Confused- Integrating a vector field along a curve in 3D.

In summary, the problem involves evaluating the integral of a vector function over a contour formed by the boundary of a surface. The surface is defined as a sphere quadrant in spherical coordinates, and the path of integration is along the boundary of this quadrant. The infinitesimal displacement is calculated using the position vector of the surface, and it is found that only one of the three arcs contributes to the integral.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Let f be a vector function, f = (xz, 0, 0), and C a contour formed by the boundary of the surface S

S : x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = R^2 , x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0, z ≥ 0 , and oriented counterclockwise (as seen from the origin).
Evaluate the integral
(Closed integral sign) f · dr , directly as a contour integral. [8 marks]

The Attempt at a Solution

Here's what I tried:

-The shell of the sphere quadrant in spherical co-ords is:
x = R sin(theta)cos(phi)
y = R sin(theta)sin(phi)
z = R cos(theta)

for theta, phi between 0 and pi/2, gives the surface. However, we want to integrate along the boundary, i.e. along the following theta-phi routes:


Now I have the path I want to integrate over.

for dr in the integratal (i.e. dr is the infintiesimal displacement), I used:

(let U be the (x,y,z) function defined above, the position vector for the surface)

dr = dU/d(theta) * d(theta) + dU/d(phi) * d(phi)

I've tried figuring it out from there but it gets very messy. Far too messy for an 8 mark question.

Thanks very much! Joel

Sorry for lack of LATEX use, I'm trying to learn!
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  • #2
joelio36 said:

Homework Statement

Let f be a vector function, f = (xz, 0, 0), and C a contour formed by the boundary of the surface S

S : x^2 + y^2 + z^2 = R^2 , x ≥ 0, y ≥ 0, z ≥ 0 , and oriented counterclockwise (as seen from the origin).
Evaluate the integral
(Closed integral sign) f · dr , directly as a contour integral. [8 marks]

The Attempt at a Solution

Here's what I tried:

-The shell of the sphere quadrant in spherical co-ords is:
x = R sin(theta)cos(phi)
y = R sin(theta)sin(phi)
z = R cos(theta)

for theta, phi between 0 and pi/2, gives the surface. However, we want to integrate along the boundary, i.e. along the following theta-phi routes:


Now I have the path I want to integrate over.

for dr in the integratal (i.e. dr is the infintiesimal displacement), I used:

(let U be the (x,y,z) function defined above, the position vector for the surface)

dr = dU/d(theta) * d(theta) + dU/d(phi) * d(phi)

I've tried figuring it out from there but it gets very messy. Far too messy for an 8 mark question.

Thanks very much! Joel

Sorry for lack of LATEX use, I'm trying to learn!

Remember what you are integrating:

[tex]\int_C \langle xz, 0, 0\rangle \cdot \langle dx,dy,dz\rangle[/tex]

You only get one term and if you look carefully you will see that only one of the three arcs gives anything nonzero.

FAQ: Confused- Integrating a vector field along a curve in 3D.

1. What is a vector field?

A vector field is a mathematical concept that assigns a vector to every point in a given space. In simpler terms, it is a way to represent the direction and magnitude of a quantity at different locations in space.

2. How is a vector field integrated along a curve?

To integrate a vector field along a curve in 3D, you would use a process called line integration. This involves breaking the curve into small segments, finding the vector field at each point along the curve, and then adding up the dot products of the vectors along the curve to find the total integrated value.

3. Why is integrating a vector field along a curve important?

Integrating a vector field along a curve allows us to calculate the work done by a force or the flow of a fluid along a specific path. This can be useful in many fields, including physics, engineering, and fluid dynamics.

4. What are some real-world applications of integrating a vector field along a curve?

Some examples of real-world applications include calculating the flow of air or water in a fluid dynamics system, determining the force required to move an object along a specific path, and evaluating the electric or magnetic field along a wire or circuit.

5. Are there any limitations to integrating a vector field along a curve in 3D?

One limitation is that the curve must be a smooth, continuous path. Additionally, the vector field must be well-defined and continuous at all points along the curve. In some cases, it may also be necessary to break the curve into smaller segments to improve the accuracy of the integration.

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