Conductivity from path integral and Kubo formlism

In summary, the conversation discusses the Kubo method for calculating conductivity and the use of A=0 in the equations. The expert explains that setting A=0 is necessary for linear response and that A is treated as a classical external source. The use of A in the path integral is also discussed, with the expert mentioning a possible renormalization procedure. A related article is also suggested for further reading.
  • #1

In calculating the conductivity from the Kubo method

j_{\mu}=\int dx' K_{\mu \nu} (x,x') A^{\nu}(x')

in literature ( e.g. in Condensed Matter Field Theory by Altland and Simons) you find that

K_{\mu \nu}(x,x')= Z^{-1} \frac{\delta^2}{\delta A_{\mu}(x) \delta A_{nu}(x')} Z[A] |_{A=0}

Now, I have the following questions:

1-Why do I need to put [itex] A=0[/itex]? I guess we take the derivatives to find current-current correlation but current can depend on [itex] A[/itex] itself, so why do we put it to zero?

2- Is this [itex] A [/itex] quantum or the classical (background)?

3-If I have a [itex]Z[/itex] with an effective action of the form:

Z=\int D[A] D[\psi] \exp{(-S_E[A,\psi])}

Then what does it mean to put [itex] A=0[/itex]? At what stage should I put [itex]A=0[/itex]. Do I kill the path integral over [itex]A[/itex]?

Thank a lot in advance!
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  • #2
1. Is a consequence of using linear response in contrast to non-linear response. If K would itself depend on A, then j wouldn't be linear in A anymore.
2. You can expand Z in powers of hbar. So in principle you can get not only the quantum mechanical response but also the classical.
However, A is treated by definition as a classical external source. This may only be true for A with sufficiently low k values. This may also answer partially your question 3.
  • #3
Thanks a lot, DrDU! I am just not sure if I understood exactly what you meant for (2)

DrDu said:
2. You can expand Z in powers of hbar. So in principle you can get not only the quantum mechanical response but also the classical.
However, A is treated by definition as a classical external source. This may only be true for A with sufficiently low k values. This may also answer partially your question 3.

My effective action is complex and non local but fortunately remains quadratic in terms of [itex]A[/itex] and [itex]\psi[/itex] or combination of these two. Therefore I can technically integrate over both [itex]A[/itex] and [itex]\psi[/itex] in the path integral. So after differentiating two times in terms of [itex]\delta^2 / \delta A(x)\delta A(x') [/itex] and setting [itex]A=0[/itex] I arrive at

K_{\mu \nu}(x,x')= Z^{-1}\int D[A] D[\psi] f[\psi;x,x'] \exp{(-S_E[A,\psi])}

Assuming I can integrate it classically, as if it is just an average over free energy instead of effective action. The [itex]A[/itex] is not background and it is my gauge field. Would that give me a correct result?

I would appreciate it if you could tell me that or explain your last comment with more details.

Thank you!
  • #4
I am not a specialist in path integrals so I don't know whether I can help you too much.
But the A's in the formula for Conductivity are due to external sources. In the case of longitudinal response you could alternatively assume an external classical charge distribution. So you somehow have to split the field into a part which you want to describe classically and a quantum mechnanical part which you integrate over in your path integral.
You could also try to shift the boundary between the classical and qm modes. This leads to a kind of renormalization procedure.
The following article may be interesting, although it uses the traditional formulation and not path integrals:
  • #5
DrDu said:
I am not...

Thanks, DrDu! I appreciate your help.

FAQ: Conductivity from path integral and Kubo formlism

What is conductivity?

Conductivity refers to the ability of a material to conduct electricity. It is a measure of how easily electrical current can pass through a material.

What is path integral formalism?

Path integral formalism is a mathematical approach used in quantum mechanics to calculate the probability of a particle moving from one point to another. It involves summing over all possible paths that the particle could take.

What is Kubo formalism?

Kubo formalism is a theoretical framework used to calculate transport properties, such as conductivity, in materials. It is based on the linear response theory which relates the response of a system to an external perturbation.

How are path integral and Kubo formalism related to conductivity?

In the context of conductivity, path integral and Kubo formalism are used to calculate the electrical conductivity of a material. They take into account the interactions between electrons and the atomic structure of the material.

What are the advantages of using path integral and Kubo formalism for calculating conductivity?

Path integral and Kubo formalism offer a more accurate and comprehensive approach to calculating conductivity compared to traditional methods. They take into account the quantum mechanical properties of the material, leading to more accurate results.
