Confused on when to take derivative

In summary: Therefore, C1 must be a critical point of the function ln(C1) + ln(160 – 1.1C1).In summary, the conversation discusses an economy where individuals have preferences over consumption and can save money in bank accounts. The optimal consumption in each period is found by maximizing lifetime utility subject to a budget constraint. The key identifier for finding the derivative is when the problem asks for the maximum value of a function, and the critical points of the function are where the slope is zero. The word "optimal" also indicates that the derivative needs to be set to zero to solve.
  • #1
Here is a question we did in class...Why in the answer do we take the derivatve? How do we know to take the derivative? What in the problem would have set us off to look for the derivative and set to 0?

Consider an economy that is composed of identical individuals who live for two periods. These individuals have preferences over consumption in periods 1 and 2 given
by U = ln(C1) + ln(C2). They receive an income of 100 in period 1 and an income of 50
in period 2. They can save as much of their income as they like in bank accounts,
earning an interest rate of 10% per period. They do not care about their children, so
they spend all their money before the end of period 2. Each individual’s lifetime budget constraint is given by C1+ C2/(1 + r) = Y1+ Y2/(1+ r). Individuals choose consumption in each period by maximizing lifetime utility subject to this lifetime budget constraint.

here is part a. and the answer

a. What is the individual’s optimal consumption in each period? How much saving
does he or she do in the first period?
Individuals solve
max U = ln(C1) + ln(C2) subject to C1+ C2/(1.1) = 100 + 50/(1.1).
Rearrange the budget constraint C2= 110 + 50 – 1.1C1 and plug into the maximand: max U = ln(C1) + ln(160 – 1.1C1).
Then take the derivative and set it equal to zero:1/C1= 1.1/(160 – 1.1C1), or 2.2C1
= 160.

So C1
≈ 72.7, and savings 100 – C1≈ 27.3. The optimal consumption in the second period is then 50 + 1.1(100 – C1) = 80
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  • #2
The critical points of a function are where the slope of the function is zero.
The maximum is a critical point.
The slope is given by the derivative.
  • #3
What was the key identifier in that problem that must find the derivative? There is no mention in the chapter of derivatives at all, so I am just trying to appreciate what signifies the derivative needing to be set to zero to solve.
  • #4
swoodward said:
What was the key identifier in that problem that must find the derivative? There is no mention in the chapter of derivatives at all, so I am just trying to appreciate what signifies the derivative needing to be set to zero to solve.
When it asked you to find the maximum value of a function.
A particular course may not explicitly teach all the tools needed for the course - you have been presumed to have a minimum calculus knowledge such as how to find and characterize the critical points of a function. The rest is reading/comprehension: do you recognize when you have a function and when you have to find a max or a min.
Here the key word is "optimal".

You have a function U = ln(C1) + ln(160 – 1.1C1) and the optimum U is when this function is a maximum (hence the "maximand" wording).
U is a maximum for C1: dU/dC1 = 0.
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  • #5

I would like to clarify that taking the derivative in this problem is necessary in order to find the optimal consumption in each period. In economics, we use calculus to find the maximum or minimum value of a function, which in this case is the individual's utility function. By taking the derivative and setting it equal to zero, we are finding the critical point where the function reaches its maximum value. This is known as the first-order condition in optimization problems.

In this problem, we know to take the derivative because we are trying to maximize the individual's utility function subject to their budget constraint. The budget constraint sets a limit on the individual's total consumption, and by maximizing their utility, we can find the optimal allocation of consumption between the two periods.

In general, in optimization problems like this, we look for clues in the problem that indicate we need to take the derivative. In this case, the problem explicitly states that the individual is trying to maximize their utility, which is a clear indication that we need to use calculus. Additionally, the budget constraint and the fact that the individual has a limited income also point towards using calculus to find the optimal solution.

In summary, taking the derivative is a necessary step in finding the optimal solution in this problem because we are using calculus to maximize the individual's utility function subject to their budget constraint. By setting the derivative equal to zero, we can find the critical point and determine the optimal consumption in each period.

Related to Confused on when to take derivative

1. What is a derivative?

A derivative is a mathematical concept that measures the rate of change of a function with respect to its input. It represents the slope of the tangent line to the graph of the function at a specific point.

2. When should I take a derivative?

Derivatives are commonly used in various fields of science, such as physics, economics, and engineering, to analyze the rate of change of a quantity. They are also used in mathematics to find maximum and minimum values of a function and to solve optimization problems.

3. How do I calculate a derivative?

The process of finding a derivative is called differentiation. There are various methods for calculating derivatives, such as the power rule, product rule, quotient rule, and chain rule. These methods involve analyzing the function and applying specific rules and formulas to find the derivative.

4. What are the applications of derivatives?

Derivatives have numerous applications in science and mathematics. In physics, they are used to analyze motion and acceleration. In economics, they are used to analyze supply and demand curves. In engineering, they are used to analyze the rate of change of a system. In mathematics, they are used to find the slope of a curve, to solve optimization problems, and to study the behavior of functions.

5. Can I use derivatives to solve real-world problems?

Yes, derivatives are commonly used to solve real-world problems in various fields of science and mathematics. They allow us to analyze the rate of change of a quantity and make predictions about its behavior. By understanding derivatives and their applications, we can solve problems and make informed decisions in our daily lives.

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