(Conceptual) Infinity energy via quantum tunneling & Nuclear Fusion?

In summary: QUOTE]In summary, by entrapping lighter particles together in an insurmountable potential barrier, it would be possible to create energy via repeated nuclear fusion reactions. However, the problem isn't even the second law of thermodynamics; it's the first law. You can't get out more energy than you put in, and any given amount of nuclear fuel contains a finite amount of energy. Furthermore, this process would never generate energy, and would eventually stop due to the decay of particles.
  • #1
Ethan Singer
I was unsure whether or not to post this question here or in the Nuclear physics sub-section, but it's a relatively simple question: Given that quantum tunneling exists, would it be possible to produce infinite energy via repeated nuclear fusion reactions? Now given the second law of thermodynamics, I know this to be impossible, so I want to know why this process wouldn't work. So here's my thought process

Here's my Idea: We entrap particles lighter than Iron together in an insurmountable potential barrier, so they can never escape. Given a long enough duration, these particles will eventually fuse together to form heavier elements, resulting in their potential energy being converted to usable energy. Let's also assume, for sake of argument, that these barriers entrap the particles in very close distances... let's say with a radius of 10 carbon 12 atoms. Over time, these particles will inevitably have to decay back into their constituent particles, because there wouldn't be enough energy to form heavier elements. Given an infinite time, wouldn't this cycle continue indefinitely?

But I see two problems with this (That I'm unsure of, which is why I'm asking). The first is as I've mentioned, the second law of thermodynamics: This process, by it's very nature, must by definition have something that will make it fail, so I know it must exist.

Another problem I can see is that (this is on a hunch) I don't think this process... "generates" energy. When light nuclei collide, energy isn't created, it comes from the change in the nucleus (of which I am unsure of. I read it in an article, but I can't find it in my book). So over time, wouldn't there be a net decrease in frequency of nuclear fusion? There would come a time when particles decay back into their constituents, when their nuclei won't generate energy from fusion (or wouldn't be able to fuse at all?)

One final problem I can see is that with the hypothetical: No barrier is insurmountable. There must always be some non-zero probability that the particles may tunnel outside any arbitrarily long barrier, so even if the above two issues aren't a problem, we still have a small chance that the particles will collapse elsewhere... (my retort is that given an infinite time, wouldn't they return to their initial position? Reminds me of infinite random walks in 3D haha!)

So I'm curious: What problems would arise with this? Even if it doesn't generate infinite energy, wouldn't it still be the best (most efficient) hypothetical way to harvest chemical energy?
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  • #2
Ethan Singer said:
Given that quantum tunneling exists, would it be possible to produce infinite energy via repeated nuclear fusion reactions?

No. The problem isn't even the second law of thermodynamics; it's the first law. You can't get out more energy than you put in, and any given amount of nuclear fuel contains a finite amount of energy.

Ethan Singer said:
Lets also assume, for sake of argument, that these barriers entrap the particles in very close distances... let's say with a radius of 10 carbon 12 atoms.

How do you propose to construct such a barrier? You can't just wave your hands and say one exists at any size you like.

Ethan Singer said:
Over time, these particles will inevitably have to decay back into their constituent particles

Why do you think this? What sort of process are you talking about, and where did you learn about it?
  • #3
PeterDonis said:
No. The problem isn't even the second law of thermodynamics; it's the first law. You can't get out more energy than you put in, and any given amount of nuclear fuel contains a finite amount of energy.

Yes I clarified that this process doesn't create energy, so I figured this process would involve an never-ending cycling of energy... I just wanted to know what would happen.

PeterDonis said:
Why do you think this? What sort of process are you talking about, and where did you learn about it?

Half lives and the second law of thermodynamics; Heat death of the universe: Won't all particles eventually decay? Just by pure quantum fiat? There's always a nonzero probability that particles decay over time, no? I mean... when I say this process would continue indefinite, I didn't mean it would be quick haha! Each cycle would take many times the age of the universe (I think?).

So let me clarify: Assuming that particles could be contained in such a small barrier, would they perpetually fuse and decay? I know this doesn't generate energy, which is why I'm asking: What is happening to the energy during this cycle? Would there ever come a point where the particles wouldn't fuse? Would there ver be a point in which the energy just... "goes back" to the nucleus?

