Confused about the difference method

In summary: I see, you did not want us to help you with the sum in the first place: you just want to make a summary of the conversation.In summary, the conversation discusses using the difference method to sum the series ##\sum_{n=2}^N\frac {2n-1}{2n^2(n-1)^2}##. One approach is to use the formula ##\sum_{k=1}^m f(N-k+1)-\sum_{k=1}^m f(1-k)##, but it must be used with caution and understanding of the terms involved. It is generally better to derive the sum from first principles to fully understand the process.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Use the diffence method to sum the series ##\sum_{n=2}^N\frac {2n-1}{2n^2(n-1)^2}##

Homework Equations

from the textbook by Riley i have ##S_N=\sum_{k=1}^m f(N-k+1)-\sum_{k=1}^m f(1-k)##

The Attempt at a Solution

I prefer to write it as ##S_N=\sum_{k=1}^m f(N-m+k)-\sum_{k=1}^m f(k-m)##
And i write the problem as ##S=-\frac1 2 \sum_{n=0}^{N-2} \left(\frac1{(n+2)^2}-\frac1{(n+1)^2}\right)## so we have ##f(n)=-\frac1{2(n+2)^2}## and ##m=1##

##\begin{align}S_N &=\sum_{k=1}^1 f((N-2)-1+k) - \sum_{k=0}^1 f(k-1)\nonumber\\&=f(N-2)-f(0)\nonumber\\&=-\frac1 2\left(\frac 1 {N^2} - \frac 1 {2^2}\right)\nonumber\end{align}## I know this is wrong but why?
But if i write the problem as ##S=-\frac 1 2 \sum_{n=1}^{N-1} \left(\frac1{(n+1)^2}-\frac 1 {n^2}\right)## so that ##f(n)=-\frac 1{2(n+1)^2}## and ##m=1##. Processing as the previous result we get ##S_N=-\frac 1 2\left(\frac 1 {N^2} - 1\right)## and i get the right answer.
My question is why the first way is wrong and the second way is right ( i mean it produce the right answer). I know how to do this problem without using the formula given by the book. I just want to try it with the difference method.
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  • #2
Enelafoxa said:

Homework Statement

Use the diffence method to sum the series ##\sum_{n=2}^N\frac {2n-1}{2n^2(n-1)^2}##

Homework Equations

from the textbook by Riley i have ##S_N=\sum_{k=1}^m f(N-k+1)-\sum_{k=1}^m f(1-k)##

The Attempt at a Solution

I prefer to write it as ##S_N=\sum_{k=1}^m f(N-m+k)-\sum_{k=1}^m f(k-m)##
And i write the problem as ##S=-\frac1 2 \sum_{n=0}^{N-2} \left(\frac1{(n+2)^2}-\frac1{(n+1)^2}\right)## so we have ##f(n)=-\frac1{2(n+2)^2}## and ##m=1##

##\begin{align}S_N &=\sum_{k=1}^1 f((N-2)-1+k) - \sum_{k=0}^1 f(k-1)\nonumber\\&=f(N-2)-f(0)\nonumber\\&=-\frac1 2\left(\frac 1 {N^2} - \frac 1 {2^2}\right)\nonumber\end{align}## I know this is wrong but why?
But if i write the problem as ##S=-\frac 1 2 \sum_{n=1}^{N-1} \left(\frac1{(n+1)^2}-\frac 1 {n^2}\right)## so that ##f(n)=-\frac 1{2(n+1)^2}## and ##m=1##. Processing as the previous result we get ##S_N=-\frac 1 2\left(\frac 1 {N^2} - 1\right)## and i get the right answer.
My question is why the first way is wrong and the second way is right ( i mean it produce the right answer). I know how to do this problem without using the formula given by the book. I just want to try it with the difference method.

If your book says ##\sum_{k=1}^m f(N-k+1)-\sum_{k=1}^m f(1-k)## you should throw out the book, because no formula like that can have anything to do with this problem. Are you sure you have not mis-read what the book says?
  • #3
Yes it is K.F Riley and M.P Hobson' book.. Third edition.. Here they are..


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  • #4
I just curious about the formula... Is it really work? If it is, is there any exception?
  • #5
Enelafoxa said:
Yes it is K.F Riley and M.P Hobson' book.. Third edition.. Here they are..

Well, alright: the formula ##\sum_{k=1}^m f(N-k+1)-\sum_{k=1}^m f(1-k)## can be correct, if you choose ##m## correctly---but you have not said what ##m## should be?

However, it is much better to NOT use formulas unless you understand exactly where they come from. Doing problems from first principles is absolutely the only way to really learn the subject.

