Confusing question about statistical mechanics

In summary, the conversation discusses the use of optical tweezers to manipulate atoms and models a small quantum tweezer with energy levels and a partition function. It then asks for the partition function and average occupation number at a specific temperature, taking into account the distinguishability of atoms. The conversation then discusses the effects of the Pauli exclusion principle and indistinguishability on the results. It also introduces the concept of an atom reservoir and chemical potential in relation to the number of atoms in the tweezer. The final question asks for the value of the chemical potential that would result in exactly 3 atoms in the tweezer at low temperatures.
  • #1

Homework Statement

Optical tweezers have been used to control and manipulate atoms. For
simplicity, we model a very small quantum tweezer as a structure having quan-
tum levels with energies E n = n, where n = 0, 1, 2...N, and N  1.
A) Assume that the atoms are distinguishable and that there are ten atoms in the
tweezer. Calculate the partition function for this quantum tweezer as a function
of temperature. At temperature T , what is the average occupation number of
atoms in the ground state (i.e. n = 0 level) following this assumption?
B) Fermionic atoms are indistinguishable and obey the Pauli exclusion principle.
(For Parts B-D of this problem you should assume that the atoms are all spin
polarized—in other words, assume the fermions are all identical spin states.)
Find out in which limit the results in part A are approximately correct for
fermionic atoms.
C) Use the Pauli exclusion principle and derive the exact partition function for
a quantum tweezer weakly connected to an atom reservoir (so that atoms can
be exchanged) with the chemical potential set to µ.
D) By varying the chemical potential, one can control the number of atoms in
the tweezer. For what value of µ can you be certain to load exactly 3 atoms
into the tweezer in the low T limit?

Homework Equations

Boltzmann distribution [itex] \bar{n} = \frac{e^{\frac{\epsilon_{n}}{kT}}}{\sum^N_{n=0} e^{\frac{\epsilon_{n}}{kT}}} [/itex]

Fermi-Dirac distribution [itex] \frac{1}{e^{\frac{\epsilon_{n}-\mu}{kT}}+1} [/itex]

The Attempt at a Solution

To be honest I'm somewhat confused about what this question is actually asking for in parts A and B. It seems to be that's its almost asking for a derivation if quantum statistics. First its asks for the partition function and average occupation number (Boltzmann distribution).

Then it asks how would this change if we took into account the Pauli exclusion principle and indistiguishability which seems like it would mean a derivation of the Fermi-Dirac distribution.

Does this seem like I'm reading this right?
Physics news on
  • #2
Is this really what it's asking for? For C and D, I'm also lost. If someone could shed some light on this, it would be much appreciated.

FAQ: Confusing question about statistical mechanics

1. What is statistical mechanics?

Statistical mechanics is a branch of physics that uses statistical methods to explain the behavior of a large number of particles, such as atoms and molecules, in a system. It helps us understand how macroscopic properties, like temperature and pressure, are related to the microscopic behavior of particles.

2. How is statistical mechanics different from classical mechanics?

Classical mechanics deals with the motion of individual particles, while statistical mechanics studies the average behavior of a large number of particles. Classical mechanics follows deterministic laws, while statistical mechanics uses probability to describe the behavior of particles.

3. What is the role of entropy in statistical mechanics?

Entropy is a measure of the disorder or randomness in a system. In statistical mechanics, entropy is used to describe the distribution of energy among particles in a system. It allows us to predict the most likely state of a system and understand how it will evolve over time.

4. How does statistical mechanics relate to thermodynamics?

Thermodynamics is a branch of physics that deals with the relationship between heat, work, and energy. Statistical mechanics provides a microscopic understanding of the concepts in thermodynamics. It explains how macroscopic properties, like temperature and pressure, arise from the behavior of particles in a system.

5. What are some applications of statistical mechanics?

Statistical mechanics has many applications, including understanding the behavior of gases, liquids, and solids, predicting the properties of materials, and studying phase transitions. It is also used in fields such as chemistry, biology, and engineering to model and analyze complex systems.

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