Conditions for thermal neutron induced fission

In summary: For U-235, it is around 2.7 MeV, while for Pu-239 it is around 5.3 MeV. For these heavier nuclei, absorption of a neutron leads to a higher binding energy and makes them less prone to fission.
  • #1
Does anyone know what the necessary conditions are for a nucleus to undergo fission with a thermal neutron? I have found something for the chain reactions, but not very helpful. I want to find out the conditions for ONE nucleus to undergo fission with a thermal neutron.
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  • #2
Well on a very fundamental basis, it has to do with the activation energy and excitation energy. And that is related to if the nuclei you want to fission is an Even-even, or odd-odd or even-odd. But when we talk about the resonances, it gets a more complicated.

I believe that the chapter about fission in Krane's book "introductory nuclear physics" have a good explantion.
  • #3
A particular fission reaction has a neutron energy-dependent cross section, regardless of whether or not the neutron is "thermal". Are you asking for links to these energy-dependent cross sections?
  • #4
JeffKoch said:
A particular fission reaction has a neutron energy-dependent cross section, regardless of whether or not the neutron is "thermal". Are you asking for links to these energy-dependent cross sections?

No, actually. I want to know just about the thermal neutrons and the conditions that a nucleus must follow, in order to fission by it.
  • #5
Nuclides that are readily fissionable, of fissile, by thermal neutrons are:
U-233, U-235, Pu-239, and Pu-241, as malawi_glenn indicated.

The condition for fission is that the fissile nucleus absorbs the neutron, just the same condition which is necessary for a neutron of any energy.

Even then, there is stil a finite probability that a gamma-ray will be emitted and the nucleus will simply increase in mass by ~ 1amu.

With the absorption of a thermal neutron, there is ~ 84% chance of fission and 16% chance of gamma-decay and U235 becomes U236.
  • #6
Actually, what I meant by the question, was if the nucleus has a low activation energy, be heavy (A > 210) and has a specific ratio N/Z. It seems that only even N nuclei can fission by thermal neutron. Is that correct?
  • #7
dtsormpa said:
Actually, what I meant by the question, was if the nucleus has a low activation energy, be heavy (A > 210) and has a specific ratio N/Z. It seems that only even N nuclei can fission by thermal neutron. Is that correct?

And the reason for that is the pairing-term in the semi emperical mass formula.
  • #8
dtsormpa said:
Actually, what I meant by the question, was if the nucleus has a low activation energy, be heavy (A > 210) and has a specific ratio N/Z. It seems that only even N nuclei can fission by thermal neutron. Is that correct?
Well, the fissile nuclei have an odd mass number intially, but they form an even numbered nucleus up absorption of a neutron, e.g. U-233 + n -> U-234*, U-235 + n -> U-236*, Pu-239 + n -> Pu-240*, where the * indicates an excited state of the nucleus. The excited nucleus can fission or it can release a gamma-ray, in which case it forms a more stable nucleus. The point is that fissile nuclei are more likely to form an excited nucleus which does fission, as opposed to simply releasing a gamma ray (gamma decay).

As malawi_glenn indicated, there is a forumula for nuclear stability that more or less indicates which nuclei are prone to fission (instability).

One can also look at the binding energy per nucleon for the isotopes of U and Pu.

FAQ: Conditions for thermal neutron induced fission

1. What is thermal neutron induced fission?

Thermal neutron induced fission is a type of nuclear reaction where a thermal (or slow-moving) neutron is absorbed by a heavy atom, causing it to split into two or more smaller atoms, releasing a large amount of energy in the process.

2. What are the conditions necessary for thermal neutron induced fission?

The main conditions for thermal neutron induced fission are the presence of a heavy atom (such as uranium-235 or plutonium-239), a source of thermal neutrons, and a neutron moderator to slow down the neutrons to thermal energies.

3. How does the energy released in thermal neutron induced fission compare to other types of nuclear reactions?

The energy released in thermal neutron induced fission is significantly larger than other types of nuclear reactions, such as alpha decay or beta decay. This is because the fission process involves breaking apart a heavy atom, which has a much higher binding energy than the decay of a smaller atom.

4. What are some potential applications of thermal neutron induced fission?

Thermal neutron induced fission has several important applications, including nuclear power generation, nuclear weapons, and medical isotope production. It is also used in research and development of nuclear technologies and for analysis of materials using neutron activation.

5. How is thermal neutron induced fission controlled to prevent a nuclear meltdown?

In nuclear power plants, thermal neutron induced fission is carefully controlled using control rods, which absorb excess neutrons and slow down the rate of fission. This prevents the chain reaction from becoming uncontrollable and causing a nuclear meltdown. Additionally, nuclear reactors are designed with multiple safety systems to prevent accidents and mitigate any potential radiation releases.

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