Conduction band, valence band and Fermi energy

In summary, the homework statement is that the probability of getting a state with energy ##E_v## is ## \frac { N_v } { N_v +N_c } = \frac1{ e^{-(E_v – E_f)/k_BT} +1} ## and the probability of getting a state with energy ##E_c## is ## \frac { N_c} { N_v +N_c } = \frac1{ e^{-(E_c – E_f)/k_BT} +1} ##.
  • #1

Homework Statement


Homework Equations

The Attempt at a Solution

The probability of getting a state with energy ## E_v## is ## \frac { N_v } { N_v +N_c } = \frac1{ e^{-(E_v – E_f)/k_BT} +1} ## ………….(1)

Since, ## E_v < E_f, e^{-(E_v – E_f)/k_BT}>>1 ## as ## E_f – E_v>> k_BT ##……….(2)

So, ## \frac { N_v } { N_v +N_c } = \frac1{ e^{-(E_v – E_f)/k_BT} } ## ……….(3)

Similarly, probability of getting a state with energy ## E_c## is ## \frac { N_c} { N_v +N_c } = \frac1{ e^{-(E_c – E_f)/k_BT} +1} ##...(4)

Dividing (1) by (4) gives,

## \frac { N_v } {N_c } =## ## \frac{ e^{-(E_c – E_f)/k_BT} +1}{ e^{-(E_v – E_f)/k_BT} } ## ## = \frac{ e^{-(E_c – E_f)/k_BT} }{ e^{-(E_v – E_f)/k_BT} } ##

## k_BT \ln \frac { N_v } {N_c } = -(E_c – E_f) +(E_v – E_f) =E_v – E_c ##

Is this correct?


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  • #2
Correct or not, it's not an answer to the question.
And why do you say e-(Ec-Ef)/kT + 1 = e-(Ec-Ef)/kT ?
  • #3
mjc123 said:
Correct or not, it's not an answer to the question.
I meant : Is this correct so far?
As I doubted the correctness of what I had done in the original post.
  • #4
mjc123 said:
And why do you say e-(##E_c-E_f##)/kT + 1 = e-(##E_c-E_f##)/kT ?
I said about ##E_v##, not ##E_c##.
According to the question, ##E_f - E_v >>k_B T##. So, ##exp\{(E_f - E_v )/k_BT \}>> 1 ##.
Hence, ignoring 1 to make calculation simple,##exp\{(E_f - E_v )/k_BT\} +1 \approx exp\{(E_f - E_v )/k_BT\}##.
  • #5
But you say it implicitly in the penultimate line of your calculation.
  • #6
mjc123 said:
But you say it implicitly in the penultimate line of your calculation.
It is said implicitly in eqn(2).
  • #7
I need to know whether my approach so far is correct. So, please help me here.
  • #8
Pushoam said:
It is said implicitly in eqn(2).
No, that's Ev. I'm talking about Ec. Look at the line after "dividing 1 by 4 gives"
I have my suspicions that the question is not correct. The formula gives Pv << 1, which does not look sensible. Should the minus sign before (E-Ef)/kT be a plus sign?
  • #9
OK, I've had a closer look at it. It should be a plus sign in that expression, i.e. P = 1/(e(E-Ef)/kT +1). This is not the "probability of getting a state", but the probability of an individual state being occupied. It is not a function of Nc and Nv.
Now take the statement that at equilibrium the number of electrons in the conduction band is equal to the number of holes in the valence band. How would you express that mathematically in terms of the quantities you are given?

FAQ: Conduction band, valence band and Fermi energy

1. What is the difference between the conduction band and the valence band?

The conduction band and valence band are energy levels within a solid material. The valence band contains the highest energy levels occupied by electrons, while the conduction band contains the lowest energy levels that are unoccupied by electrons. The energy gap between the two bands determines the conductivity of the material.

2. What is the significance of the Fermi energy level?

The Fermi energy level, also known as the Fermi level, is the highest energy level of the electrons at absolute zero temperature. This energy level determines the probability of electrons being present in a specific energy state and plays a crucial role in determining the electrical and thermal properties of a material.

3. How does temperature affect the position of the Fermi energy level?

As temperature increases, the Fermi energy level shifts towards the conduction band. This is because at higher temperatures, more electrons can gain enough thermal energy to move from the valence band to the conduction band, increasing the number of available energy states in the conduction band.

4. Can a material have multiple conduction bands or valence bands?

Yes, some materials can have multiple conduction bands or valence bands. This is often seen in materials with complex crystal structures or in materials that have been doped with impurities. In these cases, multiple energy levels may exist within the conduction or valence bands, allowing for more diverse electronic properties.

5. How does the band gap affect the electrical conductivity of a material?

The band gap, which is the energy difference between the conduction and valence bands, plays a crucial role in determining the electrical conductivity of a material. Materials with a smaller band gap, such as metals, have more available energy levels for electrons to move through, making them good conductors. In contrast, materials with a larger band gap, such as insulators, have fewer available energy levels, making it difficult for electrons to move and reducing their conductivity.

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