Conductors and circuits for nuclear force

  • #1
Steven Hanna
Is it possible to create something like a circuit powered by the strong nuclear force rather than the electromotive force of a battery? If so, what would be examples of some conductors and resistors that could go in such a circuit?
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  • #2
Not yet. However, perhaps a Nobel Prize awaits you for the creativity the rest of us lack.
  • #3
Of course, nuclear reactors produce energy based on the release on energy based on the nuclear force. But that energy is immediate converted to thermal energy and eventually electric energy. There are certainly more direct ways of having nuclear reactions directly power electric circuits, but you are asking for "strong nuclear" components and circuitry.

So the particles that carry the strong force are mesons - with half lives of as much as about half a nanosecond. Some have charge and they could be made to follow a circuit. But when they interact with atoms, the interaction will be either electronic (which we exclude as an answer to your question) or directly with the atomic nucleus (any one of the 339 atomic isotopes).

That gets us into some interesting design problems. The most direct way of assembling a "system" of nuclei that might do something useful with mesons (like amplify the meson current or perform a Boolean operation) would be to assemble them in a crystal or other molecule. You would then need to "operate" this circuit without destroying those molecules. So you would need very tame "meson operating energies". Even then, these mesons are going to decay into, among other things, photons - and those photons are going to do a job on those molecules.

So I will take a guess at your question: My guess is that something imaginative could be devised in the way of a very simple meson component - perhaps an exclusive-or gate - probably using only a single atomic nucleus. The conductors would be either a vacuum or enough of a vacuum so as not to interfere with the travel of the meson. The device might very well operate under QM rules - so don't expect exactly a "resistor", but there make be a mechanism to control the velocity of the meson relative to the "component".
  • #4
Not yet? Probably not ever. The range of the strong force is about a millionth the diameter of an atom. What would you make the wires out of?
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FAQ: Conductors and circuits for nuclear force

What is a nuclear force and how does it differ from electromagnetic force?

The nuclear force, also known as the strong force, is one of the four fundamental forces of nature. It is responsible for binding protons and neutrons together in the nucleus of an atom. Unlike the electromagnetic force, which acts between charged particles and can be either attractive or repulsive, the nuclear force is always attractive at the distances relevant to nuclear particles. It operates over a much shorter range, only effective at distances on the order of femtometers (10^-15 meters).

Can nuclear forces be conducted through circuits like electrical currents?

No, nuclear forces cannot be conducted through circuits in the same way electrical currents are. Electrical currents involve the movement of electrons through a conductor, such as a wire, facilitated by the electromagnetic force. Nuclear forces, on the other hand, act at a subatomic level and are not mediated by the movement of particles through a macroscopic conductor. They are confined to the atomic nucleus and do not propagate through materials in the same manner.

What materials are commonly used in circuits for studying nuclear forces?

In experimental nuclear physics, materials such as silicon, germanium, and various scintillators (like sodium iodide) are commonly used in detectors to study nuclear forces. These materials are chosen for their ability to interact with nuclear particles and produce measurable signals. However, these materials do not conduct nuclear forces; instead, they detect the byproducts of nuclear interactions, such as radiation or particle emissions.

How do particle accelerators use conductors to study nuclear forces?

Particle accelerators use conductors primarily to generate and control electromagnetic fields, which are used to accelerate charged particles to high speeds. These high-speed particles are then collided with targets or other particles to study the resulting nuclear interactions. The conductors in the accelerators themselves do not conduct nuclear forces; rather, they facilitate the conditions necessary for nuclear forces to be observed and studied through particle collisions.

What role do superconductors play in nuclear physics experiments?

Superconductors play a crucial role in nuclear physics experiments, particularly in the construction of powerful electromagnets used in particle accelerators and magnetic confinement devices. Superconductors can carry large currents without resistance, allowing for the creation of extremely strong magnetic fields. These fields are essential for bending and focusing particle beams in accelerators and for confining plasma in fusion reactors, enabling detailed studies of nuclear forces and reactions.

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