Conference Non-Commutative Geometry, Strings and Gravity

In summary, a conference organized by Prof. Ali Chamseddine and Prof. Michael Volkov, with support from the STUDIUM, will be held in Tours on May 25-27, 2011 to discuss recent developments in Noncommutative Geometry, Strings, and Gravity. The conference aims to find common ground among researchers and explore potential collaborations towards a theory of all fundamental interactions. A lineup of renowned speakers will present on various topics, and the slides for the presentations will be available on the conference website.
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A Conference in Tours on May 25-27 2011 organized by Prof. Ali Chamseddine and Prof. Michael Volkov and supported by the STUDIUM.

The purpose of the STUDIUM CONFERENCE
A conference to discuss recent developments in Noncommutative Geometry, Strings and Gravity among leaders in the three fields. These fields have many common features and use similar mathematical methods. This platform to exchange ideas and methods will help to find common ground among researchers and point to fruitful directions of future research, especially towards formulation of a theory of all fundamental interactions.

"Spectral action, scale anomaly and the Higgs-Dilaton potential", by Fedele Lizzi

"State sum models, induced gravity and the spectral action", by John Barrett

"Spectral action for Robertson-Walker metrics", by Ali Chamseddine and Alain Connes

"String theory dualities and supergravity divergences", by Pierre Vanhove

"The Rubakov-Callan scattering on the supergravity monopole", by Michael S. Volkov

"Kohn's and Larmor's Theorem to Non-Commutative Spacetime", by Garry W. Gibbons

"From Quantum Gravity to Quantum Field Theory via Noncommutative Geometry", by Jesper M. Grimstrup

"Equivariant dimensional reduction over noncommutative spaces", by Giovanni Landi

"The spectral action for Dirac operators with torsion", by Christoph A. Stephan

"Deformation quantization for actions of Kahler groups", by Victor Gayral

"Non-commutative and non-associative closed string geometry from flux compactifications", by Dieter Luest

"The supermagic triangle 1980", by Bernard Julia

Slides availables here :
Physics news on
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Dear forum members,

I am thrilled to announce the upcoming STUDIUM Conference in Tours on May 25-27, 2011. This conference, organized by Prof. Ali Chamseddine and Prof. Michael Volkov, with support from the STUDIUM, will bring together leaders in the fields of Noncommutative Geometry, Strings, and Gravity to discuss recent developments and exchange ideas and methods.

The purpose of this conference is to find common ground among researchers in these fields and explore potential collaborations towards the formulation of a theory of all fundamental interactions. We have a fantastic lineup of speakers, including Fedele Lizzi, John Barrett, Ali Chamseddine, Alain Connes, Pierre Vanhove, Michael S. Volkov, Garry W. Gibbons, Jesper M. Grimstrup, Giovanni Landi, Christoph A. Stephan, Victor Gayral, Dieter Luest, and Bernard Julia.

Some of the topics that will be covered include the spectral action, induced gravity, string theory dualities, and noncommutative and non-associative closed string geometry. We will also have presentations on the application of Kohn's and Larmor's Theorem to non-commutative spacetime, equivariant dimensional reduction over noncommutative spaces, and deformation quantization for actions of Kahler groups.

We are also excited to announce that the slides for the presentations will be available on our website for those who are unable to attend in person. We hope that this conference will be a platform for fruitful discussions and collaborations among researchers in these fields.

We look forward to seeing you all in Tours on May 25-27, 2011.

Prof. Ali Chamseddine and Prof. Michael Volkov

FAQ: Conference Non-Commutative Geometry, Strings and Gravity

1. What is Non-Commutative Geometry?

Non-Commutative Geometry is a branch of mathematics that studies spaces and their geometries using non-commutative algebraic structures. It has applications in various fields, including physics and quantum mechanics.

2. How is Non-Commutative Geometry related to String Theory?

Non-Commutative Geometry provides a mathematical framework for understanding the behavior of strings in space-time. It has been used to explain the symmetries and dualities observed in string theory and has led to new developments in the field.

3. What is the significance of Non-Commutative Geometry in understanding Gravity?

Non-Commutative Geometry has been used to develop new approaches to quantum gravity, which is the study of gravity at the quantum level. It has also been used to describe the geometry of space-time in theories that go beyond Einstein's theory of general relativity.

4. What topics will be covered in the Conference on Non-Commutative Geometry, Strings and Gravity?

The conference will cover a wide range of topics related to non-commutative geometry, strings, and gravity, including recent developments and applications in these fields. There will also be discussions on the current challenges and future directions of research in this area.

5. Who should attend the Conference on Non-Commutative Geometry, Strings and Gravity?

The conference will be of interest to researchers, academics, and students working in the fields of non-commutative geometry, string theory, and quantum gravity. It will also be beneficial for anyone interested in learning about the latest developments in these fields and their potential applications.
