Conceptual capacitor/inductor problem

  • Thread starter Learnphysics
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In summary, the basic circuit for a flash camera includes an electronic switch, inductor, diode, and capacitor. When the switch is toggled rapidly, the inductor charges and creates a growing voltage across the capacitor. The shutter switch then discharges the capacitor into the flash tube, causing the flash to trigger. The inductor is necessary because it helps to create a higher voltage across the capacitor by driving current into it. The voltage across a capacitor depends on its capacitance and the charge stored, and the energy delivered to the flash bulb depends on both the voltage and size of the capacitor. If a battery with a lower voltage is connected in parallel with a charged capacitor, the capacitor will only charge to the battery voltage.
  • #1
Hi guys,


This is a basic circuit that you'd commonly see in a flash Camera.
Hambley says (roughly paraphrased):

When the electronic switch is toggled rapidly (1000s of times a second) the inductor charges due to a change in current. v=L(di/dt).

The diode allows current to flow into the capacitor to create a build up of electrons on one of it's plates creating a growing voltage cross the capacitor. Once it reaches 100s of volts on the positive plate of the capacitor, The Shutter switch closes discharging the capacitor into the flash tube.

Fair enough.

But I have some questions:

Firstly, Why do we even need an inductor? What if we were to simply attach the battery (DC voltage) to a capacitor (in parralell) and let it charge to 100V. I understand this is dependent on the size of the capacitor by: v= 1/C(integral(idt)).

(Speaking of which, and not to get too distracted but, the above formula seems to suggest that voltage across a capacitor is inversely proportional to it's capacitance...Why is this the case I'd figure that the voltage across a capacitor would only INCREASE if we had large capacitors.)
I know I'm probably missing something fundamental when asking this question.
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  • #2
The battery is just 4V. The flash bulb requires hundreds of volts to trigger. How many 1.5V AAA cells would you need in series to drive a flashbulb?

The inductor has a property that, for current, acts like inertia for mass; Once you establish a current through it, it doesn't want to change quickly. In fact, if you interrupt the path of the current suddenly, using the energy stored in the magnetic field the inductor will 'generate' any voltage necessary to maintain that current. If this means arcing across the switch contacts, so be it! If an alternate path for the current is available that doesn't required such extreme voltages, it will take it...

In the given circuit, the alternative path is driving the current through the diode and into the capacitor. Each time the "Electronic switch" opens, the inductor drives current into the capacitor, increasing the charge on the capacitor and so increasing the voltage across the capacitor. Thus the voltage established across the capacitor can be many times greater than the supply battery voltage. There are physical limits to the process determined by the values of the circuit components and the switching rate of the "Electronic switch", but that's not essential to understanding the underlying principle.

The voltage across a capacitor depends upon the capacitance and the charge stored. The unit of capacitance, the Farad, is equivalent to Coulombs per Volt, so V = Q/C. The voltage on the capacitor of a given size depends upon the amount of charge impressed upon the capacitor. A smaller capacitor will result in a larger voltage for a given amount of charge. HOWEVER! The brightness and duration of the flash will depend upon how much ENERGY is delivered to the bulb when it triggers. The energy stored in the capacitor depends on both the voltage and the sze of the capacitor: E = (1/2)CV2.
  • #3
Learnphysics said:
Firstly, Why do we even need an inductor? What if we were to simply attach the battery (DC voltage) to a capacitor (in parralell) and let it charge to 100V. .

It wouldn't charge to 100V. It would only charge to the battery voltage 4V.

Suppose you started with a capacitor charged to 6V and connected it in parallel with a 4V battery. Which way would the current flow?

FAQ: Conceptual capacitor/inductor problem

1. What is a conceptual capacitor/inductor problem?

A conceptual capacitor/inductor problem is a theoretical problem that involves understanding the behavior and properties of capacitors and inductors in an electrical circuit. It requires knowledge of basic principles such as capacitance, inductance, and the laws of electricity.

2. How do capacitors and inductors behave in a circuit?

Capacitors store electric charge and can release it in a controlled manner, while inductors resist changes in current and can store energy in the form of a magnetic field. Both components play important roles in regulating the flow of electricity in a circuit.

3. What are some common conceptual capacitor/inductor problems?

Some common conceptual capacitor/inductor problems include calculating the time constant of a circuit containing a capacitor or inductor, determining the total capacitance or inductance in a circuit with multiple components, and analyzing the behavior of capacitors and inductors in AC circuits.

4. How can I solve a conceptual capacitor/inductor problem?

Solving a conceptual capacitor/inductor problem involves understanding the underlying principles and equations involved, and applying them to the specific problem at hand. It may also involve drawing circuit diagrams and using mathematical calculations to determine the desired values.

5. What are some real-world applications of capacitors and inductors?

Capacitors and inductors have many practical applications in electrical and electronic systems. Capacitors are used in power supplies, signal filters, and memory storage devices, while inductors are found in transformers, motors, and electronic oscillators. They are also important components in radio frequency and audio frequency circuits.

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