Conditional PDF and Expectation: How to Calculate Them?

So check your calculations for E[X^2] again. Good job on catching your mistake though :)In summary, the random variable X has a PDF fX(x) = cx^-2 if 1 < x < 2; 0 otherwise. To determine the value of c, the formula P(B|A)=P(A & B) / P(A) is used, with the probability of event A being 1/3. The conditional expectation and variance of X given event A, fX > 1.5, can then be calculated using the formula E[x] = ∫x*fX|A(x|a) dx and Var(x) = ∫(x-E[x])^2*fX|A(x
  • #1
The random variable X has the PDF
fX(x) = cx^-2 if 1 < x < 2;
0 otherwise:
(a) Determine the value c
(b) Let A be the event fX > 1.5. Calculate the conditional expectation and the
conditional variance of X given A.

I'm not understanding the concept of conditional pdf's. Can someone show me the step by step?
Also what would be the ranges for the conditional expectation. I know that fX(x) is from 1<x<2, and E[x] is taken from >1.5, so its range 0<x<0.5?
Also, because we want to calculate the even fX > 1.5, does that involve using the CDF?
Thank you.
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  • #2
de1337ed said:
I'm not understanding the concept of conditional pdf's. Can someone show me the step by step?

Someone posting the step by step will do little to help your understanding. How far have you got?

Also this probably belongs in the Homework and Coursework forum and not here.
  • #3
Welcome to PF, de1337ed! :smile:

Did you already find the value for c?

As for conditional pdf's, do you know the formula P(B|A)=P(A & B) / P(A)?
And the formula for expectation E[X] = ∫P(x) x dx?

The conditional expectation given A would be: [itex]\int P(X=x|A) x dx = {\int P(X=x \& A) x dx \over P(A)}[/itex].

For starters, can you calculate P(A)?
  • #4
I like Serena said:
Welcome to PF, de1337ed! :smile:

Did you already find the value for c?

As for conditional pdf's, do you know the formula P(B|A)=P(A & B) / P(A)?
And the formula for expectation E[X] = ∫P(x) x dx?

The conditional expectation given A would be: [itex]\int P(X=x|A) x dx = {\int P(X=x \& A) x dx \over P(A)}[/itex].

For starters, can you calculate P(A)?

Ya I found the value of c to be 2. And ya, I know that is the formula, but I didn't know how to calculate P(A)... Is it simply the ∫fX(x)dx from 1.5 to 2?
  • #5
de1337ed said:
Ya I found the value of c to be 2. And ya, I know that is the formula, but I didn't know how to calculate P(A)... Is it simply the ∫fX(x)dx from 1.5 to 2?

You know that [itex]\int_{1}^{2} f_{X} \left(x\right)dx=1 [/itex] right?

But [itex]\int_{1}^{2} 2x^{2}dx \neq 1 [/itex]. So what you need is some [itex] c [/itex] such that [itex]\int_{1}^{2}cx^{2}dx = 1[/itex]. Can you see how to do that?
  • #6
Oh shoot, copied the problem down wrong, its actually cx^-2
  • #7
Sorry my bad you actually copied it correctly! It's been a long day! 2 is correct then. And yes that is the correct way to get the probability of A.
  • #8
Good! :)

So what is P(A)?

And what would the range of x be for which P(X=x & A) has a non-zero value?
  • #9
So basically, I got that P(A) = 1/3.
And fX|A(x|a) = 6x^-2, 0<x<0.5. (This range confuses me, I'm not sure about this)
and 0 otherwise

Then E[x] = ∫x*6x-2dx. From 1.5 to 2.
And then Variance would be E[x2] - (E[x])2

Am I right?
  • #10
Except for the range you are right.

The range for fX is 1<x<2.
With A given, you get that x>1.5, so the relevant range of fX|A is 1.5<x<2.

This is what you used in your formula for E[x], so I don't get why you'd think it is 0<x<0.5.
  • #11
Hmm, i see, okay. I think I'm doing something wrong,

I'm getting the fact that E[x] = 1.726...
E[x2] = ∫x2*2x-2dx from 1.5 to 2. This gives me 1

As a result, I get the variance to be 1-(1.726)2 = -1.979. Which doesn't make sense because isn't the variance supposed to be ≥0?

EDIIITTT::: NVM, i might be an idiot. Haven't slept, I'm using the wrong PDF, lol

So what I ended up doing was var(x) = ∫(x-1.726)2*6x-2dx = 0.0205

Seem good?
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  • #12
E[X|A] is good. :)

For you variance you have used the original pdf instead of the pdf of X|A.

And yes, the variance is supposed to be at least zero.

FAQ: Conditional PDF and Expectation: How to Calculate Them?

1. What is a conditional PDF?

A conditional PDF (Probability Density Function) is a statistical function that describes the probability of a continuous random variable falling within a certain range, given a specific condition or event.

2. How is a conditional PDF different from a regular PDF?

A regular PDF describes the probability of a random variable occurring without any specific condition or event. A conditional PDF, on the other hand, takes into account a specific condition or event and describes the probability of the variable occurring within a certain range under that condition.

3. What is the notation used for a conditional PDF?

The notation used for a conditional PDF is f(x|A), where x is the random variable and A is the condition or event. The | symbol is read as "given".

4. How is a conditional PDF calculated?

A conditional PDF is calculated by dividing the joint PDF (probability of both the random variable and the condition occurring) by the marginal PDF (probability of the condition occurring). This can also be written as f(x|A) = f(x,A) / f(A), where f(x,A) is the joint PDF and f(A) is the marginal PDF.

5. What is the importance of conditional PDFs in statistics?

Conditional PDFs are important in statistics because they allow us to calculate the probability of a random variable occurring within a specific range under a given condition. This can be useful in analyzing data and making predictions in various fields such as finance, engineering, and social sciences.

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