Confused about space expansion? Me too.

In summary: Gravity is space time curvature. Anything that changes the curvature (mass) causes a ripple in space time. This ripple travels at the speed of light. So, if you have two masses separated by a large distance, the ripple in space time will cause the masses to attract to each other.
  • #1
Confused about space expansion?? Me too.

Space expansion is occurring from what we can observe.

In another thread about gravity i read that gravity is space time essentially, as if you introduced an object into Earth's atmosphere it would instantly be subjected to Earth's gravity as it would instantly be in space time, and that gravity waves would travel along space time should the Earth be split in 2 thus the object not instantly feeling the change in gravity, but would be affected once it felt 'waves'.

Now, what are these waves?? Is it a ripple of space time, or a ripple of gravity?? Or is gravity in fact space time, and any change in gravity causes a ripple of space time??

Now i need to understand this as a precursor to my next questions about space expansion.

Can space time expand of it's own doing, or does it need gravitational force of separate bodies of mass moving away from each other, in order to be expanded??

I understand on a basic level how gravity can cause distortion to space time, by the movement of mass. But i can't understand the reversal of this process where space time can cause the movement of mass. Yet essentially if space expansion is the 'cause' of distant recessional bodies that are observed, it is not the mass of the bodies moving causing expansion, but the expansion moving the bodies, so what is the actual force causing this mass to move??

Also, has space expansion been observed on anything of a smaller scale, whereby distance has increased between 2 objects because the space expanded?? why does not everything get bigger??

On a tangent to this topic, recessional bodies that were >c can now be observed because they are no longer traveling >c. this would indicate reduction in speed. what is the cause of this reduction?

Now if space time is gravity, and can expand, then gravity is not related to mass, as space time(gravity) has expanded yet the mass has remaind the same.

Please you demons of knowledge HELP!
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  • #2

Mass causes 'ripples' in space-time, which is gravity according to Einsteins theory of gravity.

Now, are you really asking what gravity waves is and what's causing them?
  • #3

azzkika said:
Space expansion is occurring from what we can observe.

In another thread about gravity i read that gravity is space time essentially, as if you introduced an object into Earth's atmosphere it would instantly be subjected to Earth's gravity as it would instantly be in space time, and that gravity waves would travel along space time should the Earth be split in 2 thus the object not instantly feeling the change in gravity, but would be affected once it felt 'waves'.

Now, what are these waves?? Is it a ripple of space time, or a ripple of gravity?? Or is gravity in fact space time, and any change in gravity causes a ripple of space time??

"Gravitation" is how humans call the curvature of spacetime (which is composed of curved space and delated time), and any change in curvature of spacetime causes a ripple of spacetime that travels with speed of light (c) causing gravitational effects wherever they get.

According to Einstein the mechanism it this: when space gets a little expanded by the presence of mass M in its vicinity, and the time gets a little dilated, it makes the coordinate speed of light (one seen by any observer, [tex]C(x)=\sqrt{\frac{d\tau(x)}{dt}}c[/tex]) a little slower outside the mass M since [tex]\frac{d\tau(x)}{dt}<1[/tex] Now, the energy of any physical object is its [tex]mC^2(x)[/tex] and this [tex]C(x)[/tex] drops along x towards mass M so the energy of this object also drops towards mass M. The result is that there is a force [tex]F = - \frac{dE}{dx}[/tex] which humans used to call "gravitational attracton". Which obviously is no attraction, just looks like one since this force is directed towards mass M causing the whole mess I just mentioned. And it also is equal (approximately only) to [tex]\frac{G M m}{r^2}[/tex] that was by one of them humans "discovered" as the "law of universal gravitational attraction". It was hundreds years ago when humans were not able to measure timespace precisely enough to notice the changes around masses that Einstein noticed, having rather a keen mind. If not for this the humans might think many more years (as some still do) that "mass attract each other".

azzkika said:
Now i need to understand this as a precursor to my next questions about space expansion.

Can space time expand of it's own doing, or does it need gravitational force of separate bodies of mass moving away from each other, in order to be expanded??

