Confused about Polarity of Induced EMF (Lenz Law)

In summary, Lenz's law is a consequence of energy conservation and helps you determine the direction of the induced EMF.
  • #1
Hello, I am currently working through Faraday's Law and I am confused when my two textbooks don't explain how they set the polarity of [tex]V_{emf}[/tex], particularly when they say "the sign convention for [tex]V_{emf}[/tex] is arbitrary in that it depends on the assumed direction for dS". How is the polarity related to dS?

The formula I am using is [tex]v_{emf} = - \int_c \vec{B}\cdot d\vec{S} = \oint_c \vec{E}\cdot d\vec{L}[/tex]

Here's a diagram that you can try explaining it from.



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  • #2
For one thing, that equation is incorrect." states how the induced EMF relates to the rate of change of the magnetic flux ([itex]\Phi[/itex]):

[tex]{EMF} = - d\Phi/dt[/tex]

The polarity of the EMF (the meaning of the minus sign) is given by".
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  • #3
Oops i left out the time differential. Can anyone explain what my textbook is saying?
  • #4
What they are trying to tell you is that the orientation of the surface determines the direction of the line integral. Imagine a circle (which we'll be finding the flux through) drawn on the x-y plane at z = 0 . If we arbitrarily choose +z as the direction of the surface element (dS) that means the line integral will go counter-clockwise when viewed from the +z axis looking down. And if we choose the opposite orientation, the line integral will go clockwise when viewed from +z.

So if we've chosen an orientation such that the line integral goes clockwise, a negative EMF means that the EMF is oriented counter-clockwise.

Make sense?
  • #5
Doc Al. Lenz's Law in my text reads more like a hastily scribbled perscription than single law. First there's a given flux that yields the chirility of the EMF. Then an (implied) inducted current. Then the induced current is said to product a magnetic field that opposes the induced flux.
  • #6
Phrak said:
Doc Al. Lenz's Law in my text reads more like a hastily scribbled perscription than single law. First there's a given flux that yields the chirility of the EMF. Then an (implied) inducted current. Then the induced current is said to product a magnetic field that opposes the induced flux.
Lenz's law can be considered part of Faraday's law--the part that helps you determine the direction of the induced EMF (the negative sign in Faraday's law). It's a consequence of energy conservation. Not sure what you mean by calling it "hastily scribbled". :confused:
  • #7
Doc Al said:
Lenz's law can be considered part of Faraday's law--the part that helps you determine the direction of the induced EMF (the negative sign in Faraday's law). It's a consequence of energy conservation. Not sure what you mean by calling it "hastily scribbled". :confused:
Well, perhaps "hasilt scribbled" is overly critical. But what I'm given are really three laws rather than one. If I break them down into my own numbering, Lenz1 determines the direction of EMF as you say.

The secone one (Lenz2) says that there could be a current as a result of the EMF, which seems to be a already obtained from Lorentz law.

Lenz3 says that an induced current generates an additional magnetic flux in opposition to the impressed flux. It's the result of two handedness operations, so I don't think it is really dependent upon Lenz1 anymore; the induced flux acts to impose the impressed flux no matter what handedness you give the coordinate system. Though my text later presents self inductance as a result of Lenz3, I'm skeptical that Lenz3 is an independent axiom that isn't inherent in Faraday's Law.

FAQ: Confused about Polarity of Induced EMF (Lenz Law)

1. What is the concept of polarity in induced EMF (Lenz Law)?

Polarity in induced EMF refers to the direction of the current flow in a circuit caused by a changing magnetic field. According to Lenz Law, the induced current will always flow in such a direction as to oppose the change in the magnetic field that caused it. This can result in either a positive or negative polarity, depending on the direction of the magnetic field change.

2. How does Lenz Law explain the concept of polarity in induced EMF?

Lenz Law is based on the principle of conservation of energy, which states that energy cannot be created or destroyed. When a magnetic field changes, it induces an EMF in a nearby conductor. The induced current then creates its own magnetic field, which opposes the change in the original magnetic field. This opposition results in the polarity of the induced EMF.

3. Can polarity in induced EMF be reversed?

Yes, polarity in induced EMF can be reversed. This can occur when the direction of the changing magnetic field is reversed. In this case, the induced current will also change direction, causing the polarity to switch. However, the magnitude of the induced EMF will remain the same.

4. How does the concept of polarity in induced EMF apply to transformers?

In transformers, the changing magnetic field is created by an alternating current passing through the primary coil. This induces an alternating current in the secondary coil, which results in a changing magnetic field. The induced EMF in the secondary coil will have the opposite polarity of the primary coil, as dictated by Lenz Law.

5. What are some practical applications of understanding polarity in induced EMF?

Understanding polarity in induced EMF is important in various fields, such as electrical engineering, telecommunications, and power generation. It is crucial in designing and operating devices that use electromagnetic induction, such as transformers, generators, and motors. It also helps in preventing damage to electronic devices by ensuring that induced currents do not interfere with the intended operation of the device.

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