Concepts regarding Electric Potentials of Spheres

In summary, the conversation is about understanding the concept of potential inside a conductor and a hollow sphere. The participants discuss the assumptions they have made and clarify that there is a potential difference and an electric field present in the hollow space due to the presence of a charge. They also confirm that there is no field or potential difference inside a solid conductor. The conversation ends with a clarification on how to obtain the potential at points inside a smaller solid sphere using the formula Va - Vb = ∫ E . dr.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Screen Shot 2017-03-01 at 2.59.42 PM.png

My questions are just related to part a of this problem.

Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

I know that potential inside a conductor is equivalent to potential on the surface of the conductor and potential at any point is an algebraic sum of potential contributions from surrounding sources. But this is as far as I got..

I gathered that potential on surface of b is 0, as net charge of the sphere is 0 (after treating both spheres as point charges of +q and -q). By my previous statement, shouldn't potential inside sphere b (for example r_a < r < r_b) 0 as well?

Could anyone point out the gaps in my understanding? Any help is very much appreciated.
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  • #2
WWCY said:
shouldn't potential inside sphere b (for example r_a < r < r_b) 0 as well
That's not a conducting volume !
  • #3
BvU said:
That's not a conducting volume !

a) Potential is only constant across solid conducting objects?
b) How do I deduce the Potential inside a hollow sphere? Does the Vab = ∫ E . dr still come into play?

Thank you

This source seems to state that there isn't any voltage difference between the surface of the shell and its interior though, what am I missing?
  • #4
Here's another stab at the problem.
I tried to be as detailed as possible in explaining my steps and thought processes... Does this look right? Thank you!

  • #5
Can't read any of that.
How do you determine the potential from the inner sphere if the outer would not be there at all ?
  • #6
BvU said:
Can't read any of that.
How do you determine the potential from the inner sphere if the outer would not be there at all ?

Oops, apologies.

The potential from the inner sphere is as if it originates from a point charge so... v = kq/r? for r>ra
  • #7
Bingo. But: do you realize you now are ready with the exercise ?
  • #8
BvU said:
Bingo. But: do you realize you now are ready with the exercise ?

Yeah, i believe i do. Might I clarify a few concepts?

1) My initial assumption that field in a hollow sphere should be 0 is wrong because that was based on the assumption that there was no charge enclosed in it, yes? Since there is now a +q in the hollow space, there exists an E-field, which also means that there is a potential difference between points in the hollow space and the surface of the hollow sphere. i.e. for r where ra < r < rb, therefore V =/= 0 for points in the hollow space.

2) There is no field in the small solid sphere because there is no charge in it. Therefore there is no E-field and no potential difference between points in the sphere "a" and on the surface of that sphere.

So taking Va to be potential for points in the smaller solid sphere, and using Va - Vb = ∫ E . dr and then splitting the integral limits into:
1) r<ra to ra - where field is 0
2) ra to rb - field present
3) rb to ∞ - field and potential = 0 (this means Vb = 0)

should see me obtain the potential of points in the smaller sphere, is this right?

Again, apologies if I'm not getting my points across as clearly as i should be. Thanks for your patience.
  • #9
WWCY said:
1) My initial assumption that field in a hollow sphere should be 0 is wrong because that was based on the assumption that there was no charge enclosed in it, yes?
Since there is now a +q in the hollow space, there exists an E-field, which also means that there is a potential difference between points in the hollow space and the surface of the hollow sphere. i.e. for r where ra < r < rb, therefore V =/= 0 for points in the hollow space.
Correct again
2) There is no field in the small solid sphere because there is no charge in it.
In the sense that all the charge sits on the surface, yes.
Therefore there is no E-field
In a conductor there is no E-field because if there were, the charges would move (after all, it's a conductor!) until there is no more E-field
and no potential difference between points in the sphere "a" and on the surface of that sphere.
WWCY said:
should see me obtain the potential of points in the smaller sphere, is this right?
Right again.
WWCY said:
Again, apologies if I'm not getting my points across as clearly as i should be. Thanks for your patience.
No need to apologize. And: you're welcome.

FAQ: Concepts regarding Electric Potentials of Spheres

1. What is an electric potential?

Electric potential is a measure of the electric potential energy per unit charge at a specific point in an electric field. It is also known as voltage.

2. How is electric potential different from electric field?

Electric potential is a scalar quantity that describes the strength of an electric field at a specific point, while electric field is a vector quantity that describes the direction and magnitude of the force experienced by a charged particle in the field.

3. How is the electric potential of a sphere calculated?

The electric potential of a sphere can be calculated using the formula V = kQ/r, where V is the electric potential, k is the Coulomb's constant, Q is the charge of the sphere, and r is the distance from the center of the sphere.

4. What is the relationship between electric potential and electric field for a sphere?

The electric potential and electric field for a sphere are directly proportional. This means that as the electric field increases, the electric potential also increases, and vice versa.

5. How does the electric potential change inside and outside of a charged sphere?

Inside a charged sphere, the electric potential is constant and equal to the potential at the surface. Outside the sphere, the electric potential decreases as the distance from the sphere increases, following an inverse square law relationship.