I understand on a basic level how gravity can cause distortion to space time, by the movement of mass. But i can't understand the reversal of this process where space time can cause the movement of mass.

I just explained this point but as you may see the gravitational forces can't push anything appart since the gravitational mechanism can emulate the attraction only. And therefore gravitation can't be responsible for pushing bodies away from each other. At least not according to Einstein. So we need another theory of gravitation, which as far as I know isn't ready yet. We have just the observations that I can't explain since I know only Einstein's gravitation.

azzkika said:
Yet essentially if space expansion is the 'cause' of distant recessional bodies that are observed, it is not the mass of the bodies moving causing expansion, but the expansion moving the bodies, so what is the actual force causing this mass to move??

Also, has space expansion been observed on anything of a smaller scale, whereby distance has increased between 2 objects because the space expanded?? why does not everything get bigger??

On a tangent to this topic, recessional bodies that were >c can now be observed because they are no longer traveling >c. this would indicate reduction in speed. what is the cause of this reduction?

Now if space time is gravity, and can expand, then gravity is not related to mass, as space time(gravity) has expanded yet the mass has remaind the same.

Please you demons of knowledge HELP!
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  • #4

I'm still a bit puzzled by it all, but i doubt i'll ever fully comprehend it. assuming that space time was expanding >c then would the gravity in this space time be traveling >c also?? as i thought it impossible for gravity to >c.
  • #5

JimJast said:
I just explained this point but as you may see the gravitational forces can't push anything appart since the gravitational mechanism can emulate the attraction only. And therefore gravitation can't be responsible for pushing bodies away from each other. At least not according to Einstein. So we need another theory of gravitation, which as far as I know isn't ready yet. We have just the observations that I can't explain since I know only Einstein's gravitation.

Could gravity beyond where the recessions are moving exist, and be the cause of the recession, and why the reduction in recession?? I thought the space time was expanding at an accelerating rate not a slowing one.
  • #6

azzkika said:
I'm still a bit puzzled by it all, but i doubt i'll ever fully comprehend it. assuming that space time was expanding >c then would the gravity in this space time be traveling >c also?? as i thought it impossible for gravity to >c.

The >c stuff hangs only on an assumption that the distancies between bodies are increasing. This assumption my be wrong because it hangs also ona an assumption that also may be wrong that the observed redshifts of galaxis are caused by increase of the distances from us to them. IMO it is safer to assume that it is the time at those galxies that is running slower due to Einstein's relativity (it may be shown that such assumption follows Einstein's physics). Then you don't have any >c situations.

FAQ: Confused about space expansion? Me too.

1. What is space expansion?

Space expansion refers to the process by which the universe is growing larger and larger over time. This expansion is happening at an accelerating rate and is believed to be driven by dark energy, a mysterious force that makes up about 70% of the universe.

2. How do we know that space is expanding?

We know that space is expanding because of the observations of distant galaxies. By measuring the light emitted from these galaxies, we can see that they are moving away from us at increasing speeds. This is known as the redshift of light and is a key piece of evidence for the expansion of the universe.

3. Is space expansion the same as the Big Bang?

No, space expansion is not the same as the Big Bang. The Big Bang is the event that is believed to have started the expansion of the universe, but the expansion itself is an ongoing process that continues to this day. The Big Bang theory is the most widely accepted explanation for the beginning of the universe, but there are other theories as well.

4. Will space expansion ever stop?

It is currently believed that space expansion will continue indefinitely. However, there are some theories that suggest the expansion may eventually slow down or even reverse. This would result in a "Big Crunch" where the universe collapses in on itself. However, more research and observations are needed to determine the ultimate fate of the universe.

5. How does space expansion affect us on Earth?

On a day-to-day basis, we do not notice the effects of space expansion on Earth. This is because the expansion is happening on such a large scale and at a very slow rate. However, over millions and billions of years, space expansion will have significant impacts on the structure and evolution of the universe. It also plays a role in the formation of galaxies and the distribution of matter throughout the universe.

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