Conceptual Physics Paper on Walking - Get Proof-Read Now

  • Thread starter SBowling78
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In summary, the conversation is about a student writing a paper on an everyday use of physics and requesting proofreading and suggestions. The paper is well-written in terms of grammar and style, but may lack technical information and be too passive. Suggestions include adding diagrams and basic formulas, discussing adaptation of gait on different surfaces, and including more references. Overall, the paper is a good start.
  • #1

I am taking Conceptual Physics and I am writing a paper about an every day use of physics, defining at least 5 physics concepts. I have about 3 and a half pages completed over walking, and I would love for someone to proof read it to make sure everything makes sense. If anyone has any suggestions to add or finds any corrections needed, I would love to hear them. My e-mail is Thank you all for your time.


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  • #2
I'm not sure what Conceptual Physics is, so I'm a little uncertain about the level of information you need. The paper is fairly well written with regard to grammar and style and makes sense in its organization, but is perhaps too passive and not very technical. For example, when you talk about the pendulum in the second paragraph, it would be better to speak of an "inverted pendulum" and then to include a diagram. Such a diagram would easily allow the reader to follow a discussion of hip vs. knee strategies.

In the same vein, you should include at least basic formulas, for example, when discussing friction (and, by the way, ice does not have a zero coefficient of friction). And that leads to a major omission - people do adapt their gait in response to differing walking surfaces (indeed even in response to perceived differences that may not actually exist) and you ought to at least mention that.

Finanlly, two references are not enough. I suggest five to seven.

On the whole, a darn good start!
  • #3


Thank you for reaching out for proofreading assistance on your paper about walking as an everyday use of physics. It is great to see students applying physics concepts to real-life scenarios.

I would be happy to proofread your paper and provide feedback. However, as a scientist, I would like to offer some suggestions for your paper. Firstly, it would be helpful to specify which physics concepts you have already included in your paper. This will allow for a more targeted proofreading and ensure that you have met the requirement of defining at least 5 physics concepts.

Additionally, it might be beneficial to provide a brief introduction to the physics principles that govern walking before diving into the specific concepts you have chosen to discuss. This will provide context for your readers and help them understand the relevance of your paper.

Furthermore, I encourage you to consider including some real-life examples or applications of the physics concepts you have chosen to discuss. This will not only make your paper more interesting, but it will also demonstrate your understanding of how these concepts apply to everyday activities like walking.

Overall, I am glad to see your enthusiasm for physics and your willingness to improve your paper. I look forward to proofreading it and providing feedback. Best of luck with your paper!


FAQ: Conceptual Physics Paper on Walking - Get Proof-Read Now

1. What is the purpose of a conceptual physics paper on walking?

The purpose of a conceptual physics paper on walking is to explore the scientific principles behind the seemingly simple act of walking. This paper aims to provide a deeper understanding of the mechanics and forces involved in walking, as well as how different factors such as speed, terrain, and body weight can affect the process.

2. What are some key concepts that will be discussed in this paper?

Some key concepts that will be discussed in this paper include Newton's laws of motion, friction, center of mass, and energy transfer. These concepts are fundamental to understanding the physics of walking and will be used to explain the mechanics behind this everyday activity.

3. How does physics play a role in walking?

Physics plays a crucial role in walking as it governs the forces and movements involved in the process. For example, Newton's laws of motion explain how our bodies accelerate and decelerate while walking, while friction helps us maintain our balance and prevent slipping. Understanding these concepts can also help us improve our walking efficiency and reduce the risk of injuries.

4. Can this paper be used as a reference for other activities besides walking?

While this paper specifically focuses on walking, many of the concepts and principles discussed can be applied to other activities as well. For instance, the same laws of motion and energy transfer also apply to running, jumping, and other forms of physical activity. Therefore, this paper can serve as a useful reference for understanding the physics behind various movements and exercises.

5. What are the benefits of proof-reading a conceptual physics paper on walking?

Proof-reading a conceptual physics paper on walking can help identify any errors or inconsistencies in the content. It can also improve the overall clarity and coherence of the paper, making it easier for readers to understand and follow. Additionally, proof-reading can help catch any spelling or grammatical mistakes, ensuring that the paper is of high quality and credibility.
