see an equivalent geometric picture, where the set of grid lines is constantly evolving. So geometry seems like a good answer to the question of how a vacuum is any different than a filled region of space.
  • #7
Reply to EH

I found your comments very interesting and understand your
point. We can see space as grid lines and that would make sense.
I was trying to make an approach to see without the grid lines
and conceptualize space (as already posted as matter,etc.)
from a dimensional perspective. I.E. suppose for the moment we
have two objects in space, one marbel with 1"dia. and another
with 10,000 1"marbels, and we were to increase the distance
from one marbel to the next,say 10" space from marbel to marbel
in our 10,000 marbel mass,we have now expanded our 10,000 marbel
mass 10 times which now occupies more space but with more holes
between marbel to marbel. Let's say now we expanded our mass much
further until there is 100 feet of space between each marbel,now
our mass occupies a lot more space but have not icreased actual
single marbel size,only increased the distance from marbel to
marbel. To further illustrate,say in our larger mass now with
100 feet distance marbel to marbel we increase the mass of each
single marbel from 1" dia. to 100 feet dia. now we have more mass
and less space from our original larger mass. In this model no
attempt was made to justify where the extra mass came from,but
you have noticed we have not questioned where the extra space
came from?:wink:

FAQ: Conceptional Space/Matter Cosmology,PART2

What is the concept of Conceptional Space/Matter Cosmology?

Conceptional Space/Matter Cosmology is a theoretical framework that attempts to explain the origins and nature of the universe. It proposes that the universe is a product of the mind, and that space and matter are concepts created by consciousness.

How does Conceptional Space/Matter Cosmology differ from traditional cosmological theories?

Unlike traditional cosmological theories, which focus on the physical and observable aspects of the universe, Conceptional Space/Matter Cosmology emphasizes the role of consciousness in shaping the universe. It challenges the idea that space and matter are fundamental elements of the universe and instead suggests that they are products of the mind.

Is there any scientific evidence to support Conceptional Space/Matter Cosmology?

Currently, there is no empirical evidence to support Conceptional Space/Matter Cosmology as it is a highly theoretical and abstract concept. However, some scientists argue that the idea of a conscious universe is not entirely implausible and that it warrants further investigation.

What are the implications of Conceptional Space/Matter Cosmology for our understanding of the universe?

Conceptional Space/Matter Cosmology challenges our traditional understanding of the universe and forces us to rethink the fundamental concepts of space, time, and matter. It also suggests that consciousness plays a significant role in shaping the universe, which has significant implications for our understanding of the mind and consciousness itself.

Are there any practical applications of Conceptional Space/Matter Cosmology?

As a highly theoretical concept, Conceptional Space/Matter Cosmology does not have any direct practical applications. However, the exploration of consciousness and its relationship to the universe could potentially lead to new insights and advancements in fields such as neuroscience, psychology, and philosophy.

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