I imagine if this cycle were infinite, it would really just be an infinite cycling of a finite amount of energy. So I suppose my final question is: Would The energy redistribute itself perpetually?
  • #4
I don't know why this part of my post didn't show up: I apologize for double posting:

PeterDonis said:
How do you propose to construct such a barrier? You can't just wave your hands and say one exists at any size you like.

I admitted that it was a hypothetical question. In real life, of course this would be impossible! But would it be in principle?
  • #5
Ethan Singer said:
Won't all particles eventually decay?

No. Some particles can't decay into anything else without violating a conservation law. For example, electrons can't decay because there's no lighter particle that carries electric charge.

Also, even if a particle decays, that doesn't mean it will decay into the same thing that you originally made it from. For example, suppose protons decay with some very long lifetime (as some supersymmetric theories suggest), and you produce a bunch of iron nuclei by nuclear fusion. When the protons in the iron nuclei finally decay, they won't decay into lighter nuclei. They'll decay into something else (precisely what depends on the specific supersymmetric model you adopt, but the most likely products would be positrons and neutrinos).

Ethan Singer said:
Assuming that particles could be contained in such a small barrier, would they perpetually fuse and decay?

Why should containing them in a very small barrier make them decay? (And even if they did, as above, it wouldn't in general be into anything that could fuse again.)
  • #6
Ethan Singer said:
In real life, of course this would be impossible! But would it be in principle?

Even in principle, you can't make hypotheses that violate the laws of physics. So you would have to figure out some way of making a potential barrier with the desired properties using the known laws of physics. If you say, well, what if there were some other law of physics that made it possible, then there's no way to answer, because we don't know what that unknown law of physics would be so we can't make any predictions at all.
  • #7
PeterDonis said:
No. Some particles can't decay into anything else without violating a conservation law. For example, electrons can't decay because there's no lighter particle that carries electric charge.

Yes I'm aware that elementary particles have nothing to decay into, I should've been more specific: Atomic nuclei.

PeterDonis said:
Also, even if a particle decays, that doesn't mean it will decay into the same thing that you originally made it from. For example, suppose protons decay with some very long lifetime (as some supersymmetric theories suggest), and you produce a bunch of iron nuclei by nuclear fusion. When the protons in the iron nuclei finally decay, they won't decay into lighter nuclei. They'll decay into something else (precisely what depends on the specific supersymmetric model you adopt, but the most likely products would be positrons and neutrinos).

Ahh, alrighty then. I didn't realize this was a false assumption, thank you for clearing that up!

Thank you so much for your answer; I appreciate that you took the time to explain such a silly question. Thank you-!
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  • #8
Ethan Singer said:
Thank you-!

You're welcome! :smile:

Related to (Conceptual) Infinity energy via quantum tunneling & Nuclear Fusion?

1. What is conceptual infinity energy?

Conceptual infinity energy is a theoretical concept that suggests there is an infinite amount of energy available in the universe. This energy is thought to exist beyond the limits of our current understanding of physics and could potentially be harnessed for use in various applications.

2. How does quantum tunneling relate to infinity energy?

Quantum tunneling is a phenomenon in which particles can pass through energy barriers that would be impossible to overcome under classical physics. Some theories suggest that this process could potentially be harnessed to access and utilize the vast amounts of energy that exist beyond our current understanding.

3. Can nuclear fusion be used to achieve infinity energy?

Nuclear fusion is a process in which two or more atomic nuclei combine to form a larger nucleus, releasing large amounts of energy in the process. While it is a potential source of clean and abundant energy, it is not currently capable of achieving infinity energy as it is limited by the amount of fuel and technology currently available.

4. Is infinity energy via quantum tunneling and nuclear fusion a realistic possibility?

At this time, there is no scientific evidence to support the possibility of achieving infinity energy through quantum tunneling and nuclear fusion. While these theories are intriguing and have been explored in various research studies, they are still in the realm of theoretical physics and require significant advancements in technology and understanding to become a reality.

5. What are the potential implications of harnessing infinity energy?

If infinity energy were to become a realistic possibility, it could have a profound impact on the world as we know it. It could potentially revolutionize the way we generate and use energy, and could have far-reaching implications for various industries, including transportation, manufacturing, and space exploration. However, it is important to note that this is still a highly speculative concept and would require extensive research and development before it could be put into practical use.

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