Basically, you try to write a sum of the form ##\sum_{k=r}^N f(k)## in the form##\sum_{k=r}^N [g(k) - g(k-r)]##, giving
$$ g(r)-g(0) + g(r+1) - g(1) + \cdots + g(N) - g(N-r).$$
For all large ##N##, most of the terms will cancel, leaving only terms in ##g(0), g(1), \ldots, g(r-1)## and ##g(N-r+1), \ldots g(N-1), g(N)##. For the special case of ##r=1## this gives ##\text{sum} = g(N) - g(0).##
  • #6
Yes Sir, i already derive it by myself. A little different, but it produce the same thing. This is what i got from my derivation ##\sum_{k=1}^m f(N-m+k) - \sum_{k=1}^m f(m-k)## like i wrote above.. I knew what m mean sir..
  • #7
Of course i will not using formula that i don't understand the meaning of it, i always trying to reproduce it myself.. As long as i can.. :').
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  • #8
Enelafoxa said:
Yes Sir, i already derive it by myself. A little different, but it produce the same thing. This is what i got from my derivation ##\sum_{k=1}^m f(N-m+k) - \sum_{k=1}^m f(m-k)## like i wrote above.. I knew what m mean sir..

OK, so why did you not tell us what ##m## or function ##f(n)## you want to use?
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  • #9
I forgot to wrote it Sir.. Sorry, my bad... :')
##f(n)## is defined as a function of n such that ##u_n=f(n)-f(n-m)## with m as a 'difference' between the two (i mean like 5-3=2, 5 is differ from 2 by 3, so in this example i have 3 as my 'm'. Sorry i can't be more rigour like a mathemathician because i only have a little knowledge).
For my problem here i have a specific case which the value of m is 1.
Correct me if i wrong sir, i need to study more and more.
Thank you for your attention about my silly question :').
  • #10
Enelafoxa said:
I forgot to wrote it Sir.. Sorry, my bad... :')
##f(n)## is defined as a function of n such that ##u_n=f(n)-f(n-m)## with m as a 'difference' between the two (i mean like 5-3=2, 5 is differ from 2 by 3, so in this example i have 3 as my 'm'. Sorry i can't be more rigour like a mathemathician because i only have a little knowledge).
For my problem here i have a specific case which the value of m is 1.
Correct me if i wrong sir, i need to study more and more.
Thank you for your attention about my silly question :').

$$\frac{1}{(n-1)^2}-\frac{1}{n^2} = \frac{2n-1}{n^2 (n^2-1)}$$
for all ##n > 1##, so your sum has the form
$$\text{sum} = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{n=2}^N \left[ \frac{1}{(n-1)^2} - \frac{1}{n^2} \right]. $$
  • #11
That was my first approach to the problem sir.. But there is something bother me.. From that we get ##f(n)=-\frac 1 {2n^2}## and if we use the formula of ##S_N## we get ##S_N=f(N)-f(0)##. The problem is the function is undefined at ##n=0##. That's why i try to change the original problem.
  • #12
Enelafoxa said:
That was my first approach to the problem sir.. But there is something bother me.. From that we get ##f(n)=-\frac 1 {2n^2}## and if we use the formula of ##S_N## we get ##S_N=f(N)-f(0)##. The problem is the function is undefined at ##n=0##. That's why i try to change the original problem.

