Confirmed: Yeasts Evolution from Whole Genome Duplication

  • Thread starter iansmith
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In summary, the publication of four new yeast genomic sequences in Nature this week has provided further evidence for the controversial idea of whole genome duplication in Saccharomyces cerevisiae. The high-coverage sequences of these four species reveal evidence of three different mechanisms of gene duplication, confirming the proposal put forward by Ken Wolfe in 1997. This idea was initially opposed by Bernard Dujon and his colleagues, but they have since changed their minds after conducting more thorough sequencing. This research supports the theory of genome duplication followed by gene loss as a method of speciation.
  • #1
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Publication of four more genomes confirm disputed whole genome duplication theory | By Cathy Holding

The publication in Nature this week of four yeast genomic sequences seems to have confirmed the controversial idea, introduced in 1997, that whole genome duplication occurred in Saccharomyces cerevisiae.

The very high-coverage sequences—with virtually no gaps—of four species of yeast reveal evidence of tandem gene duplication, segmental duplication (coduplication of tens to hundreds of genes), and whole genome duplication, said study coauthor Giles Fischer, who worked with Bernard Dujon and others at the Centre Nationale de la Recherche Scientifique in France. "One of the major forces that has driven evolution is gene duplication followed by gene loss," Fischer said, "but we did not find only one single mechanism of gene duplication, we found three."

"During the last 2 or 3 years, about 10 novel yeast sequences have been completed, and now the comparison of these sequences has brought one conclusion which is very clear," said André Goffeau, a professor at the Institut des Sciences Vie, Université Catholique de Louvain, Belgium, who wrote an accompanying News and Views article. The proposal of whole genome duplication in S. cerevisiae—first put forward by Ken Wolfe, professor at the department of Genetics, Trinity College Dublin—"is now fully proven without doubt," Goffeau told The Scientist.

"Dujon was one of the people who was most opposed to this hypothesis," Wolfe, who was not involved in the study, told The Scientist. He said that in 2000, the French group did limited sequencing of 13 species of yeasts and drew the conclusion that there was no evidence to support the genome duplication idea. "It wasn't even draft sequencing, it was 0.2-fold coverage," said Wolfe. "They've completely turned around and changed their minds now—very gratifying for me."
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  • #2
I don't know a whole lot about yeast, but I've been advocating genome duplication followed by gene loss as a method of relatively quick speciation on message boards for a while now and I'm glad to see this. Further evidence with which to boost my arguments.
  • #3

This is an exciting development in the field of yeast evolution research. The confirmation of whole genome duplication in Saccharomyces cerevisiae through the publication of four high-coverage genomic sequences is a significant contribution to our understanding of the evolutionary processes in this organism. The discovery of three mechanisms of gene duplication adds further evidence to support the idea that gene duplication followed by gene loss is a major driving force in evolution.

It is interesting to note that this study also confirms the disputed whole genome duplication theory that was first introduced in 1997. The fact that this theory has now been proven without a doubt is a testament to the advancements in sequencing technology and the dedication of researchers in this field. It is also worth mentioning the change of mind of the French group, who were initially opposed to this hypothesis but have now changed their stance based on the evidence presented in this study.

Overall, this is a significant contribution to our understanding of yeast evolution and opens up new avenues for further research in this area. It will be interesting to see how this discovery impacts our understanding of other organisms and their evolutionary processes.

FAQ: Confirmed: Yeasts Evolution from Whole Genome Duplication

1. What is "Confirmed: Yeasts Evolution from Whole Genome Duplication"?

"Confirmed: Yeasts Evolution from Whole Genome Duplication" is a scientific study that provides evidence for the theory that yeasts, a type of single-celled fungus, evolved through a process known as whole genome duplication. This means that at some point in their evolutionary history, yeasts experienced a complete duplication of their entire genome, resulting in two copies of every gene.

2. Why is this study important?

This study is important because it sheds light on the evolutionary history of yeasts, which are important organisms for scientific research and have many industrial and medical applications. Understanding how yeasts evolved can also provide insights into the evolution of other organisms, including humans.

3. How was this study conducted?

This study analyzed the genomes of various yeast species to look for evidence of whole genome duplication. The researchers also compared the genomes of yeasts to those of other organisms to see how they were related and to determine when the whole genome duplication event may have occurred.

4. What were the results of this study?

The results of this study confirmed that yeasts did indeed undergo whole genome duplication at some point in their evolutionary history. The researchers also found that this event likely occurred around 100 million years ago, which is relatively recent in evolutionary terms.

5. How does this study contribute to our understanding of evolution?

This study adds to our understanding of evolution by providing evidence for the role of whole genome duplication in the evolution of yeasts. It also highlights the importance of gene duplication in driving evolutionary change and diversification of species.

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