Conceptual portion of Relativistic Jets Problem

In summary, the problem statement involves calculating the velocity and angle of AGN jets using observations of "superluminal motion." Parts b and c involve finding the maximum apparent velocity and calculating the velocity of blobs in the M87 jet, respectively. For part d, one can use the fact that the jets are back to back to solve for the velocity and angle using the apparent velocities of blobs in both jets.
  • #1
Darth Tader
1. The full problem statement, all variables and given/known data

The problem can be found any of my description is lacking.

I have solved successfully part a), most of b), and c) for the problem, but part d) asks:

The best evidence that AGN jets contain material moving at relativistic velocities comes from observations of “superluminal motion”.

(b) Show that, for a given velocity v, the apparent velocity Vapp is maximized when cosθ = v/c
and, at that maximum, has a value Vapp = Γv where Γ = (1 − v2/c2)-1/2 is the standard Lorentz factor.

(c) In the M87 jet, we see blobs with apparent motions of Vapp ≈ 6c. Calculate an approximate
value for the velocity of these blobs.

(d) Observations of some systems reveal blob motions in both the approaching jet and the receding jet (i.e. the counter-jet). Blobs in the receding jet are always seen to be moving
slower than those in the approaching jet, and never attain apparent superluminal velocities.
If we assume that both jets have the same true velocity and are oriented back-to-back, show
that one can solve uniquely for both the jet speed v and jet angle θ if you know the apparent
speeds of blobs in both jets. [Hint — you might find it useful to consider drawing lines on
the (v,θ)-plane.]

Homework Equations

Through parts a-c), I have determined that the transverse velocity βT = [itex]\frac{sin(theta)}{1-βcos(theta)}[/itex] and that the angle which maximizes this equation is equal to β which is equal to v/c.

My answer to part c) is 2.96 x 108 m/s.

The Attempt at a Solution

b): I am unclear on how to do this portion of the problem, but I believe it to be a simple algebra step I am missing, so I do not expect help on this section.

c): Unless I am reading this question incorrectly, I believe that one can see if the jets are back to back and their true velocities are equivalent that the angle θ (angle from observer's plane t and the jet's actual velocity) must be equal by simple geometry. Is this assumption naive? Or do I need to draw a triangle similarly to how I did in part a) and solving for the velocity as I did throughout the problem parts above?

Thanks for your help, it is greatly appreciated!
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  • #2

Thank you for sharing your progress on this problem. It seems like you have a good understanding of the problem so far. Here are some suggestions for part d:

1. Start by drawing a diagram that shows the orientation of the jets, the observer's plane, and the apparent velocities of the blobs in both jets.

2. From the diagram, you can see that the apparent velocities of the blobs in both jets are related to the true velocity of the jets and the angle θ.

3. Use the formula you found in part b to relate the apparent velocities to the true velocity and θ.

4. Since the jets are back to back, the angle θ will be the same for both jets. This means that you will have two equations with two unknowns (v and θ).

5. Solve the system of equations to find the values of v and θ.

I hope this helps. Good luck with your problem!

Related to Conceptual portion of Relativistic Jets Problem

1. What are relativistic jets and how are they formed?

Relativistic jets are narrow streams of particles that are ejected from the centers of galaxies, black holes, and other astronomical objects. They are formed through the acceleration and collimation of particles in extremely powerful magnetic fields near these objects.

2. How do relativistic jets travel at such high speeds?

Relativistic jets are able to reach speeds close to the speed of light due to the immense amounts of energy released during their formation. This energy is converted into kinetic energy, propelling the particles in the jet to extreme speeds.

3. What is the role of the magnetic field in the formation and behavior of relativistic jets?

The magnetic field plays a crucial role in the formation and behavior of relativistic jets. It is responsible for accelerating and collimating the particles in the jet, and also plays a role in shaping and maintaining the jet's structure as it travels through space.

4. How does the concept of time dilation apply to relativistic jets?

According to Einstein's theory of relativity, time moves slower for objects traveling at high speeds. Since relativistic jets travel at near-light speeds, time dilation causes time to pass more slowly for particles in the jet compared to observers outside of the jet. This can have significant effects on the behavior and appearance of the jet.

5. What are some of the key challenges in studying and understanding relativistic jets?

One of the key challenges in studying relativistic jets is the vast distances they travel, making it difficult to observe and gather data. Another challenge is the complex physics involved in their formation and behavior, which requires advanced mathematical and computational models to fully understand.

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