No: look again. The sum goes from ##n = 2## to ##n = N##, so ##S_N = f(N) - f(1)##. There is no ##f(0)## anywhere.
  • #13
I understand what you mean sir... But there is something bothering me from the book... For example : Evaluate the sum $$\sum_{n=1}^N \frac 1 {n(n+2)}$$
Using partial fraction we find $$u_n=-\left[\frac 1{2(n+2)}-\frac 1{2n}\right]$$
Hence ##u_n=f(n)-f(n-2)## with ##f(n)=-\frac 1 {2(n+2)}##, and so the sum is given by $$\begin{align}S_N&=\sum_{k=1}^m f(N-k+1)-\sum_{k=1}^m f(1-k)\nonumber\\&=\sum_{k=1}^2 f(N-k+1)-\sum_{k=1}^2 f(1-k)\nonumber\\&=f(N)+f(N-1)-f(0)-f(-1)\nonumber\\&=\frac 3 4 -\frac 1 2 \left( \frac 1 {N+2} + \frac 1 {N+1} \right)\nonumber\end{align}$$
There exist ##f(-1)## even if the original summation begin from ##n=1##!
So, back to our problem, if i apply the formula from the book directly i'll get ##S_N=f(N)-f(0)## not ##S_N=f(N)-f(2)## as we know it'll produce the right answer. Precisely, my question is why we can't apply the formula directly to produce the right answer? Is there any error in the formula or something i don't urderstand yet? The example above i took from the book. You may look at the picture I've uploaded before.
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  • #14
Enelafoxa said:
I understand what you mean sir... But there is something bothering me from the book... For example : Evaluate the sum $$\sum_{n=1}^N \frac 1 {n(n+2)}$$
Using partial fraction we find $$u_n=-\left[\frac 1{2(n+2)}-\frac 1{2n}\right]$$
Hence ##u_n=f(n)-f(n-2)## with ##f(n)=-\frac 1 {2(n+2)}##, and so the sum is given by $$\begin{align}S_N&=\sum_{k=1}^m f(N-k+1)-\sum_{k=1}^m f(1-k)\nonumber\\&=\sum_{k=1}^2 f(N-k+1)-\sum_{k=1}^2 f(1-k)\nonumber\\&=f(N)+f(N-1)-f(0)-f(-1)\nonumber\\&=\frac 3 4 -\frac 1 2 \left( \frac 1 {N+2} + \frac 1 {N+1} \nonumber\end{align}$$
There exist ##f(-1)## even if the original summation begin from ##n=1##!
So, back to our problem, if i apply the formula from the book directly i'll get ##S_N=f(N)-f(0)## not ##S_N=f(N)-f(2)## as we know it'll produce the right answer. Precisely, my question is why we can't apply the formula directly to produce the right answer? Is ther any error in the formula or something i don't urderstand yet? The example above i took from the book. You may look at the picture I've uploaded before.
We have
$$\frac{1}{n} - \frac{1}{n+2} = \frac{2}{n(n+2)},$$
$$S_N = \sum_{n=1}^N \frac{1}{n(n+2)} = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{n=1}^N \left[ \frac{1}{n} - \frac{1}{n+2} \right] $$
This can be written as
$$S_N = \frac{1}{2} \sum_{n=3}^{N+2} \left[ \frac{1}{n-2} - \frac{1}{n} \right]. $$
Think about it carefully.
  • #15
I think i have my way to get out from this confusion sir..
I see that the author of that book derive the equation from ##\sum_{n=1}^N u_n## he took the summation from ##n=1##. So we can use the formula directly only when the summation begin from ##n=1##. So i want to generalized this result for the summation that begin with ##n=a##.
For ##\sum_{n=a}^N u_n## we define ##u_n=f(n)-f(n-m)##
$$\begin{align}S_N&=f(a)-f(a-m)+f(a+1)-f(a+1-m)+f(a+2)-f(a+2-m)+ ... +f(N-1)-f(N-1-m)+f(N)-f(N-m)\nonumber\\&=f(N)+f(N-1)+...+f(N-m+2)+f(N-m+1)-f(a-m)-f(a+1-m)-...-f(a-1)\nonumber\\&=\sum_{k=0}^{m-1} f(N-k) - \sum_{k=0}^{m-1} f(a+k-m)\nonumber\end{align}$$
Now we can apply this directly to our original problem with ##a=2##
$$\begin{align}S_N&=\sum_{k=0}^0 f(N-k)-\sum_{k=0}^0 f(1+k)\nonumber\\&=f(N)-f(1)\nonumber\\&=-\frac 1 2 \left(\frac 1{N^2} -1\right)\nonumber\end{align}$$
There i got the right answer finally... :')

FAQ: Confused about the difference method

1. What is the "difference method" in scientific research?

The "difference method" is a research methodology that involves comparing two or more groups or conditions to determine the effect of a particular variable. It is often used in experiments to measure the impact of an independent variable on a dependent variable.

2. How is the "difference method" different from other research methods?

The "difference method" differs from other research methods, such as correlation or descriptive studies, in that it focuses on identifying causal relationships between variables. It seeks to determine whether changes in one variable directly lead to changes in another variable.

3. What are some examples of studies that use the "difference method"?

Some common examples of studies that use the "difference method" include experiments that compare the effects of different medications on a particular disease, studies that compare the academic achievement of students who receive different types of instruction, and research that investigates the impact of environmental factors on behavior.

4. What are the advantages of using the "difference method" in research?

The "difference method" allows researchers to establish cause and effect relationships between variables, which is often difficult to do with other research methods. It also allows for control of extraneous variables, making the results more reliable and valid.

5. What are some limitations of the "difference method"?

One limitation of the "difference method" is that it may not be applicable to all research questions or situations. It also requires a large sample size and can be time-consuming and costly. Additionally, there may be ethical concerns with manipulating variables in certain studies.

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