Conceptual question about rate laws

In summary, the integrated rate law is universal, but it can be different depending on the stoichiometric coefficient in front of the reactant.
  • #1
So anytime I've seen textbooks explain integrated rate laws, they usually start with a reaction of the form A -> B and then from there say, if we know the reaction is first order with respect to [A] then:

v = -d[A]/dt = k[A]

And then subsequently integrate this to find ln[A]/[A]i = -kt

I get that. My issue is this. From what I always thought, the integrated rate laws are universal, and now that I have this equation I can use it any time I know that a reaction is first order with respect to A. But what if I have an equation of the form:

aA -> bB

where there is a stoichiometric coefficient in front of A. I was always under the impression that v = - (1/a) d[A]/dt = (1/b) d/dt... If experimental data still tells us that the rate law is first order with respect to A, can I just use the same integrated rate law that I found above? or would I have to say the following:

v = - (1/a) d[A]/dt = k[A]

in which case you would get:
ln[A]/[A]i = -(a)kt

So for a reaction 2A -> B

You would find ln[A]/[A]i = -2kt

Assuming the rate was always first order with respect to [A], wouldn't you get a different integrated rate law for every instance that you have a different stoichiometric factor (a) in front of your reactant? If so why isn't the general form of the equation given as

ln[A]/[A]i = -akt

Hope this makes sense - not sure where my reasoning is off
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  • #2
I suspect this is a matter of definitions and pedagogy.

When I think of a "different rate law," I view the zero-order rate law

[A] = [A]0 - kt

to be different than the first-order rate law

[A] = [A]0*exp(-kt).

Adjusting a rate law by a constant to correct for stoichiometry does not substantively change the form of the rate law.

I suspect the reason that a more general rate law is not introduced for a few reasons, most of which has to do with avoiding confusion between order of a reaction and stoichiometry (I used to notice this happening quite a bit while a teaching assistant for introductory general chemistry) and since - if feasible - one can pick what to measure in an experiment to make your subsequent analysis of the reaction kinetics & mechanism easier.

FAQ: Conceptual question about rate laws

1. What is a rate law?

A rate law is a mathematical expression that describes the relationship between the rate of a chemical reaction and the concentration of its reactants. It is used to determine the rate of a reaction at a specific point in time.

2. How is a rate law determined?

A rate law is determined experimentally by measuring the initial rate of a reaction at different concentrations of reactants. The data is then used to determine the order of the reaction with respect to each reactant, and the overall rate law is expressed as a combination of these orders.

3. What do the coefficients in a rate law represent?

The coefficients in a rate law represent the order of the reaction with respect to each reactant. For example, if the rate law is expressed as rate = k[A]^2[B], the order with respect to A is 2 and the order with respect to B is 1.

4. Can the rate law change during a reaction?

No, the rate law is constant for a specific reaction at a given temperature and pressure. However, it may change if the reaction conditions (such as temperature or catalyst) are altered.

5. What is the significance of the rate constant in a rate law?

The rate constant, represented by the symbol k, is a proportionality constant that relates the rate of a reaction to the concentration of its reactants. It is unique for each reaction and is dependent on the temperature and presence of a catalyst.

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